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20 thoughts on “What happens to the aging Narcissist?

  1. If he's financially successful, you must wonder where he got the money. If you didn't earn it honestly, you must wonder if he may have scammed others out of their money

  2. Your description fits the narc I know perfectly. When her husband died she quickly remarried someone ( a flying monkey) she met online, moved to a small town, joined the local church and proceeded to commence an emotional affair with the pastor. She used the pastor to facilitate her fraudulent therapy practice at the church. The problem was, she didn't have a current license to practice in that state. As one of her victims, I reported her to the board and she is no longer practicing, praise God! So yes, they do run from their problems and will try to reinvent themselves in a new location. Yes, they reap what they sow, and more people in her church are probably seeing through her act. BTW this woman is 78 years old, so they don't stop abusing people into their old age.

  3. Jesus, you and I must have been involved with the same man! I say man, but mean monster.

  4. I would not be interested in a women who cannot support herself, period. That to me is a sign of a person who understands responsibilities. One of the cores to a good relationship is respect, that the partners have respect for each other. With PD types, this does not exist, they can give the impression but long term their self centered nature will be displayed.

    One thing I keep a close eye on is reciprocation. This will tell you if the relationship is balanced. If a woman expects the man to always pay, then she has communicated that her time is more valuable than his. That the man will always have to pay to have her time. That is the start of a relationship with non-equals. And that is the core of relationships with PD, it is a relationship where one person does not see the other as an equal. The key is to see the red flags of this behaviour / belief / attitude in the other person. Or to see a pattern of denial without acceptance of responsibilities or accountability for their part.

    They get worse with age, you cannot change them. It is not your responsibility to change them

  5. Yes they believe they are handsome, but inside they are ugly toxic and twisted. Run!!!!!

  6. What about narcs that live in LARGE cities? Obviously supplies will diminish with age, but in a large city, there are endless amount of people who don't know what he/she is like.

  7. I feel as they age, they use addictions such as alcohol,drugs, to cope with being alone, and the sad pathetic empty shell they are.

  8. Its a shame evil lives so long.. if you are feeding the demons the demons feed you and this usually indicates a long life for the reptilian narc..
    however more people do start to see through it all and the less food they get for their demons..
    they wont reap what they sow until their next life.. and id hate to think what will happen to the average psychopathic narc abuser in their next life/lives…

  9. Smiled – on the settle comment… :- )

  10. Really well said.Thank you.

  11. Sadly, they do not change, they get worse. My 95 year old narc father had his motorized wheelchair taken away last week, because he was deliberately using it as a weapon to run over elderly people in the Veterans home. The old *astard should be in jail!

  12. I can totally relate and when I get angry and want vengeance my husband is the one with the wise words, here are some biblical verses he has given me that help me greatly in regards to NPD abuse, Psalms 37, proverbs 6:16-19, proverbs 11:13, Mathew 23:28, Mathew 6:24, 1 John 2:15, Proverbs 10:9 and Colossians 2:8. Your very insightful and enlightened in your knowledge on this subject, corpscreate and self care haven are also very helpful and highly intuitive in this matter. Thank you for your videos they have been very helpful.

  13. We will all be judged in the end and there's still hope as long as the person is alive for change, especially with copious amounts of prayer :)

  14. I was attacked by a group of lawyers since 2010 or 2002 and it has not been pleasant I find these you tubes on Narcissists very helpful….this is a fraud ring

  15. Thank you for the info. I think I'm luckier than most who get involved with a Narc but it's still been very unpleasant. I realized about a week or do after I left that I had been through a form of domestic abuse. I've tried to educate myself

  16. Great video. IF you ARE older and feel u can't survive or are too old or whatever…stop those self defeating programs ..get out anyway. It's so worth it. My divorce was final in May. I was wed 30 yrs. I am 62! I had no idea about npd until 3 yrs ago. Yes it's difficult to deal with the lying, projecting npd. I promise u can do it. stop listening to them and their verbal vomit. make a plan. God helped me. He will help you. The women's shelters are a great resource. God does Not want his daughters to live in Hell here on Earth. If your spiritual leader tells you to keep trying. …divorce him too…just saying.

  17. Right…. he stays in touch with all his Ex's so he has sources to circle back to. He had them on the side "friends" through our 20 years together but I will not be a friend with him.

  18. Even in a small town..They Never let others see how they REALLY are….and if they are in a high profile job …perfect arena for them

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