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8 thoughts on “Why Bother Arguing With a Narcissist

  1. Right….*))) And isn't it weird that they even comment on videos about narcissism…? One would think they understand that everybody will spot them or do you think they are so unreflected that they don't understand that they are narcissistic themselves…?
    Because meanwhile I noticed a lot of narcissistic marks on people who complain about narcissists themselves.

    ps: great video….*))) Very well explained and summed up.

  2. No point, just a waste of precious time and energy.
    Going no contact is the only way to communicate something to them.

    p.s. I know I had to go no contact with my ''father'' that I prefer calling my ''progenitor'' for it is way more exact, I started improving when I was 27.
    p.s.p.s. my narcissist is a cyberpath, which I am sure you know is a psychopath behind a computer

  3. I am always going two steps forward and one step back on this one. it is soo hand not to bite the bait .specially when the know your triggers .

  4. my dad told me a physiotherapist told him there was no help for my brother but i remember him saying it was a whole family problem and we must all be involved,my brother was dyslexic and very abused..My brother finally died and now my dad is dying and he is still the monster that destroyed my brother,me and many more!I feel very strange at this ending

  5. When I found out about NPD, I also found many videos of parents who have and are not willing to accept responsibility. They keep assuming victim status for themselves, claiming they are being abused by their adult children who deny them a relationship with their grandkids. I can't believe that I came across one such video yesterday which led me to ascertain that they have quickly doubled at least. They are giving 'support' to one another and sharing stories of their experiences through estrangement and abandonment by their beloved kids. The whole concept that NPD is a learned behavior is being corrupted by these parents claiming they were great parents who never abused their kids but their kids are wrongfully blaming them and making false accusations. It's incredibly maddening me. Why don't authority spread the truth? Imagine, one of them is even a psychiatrist. It's all like the challenge you mentioned.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Dear +Light of Knowledge , have you learned this from work or family experience ?

  7. I wouldn't ever have considered my ex-wife as a narcissist but you've just described her perfectly. Thank you, I've learned something new.

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