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38 thoughts on “Why Didn’t The Narcissist Love Me?

  1. Narcs want to destroy you it does matter if you love yourself. They are con artist with superficial intimacy. I left my narc twice, the second time I realized how this person was not a human being and not capable of love. You can fully not love yourself and still have an emotional I Q. To say this is harmful to me. You are right about self partnering and hopefully I will get there. I thought I was ready for my last relationship but went into it being extremely lonely and I crashed and burned. The narc wanted attention from any outside source. I was just so desperate to have that person mostly because of the way she looked. The rose colored glasses would not come off no matter what she did to include triangulate me with anything or anybody she could. What you can never wrap you head around is they have no compassion no remorse and no saying I am wrong selfish and just not a good person. They know on some level of how they use people is wrong but they will never change.

  2. Narcissist are demon hosted people targeting children of God. It's darkness hating the light in us. Jesus taught this. Buddha is a deceiver who himself died of food poisoning.

  3. So sad, seeked love from a young age, what did I get a dirty old man who wreck my life. then I married someone like that dirty old man, who belittle me to thinking I was nothing. Thanks Mel for helping me at the age of 56 to learn to love myself. As they say its never to late to learn.

  4. Hi Melanie. You have been so helpful in your insights sharing them. It resonated with me so well. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you for your videos, they are so helpful. Please continue to produce more!

  6. Mel I think this video is one of the most helpful. Thank you for caring for and loving us.

  7. wonderful insight! I definitely have enjoyed your videos. Though I don't often get to watch only listen. Very helpful.

  8. Everything about you is attractive. Great videos 🙂 Thanks!

  9. Everything you say about angels in disguise and how narcs show us our weak spots completely resonates with me. Much love and thank you for your videos. I hope I can move forward in my healing now.

  10. Amazing explaination. Well done.

  11. Thank you very much!!!

  12. I disagree with the definition of narcissist given. The false persona is not characteristic of that disorder. They are capable of love – self-love to aggrandizing extremes, and as such others need to "stroke the right way" the narcissist, or else they will incur the terrible wrath of a very real persona.

  13. Melanie thank u for ur interaction. You are a truly loving person.Thank u so much.

  14. Now do u have any advice on getting rid of a narcissist forever ?????

  15. I finally get it ..thank u my dear !!!!!

  16. Wow double wow ! Real love is not jealous ..does not boast ….

  17. Wow so perfect !!! Thank u blessings

  18. can be hard to admit this to yourself but i see it


  20. This was really beautiful. Thanks for sharing :)

  21. Excellent, very well explained.

  22. Every video you bring out is full of joy. It radiates with the truth. Thankyou for everything you do 🙂 xx

  23. Dear Mrlanie, I don't feel like a victim. But you described my pain and agony not understanding why this person couldn't love me or couldn't see/feel my uncontional love. All this time I thought may be he just withdrew and kept trying my best to become what I thought he needed/wanted to gain his love and support. Now I am seeing it differently that may be it's his mental disability and that he is only capable of Self-loving to a degree where everything is distorted and unhealthy. Yes, I can relate to the story about your gf you mentioned. But none of this takes away my pain. When do I heal? How long does it take?

  24. Thank you so much for sharing and caring and spelling it out in such a loving way. Healing and growing everyday with a little help from my friends x

