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35 thoughts on “When You Break Up With A Narcissist They Often Come Running Back-WTF?

  1. I have watched ur video again and again… Now i feel much better and i wont give in ever again! Thank you!

  2. Now i understand, he is just an abusive narcissist.. Thank you

  3. The father. Exactly. I asked my mother recently if she thought my father was a narcissist…she did not know. I think he was, I do not know if he still is, because I stopped seeing him, because he drained my confidence.

  4. Will I always question whether or not they were a NPD person? I keep see the traits but I still wonder if I was right about them, yes she looks so much like my mother. It has been 3 months since we stopped talking, but she went on campaigns this is the second one since the second of Jan 2016. She is trying to show me her new supply loves her so much because she let him call her on the phone and hensaid that he loves her, I think this is dumb because she status updated this on the 15th. to let it be known. She has lied and is still lyung about her whole life and lifestyle, while she puts me down for calling her on breaking the rules of the code of ethics for the clergy, by dating someone she counseled within the five year period. She slide into this while she and I were dating each, and thinks I should be okay with it, so she practices cheating which I hate big time!

  5. Yes! This is the weirdest feeling thing, to have the person who has constantly put you down and dangled you on a string becoming the one who comes back begging you not to leave them – and claiming (possibly believing) that they never said or did all the mean things they did to you. Unless there were witnesses, at which time they may reluctantly admit whatever they now can't hide, but only as much as they have to and with numerous denials, disclaimers & rationalizations.



  7. i broke up with a narc Nov 2nd i am the one who still thought i loved him! i am the one who tried to get him back, why was i hooked to him when he beat me, so this video does not only pertain to the narc, but to the victim getting out!! i have been finacially, emotionally, physically and mentally pounded down, if te crown did not catch him i probably would of died where i was as i got iller physically he got more violent the less i did for him the madder he fgot the less money i had which id id nto find out till after the less use i was too him, so trust me this applies to both sides! GB was part of his ghosting periods, eh told me i would never make it alone, noone will want me, i was useless, unworthy , washed up ppffttt <3 get out stay out many blessings to all

  8. They don't come back. I think they're more secure than that. They will let you go. All the narcissist's I've experienced. Never come back…

  9. Thankyou for your video.This was t story of my life.But I'm out of it n working on my self esteem.I am healing .N except that he will never change.

  10. I want to say that I love to watch your videos. The more I watch the more I am so mixed… in a good way… Like… getting more and more aware but not fixed yet.
    I knew about narcissists, my mother was one.
    The scary stuff is that I get to realise that I am one too! And I affected my kids and I loose out on relationships because of that, but I don't know how to give this up. The crazy side is that I see a narcissist in everyone around me now and I think that I am paranoid! Even in my 15years old son.
    The weird thing is (or maybe thats typical?) is that I was with an absolute narcissist, I tried to please him, I walked on egg shell, I was smiling even when I was crying inside, but in my next relationship I was the one with narcissistic behaviour! I only thought about how I felt, I did not see my partner's needs or did not understand that he have them I thought that all he wants is make me happy.
    I reached out for some help and therapy and it works but its such a long process.

  11. Hi Lisa, a lot of what you are saying makes a lot of sense for my confused feelings and detached emotions. Thank you.
    I loose the sense of connection with what you are saying when you keep repeating term "ACOA". I personally – prefer term "dysfunctional family" its much more applicable to allow me to put myself there to feel its true.
    I thought you might want to know. Maybe somebody else out there feels the same??

  12. I'm so glad I found this video. I went through this breaking up and coming back process so many times…and I blamed myself. I'm just now starting to see that this isn't my fault. I'm sick of the criticism, the emotional abuse, verbal abuse, etc, and the depression and severe anxiety that comes along with it. It's just a relief to watch your videos. I don't feel as though I'm insane anymore. Thanks.

