The Cerebral Narcissist

What is a cerebral narcissist? It all boils down as a narcissist who think they know everything and a big expert at everything and of course you can’t tell a narc …




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4 thoughts on “The Cerebral Narcissist

  1. Great video, thanks. Wish you love too!

  2. Thanks for continuing this. You are spot on. Their game is to make us feel stupid like we are not capable of knowing anything. I met quite a few. The most recent was a man who kept saying "No it's not like that. It's not for that reason. No." They dismiss since they are polarized into narrow-mindedness. It's their word and their opinion alone and everyone else is is completely wrong.

  3. been here since your first video, so glad to see you so well… thank you for showing us that recovery really does work !!