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28 thoughts on “♂ The Female Narcissist Emotional Vampire

  1. What the fuck did I stuck my penis in!!! :(

  2. Hey Mom ! I didn't know you were on Youtube making videos about yourself !

  3. This video is excellent.

    I'm in a battle with a selfish narcissist. This is why I study the bible every day.

  4. I've dealt with a girl like this. It took forever to realize that she is biologically human but psychologically and emotionally like a robot. No true feelings or emotions. They know what response to give based on the situation but they are empty inside. They know the words but not the music.

  5. Ha ha! Very funny! Infidels.

  6. scary portrayal of my ex's character and a few other hooty snooties who have unfortunately crossed my path. Forget about the transforners. Pay more attention to the true deceptiCONS transforming your life into a scrap heap

  7. I think my grandmother was a narcissist. To this day, I do not miss her, and she's been dead since 2002.

  8. to my male compatriots, protect yourselves above all else. the sweetest girl will lie to your face if she wants sex. just be warned, I met one woman who sent me to the ER because she got so carried away. she wasn't carrying any std's but she f'n bit me so hard that I couldn't wear pants for a week, that's no joke, I thought I had been permanently disfigured. fuckin nut.

  9. this is actually oout of place because now I'm talking about a male narcissist. My dad is one. And the following sound really funny imo: He attends about 20-30 funerals in a year.
    I kind of have separated from my fanmmily and find this behaviour absurd (snce he isn't a priest or so;)), unfortunately the rest of my family finds this normal. If been to psychiatry because I was kind of "burnt" in a bad way by my dad's behaviour also because I'm very sensible. but this helped me actually realize certain things. 
    Now I'm out of this hell, have friends that are actually normal and hope that I will never again fall prey to a N.

  10. my ex gf cheated on me with about 15-25 guys and a few of them were my friends

  11. Lol good job! Very accurate! These people don't understand why hurting us is such a big deal they think we should just enjoy it and give up everything for them just because they are them. There's no logic behind it. In fact they wage war on logic. They understand logic and its not that they don't understand when they did something wrong its just that 1) they don't care and 2) they think we deserve it because we are worthless and we aren't. 

  12. Why is there so much of an overlap between the behavior of narcissists and the behavior of women?

  13. I know this. I experienced this. This is my adopted MOTHER!!! Oh well I moved on. I laugh at this now. At the time it wasn't funny. Where do these freaks come from? I heard it's some psychological disorder with benefits. They get their way. You don't. Didn't slavery end some time ago?  Well anyways through much research and living at the expense of a narc and survived I see I could be in worse shape. Now my mantra is "no person, place or thing has the power to deny me my happiness unless I allow it!!"

  14. This girl I used to know is a narc. I had no idea until it was somewhat too late. Needless to say, I wish I was a little more narc-wise back then, as there were so many red flags. For example, I was driving with her in her car and she said, "The conscience is such a burden."

    I ended up having intercourse with her a couple of times, and without hyperbole, it was the strangest sexual encounters I've ever had, so cold and devoid of any-and-all emotions on her part like you might as well have been screwing a corpse. Her theatrical nature during the ordeal was odd too. It was like she thought there was a camera in the room, and she was shooting a porn video.

    They are empty shells, which is why there's so much focus on outward appearances. Since they lack any substance, their focus becomes vanity. So in their masturbatory minds, they create for themselves this false self, and they spend their entire lives validating this lie.

    I can't even begin to imagine what kind of hell that is.

    After dealing with a few narcissists in my life, I've started to realize where this vampire archetype originated; it describes in perfect clarity the miserable life of the narcissist who are, for whatever reason (usually trauma they haven't dealt with appropriately), are completely dead inside and need to feed off of the life force of other people. People who are engaged by the vampire, i.e. bitten, will either die or become a vampire themselves. That is, unless they cut straight to the heart of the matter, like driving the wooden stake through their heart.

    This type of behavior is reaching epidemic levels, at least in the U.S. where I live and in the generation I'm in.

  15. Right on the money, sometimes I wish I had a p…y, it's better than a bank machine.

  16. Cute!!! This is so James.

  17. The simple solution is to lead, direct and benevolently and firmly control your women without falling into her instinctive manipulation traps. This is what she needs and craves but can't tell you, because her mind is childlike and she doesn't even know this is what she needs until you show her. Learn the female tricks of manipulation and use your natural male dominance and authority… she will be glad you did and you both will be happy.

    Women do not know what they want; they are like a ‘self-absorbed’ ‘rudderless boat’ that needs guidance. We can’t change the world… but we can change our personal world and bring it back to the natural order and that is all we can ask.

  18. Narc's are NOT human, don't help them, hire them and definitely don't marry one.

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