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31 thoughts on “Traits of a Covert Narcissist Husband

  1. I forgot so sorry you and your children went through this trauma. I am going to guess you are very intelligent, loving, kind hearted and caring. That you give your all to your family!
    Unfortunately, those are the women narcissists look for ones that are very kind and caring.
    I am also, very sensitive and I'm sure that's why he came my way.

  2. Thats funny they think you are them.. mine is in a crisis now and he said you are in a mid life crisis too. Nope I said.
    Your driving me crazy though!

  3. ……..Yes, Yes, Yes… that's him. You are describing him exactly scarey. He left me with 2 days notice after many years together. Then, I let him come back. Guess what he wants to leave again but wants me to remain in his life. He is eating a lot lot lot. I'm not heavy he is. Sits on his bum all the time watching t.v. Why I do the yard work and take care of pets,etc.. OMG he is into himself yes. Twists & turns everything around. He always says you do too.

  4. I had to stop taking you serious because while you may have had a nassacistic husband. the income tax is illegal but there have been few chances to legally fight it

  5. my ex did all this stuff to me!!! but he looks so happy with his new fiance ( he proposed after 4 months! i was with him for 4yrs!

  6. Wow I can relate to so much here. My ex had $30,000 stashed in a bank account. He was getting his bank statements sent to his parents house, but one day his father said something about it, thinking I already knew. And then his brother confirmed it. Meanwhile, Im struggling to find money for medication. What did the narc say? Deny deny deny of course!

  7. My ex narcissist boyfriend fit this to a "T".

  8. Hey raven it Erica, I'm not sure about sending his aunt a letter because narcissistic people or gaslighting personalities they like to keep their family members in their pocket and on other side, you know that there are people pleasers and he aims to please his aunt his mom dad and his cousins and uncle the run their self ragged trying to keep up with everybody needs if you know that she caught on to him then that would probably be the best idea if it makes you feel better but in my experience they just think we are more crazy and he's going to say see I tell u she was crazy because she's probably going to show him, good luck I hope it works let me know I'm here for you if you need to talk god bless you

  9. Hi this is Erica, raven I have to say I'm sorry for misunderstand u,and my husband is better now,somebody sayed not even God will change this people, but that's not true, I'm done a 180,and so did he,but he gave it to God…….God is soooo good raven,and no me and my family will serve the the lord,,,,God bless you with all, you do sister. ….big hug…plz resonance when you free. ….

  10. As him a "libertarian"?

  11. Thank you for sharing your story. My last relationship was with a covert narcissist. It was so damaging, I no longer want to be with anyone. I'm 2 and a half years free and loving my life.

  12. I wonder why most narcs are extremely racists.

  13. Wow you completely described my soon to be ex. Thank you!

  14. He sounds like a real peach LOL

  15. Omg!! everything you described except for the materialistic, fits my boyfriend to a T!!! Even what you said about the always feeling attacked and get when they make comments that are condescending that anyone would view as that they act oblivious to what they said!! Thank you for this video!

  16. are you sure you are not talking about my ex boyfriend. I just left him 3 weeks ago (It would have been our 15 year anniversary on the 18th of this month)
    I've seen other videos on covert narc men but none of them have come this close to my ex. Its still weird saying ex.

  17. If I didn't know any better, I would swear that we have the same ex-narc. Mine just finalized divorce #4, (none of which were HIS fault, of course…) and introduced his kids to his brand new girlfriend in under two weeks.

  18. Raven you perfectly described my narc. My narc blames EVERYTHING and EVERYONE for why he's a failure in life. Interestingly, he never blames the one thing that he actually could and that is his disability. He NEVER accuses people of discriminating against him for being disabled. I think he avoids that because it really is the truth and it's a defect in him that he loathes in himself.

  19. You described my ex-boyfriend perfectly, but I would have to add lying to my experience

  20. You described my ex-boyfriend perfectly, but I would have to add lying to my experience

  21. you just described my ex husband and my ex boyfriend! honest! the only difference between them is that the ex husband made a lot of money and the ex-bf has a more humble job, which made no difference to me because I thought he was different =(

  22. Hi my name is Erica first thing I want to say is I love the pictures behind you the fact that they're not in frames lets me know that you made them, I also am still married and with my gas light personality and they keep comparing it to a narcissist the psychological abuse is just so terrible anything you pride yourself in they will tell you you aren't thats so if you're trustworthy person they will tell you you're not if your priding yourself I'm not being a liar I'll tell you you're a liar if you are home with the children all the time and you don't go anywhere except for the store will call you a cheater this is where the mirroring and the deflection and projection comes in where they are guilty of something and they are accusing you of the very thing that they're doing somehow you're the cheater you're the bad parent you know that's what they do and in special cases he has moved things around or turn things off line and said that he didn't do it like important documents just go missing and he said I had them all along even though I kept checking the shelves to make sure they were still there well that's all I'm going to say from now I know exactly what you went through and I'm sure you won't be fooled again for me I can't leave him right now because he's very vindictive and I need to find another way around it please comment thank you God bless

