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26 thoughts on “6 Ways To Tell If You’re A Narcissist

  1. lol, I got a 25 out of 40

  2. I scored an 11 out of that Narcissist test.

  3. I'm an introverted narcissist with low self-esteem. I love being me,,, wooo

  4. A lot of narcissists I know are ugly and fat but act like gods and goddesses

  5. All the signs applied to a person I used to be friends with ;-;
    I matched none XD

  6. I know someone that is a narcissist. While this may not be a thing, I'd say it is in my own personal opinion. My ex and I were together for a while and since he rarely saw what I look like (only pictures of my cat and dogs), I decided to show him what I look like. A few days after, he texted me saying he couldn't be with me because "it was a matter of a relationship and being friends." I honestly believe a contributing factor of being a Narcissist is putting others day because you view yourself better.

  7. Some of this reminds me of my grandma and some of it reminds me of myself.

    Which is funny, because I've been trying to stop putting myself down and be more self-aggrandizing.

    I guess really, the only really bad part of what I've heard here is the lack of empathy, but I guess if they're at least sympathetic or compassionate, they don't need empathy.

  8. I took the narcissism test it 6 out of 40. yay!

  9. Even without the test confirming it, I'm the exact opposite of a narcissist… Phew.

  10. I TOOK THE TEST AND GOT 6 OUT OF 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Your score is 5, out of 40. Higher scores indicate greater levels of narcissism.


  13. I'm pretty sure I'm the literal opposite of a narcissist. 1) Wears flashy/revealing clothes? I'm trying to convince my parents to let me wear all black… 2) Lack empathy? I'm pretty sure I don't. Saying more than that would make me look prideful, but no. I would say I'm pretty empathetic. 3) Huge ego? I literally just tried to not look prideful. So no. 4) highly sensitive, angered easily? I may be sensitive but I don't get angry very easily. It usually turns to sadness if anything. 5) posts a lot on social media (to gain more followers/friends)? Not really, I haven't posted in a couple weeks. 6) Love attention? I'm so introverted I think I'm losing friends and my parents are concerned. Bonus: unagreeable? LOL. Extroverted? LOL. Sexual language? LOL. Likely to skip class? I'm homeschooled. So I'm definitely not a narcissist. That's good I think?

  14. I got 7 out of 40. Yayayayayayay. Love your vids

  15. I got 12 out of 40. I like being a leader but I don't think I'm better than other people, I enjoy being guarded but I also like being the Guide

  16. see I love attention from people but I love attention because I feel that having attention will make people like me more. I don't really know what category I fall in. I like to make up little stories so people will think I'm more interesting and want to be friends with me, I always regret it and feel embarrassed after doing it because I think that some people catch on to my need for attention and can tell when I'm making stuff up. I think it may be due to my social anxiety, but I'm not sure.

  17. I think of Meghan Trainor and Donald Trump.

  18. I'm a 24.. But I'm a nice person, I just feel like I have all the answers in most situations

  19. Well you are actually describing Egomania to a key rather than narcissism…. But you display both of them so I can understand that you get confused….^^

  20. You missed one of the signs you're a narcissist. Believing yourself to be so important that there is a group all working in concert to hold you back and oppress you. *cough* patriarchy *cough*

  21. All tests don't give you accurate answers, I don't know the narcissistic test, but other tests give the same answers regardless of what you do.

  22. "Narcissists are known to post a lot more on social media such as….."
    Continues to states how he does it, but it doesn't make him Narcissistic. Cause it just doesn't, OK!