  25. God bless you Melanie…Never Again this is what I say…we are all worthy of real love…peace…

  26. Lots of Love to you too. I can't even believe those people who would discard you.

  27. The funny thing is my mom actually taught me co-dependency like it was a good thing. Like i was telling a story to her about something I considered a failure i think, and she was like "yeah co-dependency that's good"
    And she spoke about it like 5 times like it was a thing that was talked about highly. I probably began affirming in my mind that i was co-dependent.. In fact I did, because she had presented it like it was such a good thing. I would have thought it was talked about in psychology books like it was the latest and greatest thing and was considered a heightened state of emotional intelligence. If i were to look it up i would have searched "how to reach co-dependency". It was not until years later when reading a book on childhood sexual abuse that I saw interdependence listen as a good thing, and at the time I wanted to believe it but still didn't fully trust it. I saw this as a new method and like an obscure opinion, that i wanted to trust but was scared. So i'm sure my mom didn't want me getting well in the sense of defeating issues related to childhood sexual abuse so she planted lots and lots of ideas and opinions about co-dependency. She also always talked about reading psychology today and even got copies from the library, but she was always vague about it, and looking back i doubt she read any of it. She seemed to act like she was up to date on that stuff. She basically pretended like that was her role. To be the one to stay up to date on the emotional side of things and be up on that sort of psychology. I did read a lot of psychology stuff but not stuff that would use terms like co-dependency. Later (after she had been out of my life for a while) i found books on co-dependency and realized that all books on co-dependency say it's bad and it was a term used to describe a dysfunction that harms many people such as alcoholics, etc. Where you're actually dependent on people who abuse you or enable you to abuse yourself. It's crazy to see like how pitiful she actual was, because she might as well have been getting paid to try and ruin my life. Like people who were paid to do it, wouldn't do it as dedicated and sickly and thoroughly as her on her own. There's probably people trying to create evil armys who can't even come close to generating people as f'd as her. She's so twisted there would be no way. In terms of sick evil people, I would call the heads of concentration camps and such the organized sick people. Like they have a problem, but they at least want to make it social. They're like the alcoholics that drink mixed drinks and plan out occasions where they will do this with friends, like big parties and such. My mom is like the alcholic who doesn't have time for those people. She would rather just grab the harshist, strongest booze and straight slug it without a care and if she leaves her house it's in an ambulance and in fact it doesn't even have to be booze made for drinking. It can be anything. And it's shoe polish so be it. Like in terms of sicko's that's what she is. Like those sicko's have to put on a uniform, train, march, yadda yadda, then go be sicko's. She's got the sickness in her at all times just pouring out her veigns. Marching to her is just a healthy activity that may produce chemicals which make you appreciate life too much to be a sick. Why do that ye know? This is all just a compasison, my mom was actually a fitness instructor and runs and bikes and does triatholons and wins in her age group. But i'm saying to compare the groups, the head of a concentration camp operation is way too formal. Heck he has to climb the ranks and win public approval even just to be a mass murdering sicko. She goes straight for the sicko and if there's any work left afterwords she's too sick to do it anyways. It's a shame because people like this are too f'd up to even get around like minded people. Not like it matters to her. Why don't you go out and play with the Nazi's mom. Ohhh there's pansy's.. Pah.. Nazzi's.. I would have other people do that for me. And that's the truth. There's the people who are Nazis or run concentration camps, there there's the people behind the scenes who thrive even on the suffering they go through as concentration camp people and Nazi's. They are so far below them, but if those people start doing good watch out. That would bother her seriously. Heck, who could she get to come in and teach them a lesson? And what if that person does good too. Oh no, now she's got a real problem. Now she better have the other side come in and kill them all for even thinking about it. Heck these people are just the people the public know about. She will have groups come in and straighten them out. Organized units send in to destroy, heck possibly even within the Jewish population at the camps, because people just love doing evil things for her. She can make anyone do anything. She would look at suicide bombers and think "it used to be way more easy", or "this in not even evil". Heck she'll take the victim of the bombing, who's missing half his body, strap themselves up to appear at a speech on the devastation of these bombings. No i'm kidding. She would probably be offended that they survived and would see it as a mockery to their efforts. A sign that maybe everything didn't work out as she wanted.

  28. Is a narcissist a victim? Is it possible to teach them and help them see what they are?

  29. They hate themselves and have envie for us, the thing is I need someone who can love, and firstt you have to love yourself enough to recognize when it happens, it's not going to happen again.

  30. Who determined the nature of this infinite hologram, in their finite brilliance? More narcissist by the sound of it.

  31. Wow. How I needed to know this! It all makes sense now.

  32. Such an enlightening and helpful video, thank you so much.

  33. Thank you for another great video!

  34. OMG ….I GET IT…Love ourselves first, love ourselves, love ourselves, love our self, love one self, love our self first ,have love for yourself, love yourself …have I got that right ?
    Yesh, answer the darn question as to WHY the Narc didn't love me ! You go off on so many irrelevant tangents and never even answer the question of the main topic !
    Hell I can answer it easily since I came off a 7 year narc situation myself. How can someone who professed to love you, despise you hurt you, treat you like the enemy ? Simple, They CANT love ! They Don't love ! They have no empathy, compassion. The False Self is incapable of loving. They are pathological liars, con artists, emotional vampires, professional exploiters, devoid of love. There !!!!

  35. I've read some of Melanie's stuff. She seems very insightful, understanding & empathetic. All good qualities. But when the metal hits the road, and it's time to get results, I can't wrap my head around "healing via the quantum energy of the healer." Could somebody give me an explanation of that, please?

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