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23 thoughts on “The Female Narcissist Is Destructive & How Male Victims of Narcissistic Abuse Are Underserved

  1. You start off sounding supportive of men then wind up being a little condescending and not understanding how society prevents us from speaking about female abuse. Women are seen through my eyes as dangerous. It is not obvious that they are not. Women who have been abused by men  have a lifetime also of not seeing men as they are.  An example of societys acceptance of women speaking about abuse and it not being acceptable for a man to  speak of it:  I was in an AA meeting, two women spoke up about being molested as children. No one batted an eye. Socially acceptable.  I thought it would be ok to say I also was molested. NO!    Society, not a mans weakness, prevents us from speaking of abuse.

  2. Therapy is a cottage industry. Practitioners are only as good as the patient who interviews them, but the rub is that the patient has to know exactly what they have before they can get the good service. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot and there is more likelihood the patient will be misdiagnosed with a more general or common affliction and prescribed drugs to remove all sense of feeling, and hence deny the patient a true road to healing. Victims of narcissist abuse need their feelings intact to find the way out. There is so much more to this, and all the variables are so FUBAR that any chance of recovering through therapy is drastically reduced to about 1 in 100.

  3. When you talk about men not being willing to admit abuse. Talking about my being molested by a female people don't want to hear about as they want to hold on to the perception women don't abuse. It is not men are not unwilling all the time. Finding someone who will validate that women abuse is not always easy. it is still common for people to think only men molest. The female theripists I saw 20 years ago all wanted to focus on my abuse by my dad etc. Never wanted to help me with abuse by my Mom. It is not politically correct to point out women are also evil.                                          Another point:   Reality that not all women are dangerous is not a reality check. It is work experience rebuilding the trust. Work experience being exposed to healthy women.  Same as women who have been abused by men they also have a hard time not profiling all men as abusers.

  4. Excellent – so glad you are highlighting this. I have learned painfully how true this is. There is a societal tilt that excuses female abuse (even physical), and thinks a guy should just get over it. Unfortunately, many of these women are highly skilled at relational and reputation management and even more talented at playing the victim when they are the abuser. Keep up the good work – this area needs chronic attention. I have also enjoyed Shrink4Men channel as well, sounds like you are both are much needed voices. Thank you!!!

  5. The one I married saw me coming. I was a young screwed up man who had no business marrying a woman in the first place. She objected to my visits with a therapist and complained that I pursued an education. It never let up. She wished to hold me back.

    I learned better and left the marriage. She then turned the kids on me and I fell into the trap and behaved badly. I can still see that smirk on her face when she pushed me to the point of frustration and I showed anger. The kids never caught on. They just figure that I mistreated her and and never saw her sneaky and mean-spirited behavior.

    They won't get me back.

  6. der Kunstier. This youtube person was very bold. I was with a covert female narcissist for 4.5 years and she hurt me more than any other human being of either gender. She finished up about a year after we split up getting the police to mental health test me and (I passed and I'm not crazy) She also askedf the police for me to have no more contact with her. This helps her look better and makes me look dangerous which is actually the reverse of the truth 🙂 About 8 months after thisa episode I saw a male councillor who introduced me to the concept of narcissism. My ex scored 27 out of 30 traits. She is a fragile/covert narcissist. I am still recovering from all my exs bullshit. What this youtube presenter shared about female narcissists is 100% accurate. I am in a new rel;ationship and I am afraid that my pasrtner may be like my toxic ex. Its vewry very hard to trust again after these women work you over.

  7. thank you for this video, you have definitely helped me thank you! !