  23. wow this is all so stereotypical yet he blaming it all onto me and trying too turn all the kid and all our friends against me, always so true i aam the bad one yet i would not hurt a fly wow it is so rediculous!! thank God for Paperwork and trails! i do not understand when it comes to attempted murder why therapist paperwork can not be pulled up if he admitted too it!! i was always ind debt too, mortgaged twice here trying to get windows in my front porch as there was only storms i am in Canada and neither time i got them both times thousands went missing right off the top, i am paying for life and he stopped paying mortgage all together back in february and i had to play catchup with 0 money in account as that was cleaned out too!! when in bed or weak or in recovery beware!! the abuse seems to be everywhere and all of them from physical too financial too mental was all of it and a very sad life too be caught up into! now that your allowed your happiness may you smile daily and may God send you a proper man who truly cares for you and may you never again attract what you had <3 is a living hell on earth

  24. You just gave me all the information I need to determine I am ending a marriage with a covert narc. Thank you for this video. This is so helpful to me. I found the answers. It's scary, yet relieving me of the unanswered questions I had for so long.

  25. I found that the only "experts" are the N's intimates. I have years of counseling with different types of therapists, psychologists etc, and NONE of them knew anything about personality disorders. Not one of them ever brought up personality disorders. They acted as if I was with a garden variety abuser but it was nothing like that. My mother was a N, and so was every partner I ever had. I blamed myself for attracting these types, but really, it was all I ever knew.

  26. They are master manipulative lying scumbags who thinks noone knows him. Jealousy, Out of bounds,not caring, lack of empathy,charismatic,Always victimized,DeSire to destroy anyone he feels is weaker than him?? Callous,Cowardice, Me me me Yeah you..

  27. It's interesting that you mentioned IRS. When my husband stopped working before even telling me or getting on disability SS, he used his 401K and got penalty fees we already paid, but in his fear mode paid them again.. didn't ask for it back, then got letters from IRS not paying, yet they had all wrong information easily correctable EVEN that he had no dependents or spouse. A huge deducible difference. He cancelled his life insurance, took early pension, let the IRS continue to garnish his SS without correcting them [ 9 years of this], when I begged him to gather his papers [ in his name, I can not do them without his signing] he said it was "too much stress for him".. we never once owed them until he stopped work and pulled this stuff. Then he told me a year ago his pension is ending in two years. I cannot get on SS, I have some real disabilities and was a homemaker for years with five children. It is nothing less then financial terrorism. He also moved into our new home, just as he stopped working, after our last home burnt down and immediately went to the hospital…he is always claiming to have something wrong with him. So my son and I moved us into this house alone ..when he arrived, he immediately went to the master bedroom, locked the door and I have been forced into another bedroom now for 10 years. He added complete control of affection, sex, to the point I can not be on the same floor or room in the house at the same time he is. He spends most of his entire life in his bedroom now. It is more  then narcissism, it is mental illness. Yet there is no one to discuss it with, he has his own medical clinic, doctor, and obviously has them convinced he is just fine…….I don't think I have ever heard of a story like mine on any of the many you tubes on narcissism so many men and women are doing now. I am literally in a financial crisis, all of my own money and inheritance from my parents is gone thanks to him. I am feeling too old to go live on a street which is exactly where I am going to be soon. He is fine, he has his own medical insurance and supplement's, I have nothing. His own money and at worst case in the near future he can just check into some assisted living and be fine until he dies. If I was talking about him in the younger years I would be sharing much of what most of you younger ones are sharing now. So perhaps, as a warning to most of you doing these videos or listening, this is an example of the end result staying with someone like this. Being isolated inside and out of the home, no family, no friends. He is here 7 days a week and will not leave even to visit his own family in Ohio now for some 24 years. There is no help out there, I tried one church and made a big mistake getting a real abuser to talk to, not even knowing me he had other people around him in the church and told me I had to write down everything I have offended him with and get on my knees and beg his forgiveness. I wanted to commit suicide for weeks after that experience. A few years later this Pastor left the church, a women told me his own wife came to a prayer group asking how to leave him due to his abusiveness. This seems spiritually epidemic to me and growing. My concern is where do we go when we are broken down on all levels ??

  28. I just wish there was some sort of true therapy for covert narcs to get well. I know there's no cure, but if you're in love with one of these people for almost 20 yrs, you can imagine the struggle to want things to work out. Could therapy to heal the covert narc's childhood wounds maybe help a relationship? Can they makes some strides to change if they really claim they want to change?

  29. my wife was a covert narcissist so empty like there was no soul such a moody person they are sick leaving them is the only way to get better

  30. You really had me laughing near the end where he claimed 'white victimization.' Narcs will blame it on everything. They put themselves first and so they keep searching for love/supply without foreseeing a future of the Cinderella scenario with the evil step-mother. No man will ever come before my kids.

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