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28 thoughts on “What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? (Mental Health Guru)

  1. Married for 12 years to one….a living hell

  2. 85% of millenials are narcissists…c'mon, you fuckers know it's true

  3. I think it goes a step beyond narcissism. I would call it solipsism, which is the ideology that you are the only person that really exists.  These people don't see the need to even consider the rights of others because they believe that only they are real.

  4. Only "one percent" of American adults suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder??

    That's as laughable as saying only one percent suffer from smartphone addiction.

  5. These people are worst than bipolar

  6. "Hurr durr you r a narcissist", "hurr you have ODD", "you have anti-social disorder", "You're paranoid". Sniveling plebs always say this to anyone who is better than the masses or even aspires to rise above them. The spiral eyes close in, hold the individual down and pump him full of drugs to "cure his delusion".

    Modern psychiatry is a joke. A Jewish/Marxist tool to break us and make us into docile goyim, fixing its social norms to that Jewish slave morality: Christianity.

  7. is it just me or do most black women have this

  8. well im not narcissistic im awesome… those psychologists are just jealous -.-

  9. Isn't think like 80% of celebrities????

  10. They forgot the part where some narcassists are exceedingly violent and will torture and break people into being subservient to them. They make great cult leaders.

  11. with all due respect  I dont think you know what you are talking about in regard to this disorder.

  12. Only a narcissist would write a book on this subject, it takes the focus off of their own behavior.

  13. I'm pretty sure most people are like this

  14. welcome to American culture

  15. Alright there! Have you thought about – Fanlan Attracting Females Method (search on google)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my brother got amazing results with attracting hot chicks with this easy method. 

  16. The one's you gotta watch out for are the ones that pose as being the sweetest, generous, empathetic and thus gain a lot of supporters and friends, and they can turn their followers against people they hate. Narcissists usually have the most friends.

  17. People should be cautioned the self proclaimed know it all Sam Vaknin is a narcissist and was in a BBC documentary, people write him thinking he is a therapist or healthy person.  Beaware

  18. well you could always look at the Illuminati learn the symbols and signs learn about subliminal messaging etc what do you think is country so messed up

  19. I'm surprised they didn't mention someone like the Kardashians or Farrah Abraham especially her.

  20. Ok…. I might have this. Trust me

  21. That is disrespectful to Anna Nicole Smith. She did not step on others. Matter of fact she was stepped on, her son was murdered and she was murdered after she suffered for a long time grieving over her son. Was Dr. Drew rejected by Anna? Just wondering. 

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