  8. Fierce self-protection is often the result of being abused. Our vigilance system goes into overdrive and becomes hyper-vigilance. When women encounter men who lack loving authority, they can generalize and become man-haters.
    Feminism is an admitted CIA psypp created to capture that self-protection feminine energy and re-direct it for social engineering purposes.
    When men encounter women who lack a nurturing/respectful response and resist partnership, but scorn good love (maybe they were already scarred), then men likewise are susceptible to generalizing the pain from a vindictive woman, and can become women-haters (MGTOW). Scorning all relationship with women.
    I'm writing this post because BOTH reactions of fierce self-protection have a "positive intention" component to them to avoid further harm, but both are probably in reaction to NARCISSISTIC ABUSE. When the victim tries to be a "giver" and the narcissist PREYS on that giving heart to "take" and not give back in reciprocity. It’s bitterly painful, you feel so defrauded, and it is easy to start generalizing about the opposite gender. DO put in place healthy boundaries, but DON'T let self-protection get out of hand with extremes or over-generalizations.
    Friends, PLEASE don't generalize, but consider that maybe the times the opposite sex hurt you, maybe (likely these days) they were on that narcissist-sociopath-psychopath spectrum themselves. Maybe they used you because they were so empty inside. Maybe they pumped and then dumped on your self-esteem because it served their immediate agenda of control. That certainly does not excuse them and I hope they face the full wickedness of their actions, but don't generalize about the opposite sex. There certainly are plenty of selfish and abusive people out there, but there are GIVERS out there too. There are those who won't play games with your heart and return the sincerity.
    We're all VERY imperfect, but there are good hearts out there. Don't further wound yourself in either trap of feminism or MGTOW. Hatred does not put out hatred, only love can quenche and dissolve hate.
    And love is often very HARD and takes huge COURAGE! You need boldness to love well. But that is exactly why we are all called to be "overcomers" – to overcome even hatred with supernatural love. Jesus fill us with YOUR life and YOUR love – so we can overcome anything and everything a sinful world can throw at us. Let us be conduits that bring YOI – Your Presence and healing and solutions and restoration to all the situations around us – to our own hearts and on outwards to all the hearts around us. Holy God and savior, you are our HERO. You are our ransomer, our savior, our deliverer. Deliver us from ALL abusers, Lord, But also deliver our hearts from being poisoned by bitterness, revenge, vindictiveness or hatred. We OVERCOME for we place ourselves INSIDE the Cross of Christ by which you overcome all that was accusing and against us.
    Jesus, we RECEIVE: your life, your healing, your redemption, your restoration and your grace, by faith in your good heart. Turn our hearts into your heart. We choose life. We choose love. We choose Jesus Christ.

  9. Good video overall. You lost track on the MGTOW subject. Seems to me you made an assessment prematurely on that whole phenomenon. I don't think it was with malicious intent, more of knee jerk reaction on your behalf to what I can only presume was an entirely differnt approach, as you see it, to an age old question. "what can men do for themselves?" A man is defined himself through out history as a servant of others. He took pride in this, and society sprung from his sacrifice and work. Now that drive is still in him, but society seems to have forgot his contribution towards it, and it's chief benefactors, women, have turned on him at their earliest convience. His role is no longer respected, or according to many in the world no longer needed. He is not needed, except for his sperm and his payroll. "what can man do for himself?"" The only thing that can guarantee he will be saved from real dangers, especially emotional and financial dangers. go his own way. that's not extreme in my opinion it seems rather practical, though downright saddening.

  10. Will you get to the point? You're all over the place.

  11. I looked this up because I have slowly collected a group of sister in laws who are inline with these character flaws… "the-paths". The thing is, I'm beginning to wonder if I myself am projecting and amplifying these behaviors because I challenge them at every turn and I have some narcissistic aunts and parent. I guess because I have experience dealing with these type of women I have made my SIL's "isolate" me… I naturally repel them. Not necessarily a bad thing. lol You can only be "ruined" if you play a victim.
    You need just need to get over it, give others a chance at friendships and avoid selfish people at all costs.

  12. sandman is a robot disinfo program. psycologists need to stay in school, forever… observations are not the final answers. you sound like most women. it also sounds like your tongue likes to lick your ear 🙂 i am being honest

  13. I've experience many narcissistic women in my life.. My mother..all my sisters, my doughter, and my ex wife.

  14. Women always want to be told how pretty they are, which tells me that they are very into themselves by nature.. I don't fault them for it, but it does fucking suck.

  15. The only women I see that aren't narcistic are either gay, bi or tomboyish.

  16. An honest woman like yourself is very hard to come by, and therefor make you highly attractive to men.

  17. I believe there are many more female narcissists than men.

  18. I was kicked out of a bar in Iowa for being too frightening. I don't know what the trigger was, but the fact I was being held responsible for someone else's prejudices was absolutely beyond doubt

  19. OMG In america women are completely self centered. And by that I mean there are more narcissistic self centered women than not. By that I mean I can barely find any!

    Like it should at least be around half and half, but literally girls who aren't narcissistic and self absorbed is few and far between, and if they aren;t narcissistic, they have narcissistic friends who greatly influence them.

    All Ithe guys I know try to do is be good to a women, and if I'm not the best of the best at all times they'll get treated like shit. No one should feel like they are so much better than someone to the extent that they have 'the right' to treat someone like crap.

    All I ask for women is to think about if they would consider how they're acting would be appropriate for man to act. Just treat people with respect, and don't think guys only want sex. We're human we will have sex, but if how sexy you are is all that matters, then you will have problems, and probably think its the other persons fault.

  20. this person is a silly girl

  21. Why is there almost no material for narcissistic abuse of men by men?

  22. My mother, her mother, many of my aunts, most of my female cousins, my best friend, my ex-mother-in-law, my ex-sister-in-law… they are all Cluster B. They are horrible people but most people refuse to believe they behave the way they behave. They make excuses for them. Most of them are very, very good at playing other people, especially men. They play innocent, or dumb, or they use sex to get their way or to get away with their behavior. It is awful.

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