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13 thoughts on “The Grooming Tactics Of The Narcissist Sexual Predator

  1. To the writer of this story, thank you for sharing. I can't imagine how long it took pondering and how difficult it was to share, major kudos on your part for that. To Ollie: thank you for posting a video with this topic. It is recently one I learned about in therapy, "Grooming". It's never ceases to baffle me how narcs,sexual predators, countries apart have pretty much the same exact abuse tactics.
    Again,major kudos to you Teresa. Stay the course and don't slip back into the convenience of denial.

  2. That´s the question I asked myself. If I would ever have a child … would I want to be that child around my parents (and brother)? Clear answer. NO. Why? Because it would break my heart to see/hear that my father/brother were talking to my child in the same way they did to me. And also my mother would be O.K. with it. Because, well. Her excuse was always that my father/brother didn´t mean it in the bad way when they made me cry because of the way they talked and treated me. Deep down they really love me … my mother used to say. Well. I think it is not normal to make people cry and feel bad about themselves when you truly love them. But maybe I am wrong …

  3. Sending lots of love and light thank you so much for posting these wonderful videos to help humanity and everyone out there that may be suffering from this thank God for YouTube

  4. the tender moments are the control methoods to stop you going to the police or telling on them.

  5. Excellent point…would you let your child around this person?

  6. So a minor in America can be prosecuted for child pornography for sending a nude selfie? Because we have to protect the victims of child pornography, even if the "victim" is the person sending the photo of themself? The hypocrisy of our legal system is the main reason actual abuse is allowed to continue.
    If it's prosecutable child pornogaphy for the child to send their own nude photos to another minor, then surely it must be considered statutory rape for that same minor to have sexual intercourse with another minor. But not only do the courts not prosecute that, the schools assist, and frankly encourage, this to happen.
    The schools and the government are the biggest narcissists, and their subtle "grooming" of minors to be sexually active is the same sort of "sexual abuse" as in these families, on a societywide scale. It's really the same principle. The pretense of taking child pornography seriously by prosecuting minors for sending selfies is just a tactic to distract from the fact that the government, through its public schools, is in fact "grooming" and enabling underage sex. If it doesn't matter that a minor sent their selfies to another minor, then it shouldn't matter that a minor is having intercourse or other sexual behaviors with other minors. Legalistic hypocrisy.

  7. God bless u Ollie…thank u for your videos! Merry Christmas!! O:-) Peace…

  8. sexual perverts are the f**king worst omg. SICKOS.

  9. I didn't mean to sound bossy or preachy. I hope you find good true friends. Thanks for sharing your story.

  10. Listen to Ollie, honey. Just the photo incident alone is enough to go no contact permanently. Let alone all the manipulative narc abuse. You're a good girl for telling the truth. He is a grown man completely responsible for his own actions. Nothing he ever did was your fault – and still today. Not your fault. We have to love the truth. We have to see reality. I wanted my ex to be around for our kids and help w rides to school or sports… His help was no help. It was always a problem. Nothing like your story, but even his help was no help. Your dad's good was not good. It was a lie.

  11. To the writer, as I told another survivor, these evil beings walk with satin, and in John 10-10 it says The thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. Psalms 27-10 says, Although my father and mother have foresaken me, yet the Lord will take me up (adopt me as His child). God bless you!

  12. So sorry! 🙁
    Congratulations on your careers. I know just how awful it feels to need anything from these types! It's extremely freeing when you don't. Plus, They take great pleasure in knowing we need anything from them! Try to only deal with one turkey this year 😉 Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. Even if the narcissistic parent did not sexually abuse, they can still groom you so that you can semi-function in society and not be totally traumatized all the time, as you said. I feel guilty for cutting off my narcissistic parents sometimes, because they weren't abusive every single moment of the day. We did have times where we would laugh and joke with one another and seem like a "normal" family…but the way they ripped me apart mentally and emotionally far overshadows that.

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