  13. Thank you Lisa.  I'm so sad.  They ARE an illusion.  A mirage.

  14. Non-technically, I was dumped by all three narcissistic ex-boyfriends. The first said a two year relationship never happened but recycles himself through my neighborhood waving each time he passes. The second acted quickly like he too lost interest as soon as my Dad died. He said he suddenly became very busy with work and didn't even bother to come to my Dad's funeral but recycled himself to calling to wail when he lost his job. The third threw a temper tantrum at a cinema show and said, "It's over." I was relieved from his obsession but he started calling to apologize the very next morning, he visited my workplace and even recycled himself to places where I hung out. The latter two called for months afterwards. As I am writing this, I remember that he has something in common with my narcissistic mother. He hated my brother and kept saying he had AIDS. My mother has said the same about every girlfriend my brother presented. Thanks for the video.

  15. Hi Lisa – I have a Question .. Will the Narcissist like discard multiple times and try and re – idealize again and again ?? Will They repeat this pattern of behavior .. Cause my narc has left multiple times quite a few actually in a 7 yr period .. I was was wondering is this a common pattern for them ?? Mine is a covert narc/ sociopath. .. Thank You for any input .. Kaleb

  16. This really helps a lot. Im 27 and finally read the definition of Narcissist. The word and meaning really opens my eyes to see my faults in the partners I choose. I'm trying to get out of a relationship with a Narc now, we have a young baby and it's been hard. Everything's my fault, I'm crazy, and I start problems any time I come to him to talk. I was a full time student, working, had my own place, nice car, and everything going for myself. I've been stripped of everything while his business is growing. He cheats on me, blames me, won't stop watching porn, verbally abuses me, he gets violent in front of our kids, and constantly puts me down, it's been so bad I've just wanted to give up and die. It's torturous and anytime I try to leave he takes my keys or phone and drills negative names in my head. I've done everything including changing my life for him and my boys, gave up my dreams to help him with his business while it's flourishing. He talks bad about me to any and everyone and I've been so stressed I've lost 40 lbs and look so sick I'm embarrassed to go places. He's very jealous and controlling, the only thing he cares about is his business. I need help to get out and I know realizing he'll never change is the first step to understanding I've got to make the move. I only have a little in my savings and he calls me poor, because I stay home because he won't let me put our son in daycare and he wants me to constantly help him with his business so I don't have room for myself ever.

  17. yeah all the time very strange

  18. Been there, done that. Amazing how it was so puzzling, until I found out what a Narc was. Ya, that's why I could do nothing right, no matter how hard I tried. I completely bled out in that marriage.

  19. Thank you for your videos :)

  20. Thank you for sharing all your dealings with narcissists. I, too, had parents who were alcoholics/abandoning and I'm extremely empathic. the narc's I've encountered always resemble my mother and father in some way. Either my mother's overbearing pretend-caring, or my dad's lack of caring and importance of power and value of degrees and intellect over anything else.

    I have noted, in other reading that I have done, that empathetic/feeling people also attract narc's. I've had my fair share of them in my life. They seem to latch onto my kindness. You are a very pretty woman with a good head on your shoulders. I've noticed that narc's like to attach themselves to "strong, good, kind, pretty" women so they can control them/knock them down. I can usually spot one from 3 feet away anymore and I just "avoid."

  21. This broad is N.J. as shit!

  22. I wish I would have found your videos a long time ago. I always labeled her a narcy, but didn't fully understand what it meant. I've now been informing myself and getting my hands on whatever I can about narcissists.
    I know now and I won't go back.
    Thank you

  23. thank you Lisa ..I really take everything you say to heart..I've always over analyzed every situation in my life ..I'm a 44 year old woman who just recently ended a relationship that was very toxic and painful… not to mention I had an abusive childhood witch caused me P T S D…I'm so afraid I am not going to trust enough to really find true love…I'm focusing on educating myself ..I have a great Passion for finding inner piece and knowledge….. your videos are very helpful in achieving my goals….you are wonderful, helpful, and encouraging… bless you sweet lady !!

  24. Thank you for this video. You hit the nail on the head 🙂

    Everything you said is VERY true

  25. EXACTLY! I had a short relation two years ago and the man I dated felt so familiar to me. Not only him. but his family-system, too! I was funny, because he was from Asia and my family is from Scandinavia -but they are exactly the same, same same manipulation. same whatever drama.

  26. I had to work with a narcissist for 3 years and it was a nightmare. I couldn't do anything right and if I didn't do a task exactly how he would have done it he would become aggressive very quickly. Sometimes he would be in a good mood for a couple of hours and then it was like someone clicked their fingers – his mood changed dramatically for the worse. At times I dare not do or say anything that could light the spark. My mind would be spinning constantly in or out of his presence. He made feel useless, unable to think for myself and at times I felt very drained in his presence. Stephen

  27. Yes…the guy I loved that was a N was like my dad in many ways. I know it can not work with him for more than 3 seconds. He is attracted to me also..maybe how I say words like his mom etc. I think people maybe desperate to heal this parent relationship with the surrogate for the parent and don't want it to fail again, but still maybe can't make it work since the person is not mentally healthy and the parent was not mentally/emotionally healthy. They have to face the facts that you can't win with a mentally ill person so don't try and wish the parent well and forgive them since they did not try to be a N and move on. Thanks for the insights!

  28. Thank you.  Really needed to hear this while I am in the Thick of this break-up/divorce.  Wish I would have known this a long time ago.  Today I was thinking it was all me…and going to go back.

  29. I married BOTH my MOTHER and FATHER…so, if you're going to do it…DO IT HUGE! He could have exhibited positive characteristics BUT he has demonstrated, consistently, BOTH of their negative traits. I kicked him out 2 weeks ago and I am SOOOO happy being alone insofar as that I am no longer lonely. I stopped responding (mostly) a couple of months ago. I moved into the basement (a dungeon, really) BY CHOICE because I couldn't take his mean, rotten and illogical tirades. He went from the 'I cant hear you' guy' to the 'Get the hell out of here' guy. Yep, gave him the boot and frankly am really proud if me.

    Lisa, you are beautiful and smart. One question, are you from Brooklyn because I hear it in your voice when you are speaking to/as your ex. Thanks for the info…best part is I NEVER agreed with him when he said negative things about me. You told me to keep my logic to myself as it would fall on deaf ears, blind eyes and a stone heart…I listened…to YOU.

  30. my case it was my twin brother…always trying to get him to love me, we were supposed to be so close…he abused me…
    she constantly said i was the love of her life…she never loved anyone the way she loved me..
    very confusing to me…she had no compassion, or kindness towards my feelings…the things i wanted …it was all about her, i built my life around her

    thanks for your help…i appreciate it

  31. following you, reading your book, so so much healing, love you so much xxx

  32. My narcissist husband treats me much like my mother. He ignores me, undermines decisions I make, and pretty much makes me feel stupid. My mother did this as well.

  33. i fell for it two years ago. and if I never had any regrets before, i do now….

  34. Gosh..what can I say. I have been with a narcissist husband for over 30 years. I could beat myself up and say how stupid I have been but thanks to videos like this one I am becoming enlightened. I have known for sometime what I am up against in my marriage but just wasn't ready to face it until now. The narcissist personality (in my opinion) is set in stone. You will not change them no matter how much you tell them about their behavior and how it effects is not going to change! They will not change because if you have lived with one as long as I have you realize it is who they are…they like the way they are ..they see no need to change…the only thing that needs changing is the person they are with in their minds. I do believe these types of people truly want what "normal people" have …the family, the home, the friends, the children..they want all of that but only because it makes them feel normal and makes them feel like they fit in. They don't fit in.. except only with people who are like them. And these "kinds of people" they want no part of. They don't want anyone like themselves because deep down they know they are low lifes..

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