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36 thoughts on “A Spiritual Perspective on Narcissism – Do you know a Narcissist? Introverted Narcissists

  1. Here is a list of what Narcissists usually do to their targets :

    – Insults their target very often. Then lie when confronted about it, or say it was a joke.
    – When confronted with their behavior, they pretend to be innocent and play the victim.
    – Everything is always your fault, even when it's obviously not.
    – They always have a justification for every bad thing they do. They think they're always right.
    – Very controlling, they tell you how to live, but they can live anyway they want. Very hypocritical.
    – They accuse you of what they're doing to you (RED FLAG!), it's called Projection.
    – Portraying themselves as angels outside, when they are actually demons with their family and especially their target.
    – They want you to fail, while pretending to want you to succeed (they're very convincing).
    – They never say they are sorry for hurting you (RED FLAG!).
    – Poison your favorite activities, they don't want you to be happy or to get pleasure. They also poison other useful activities like important skills which will help you in the future. They DO NOT want you to have skills, they want you to be as weak as possible. They don't teach you anything.
    – Subtly lead a smear campaign against their target, so they isolate it and make sure they don't get help.
    – When you want to leave the relationship with a narcissist, they beg you to stay with them and cry crocodile tears. They are the best actors.
    – Sometimes nice, sometimes cruel. You never know where you stand with them.
    – They pretend to be "victims", and they blame the target for their own behavior.
    – They are incredibly arrogant and sadistic. They see the target as weak, and deserving to suffer.
    – They think they are models to be followed.
    – They are spiritually dead although they might loudly profess some kind of Spiritual Belief.

  2. KK

    Amazing. You have provided new information, thank you.

  3. We should be loosing the chains that bind and setting the captive free not stroking the Ego if a narc by spending time on them bc you best believe they are NOT THINKING OF YOU AND IF THEY ARE ITS HOW TO HURT YOU NEXT. You can bank on that.

  4. We are to know a tree by its fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit .

    Tree = person Fruit = Words and Actions of the person.

    We need to realize we cannot make a bad tree produce good fruit and also realize that there are over 7 Billion people on this earth that may need our help more but we are wasting our gifts and resources on this bad tree headed for destruction. And the danger is we can become infected from all the negativity, Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue and those who love it WILL EAT THE FRUIT OF IT.

    If we allow someone to constantly speak death over our life and to curse us continudlly and THIS PERSON IS NOT SORRY OR REPENTANT THAN WE ARE SINNING BY MAKING ALLOWING THEM TO TAKE UP THE MAJORITY OUR TIME IN THOUGHT OR IN PERSON. Do not become obsessed with fixing a narc or dealing with a narc. Rebuke them sharply and firmly and warn them of where they are headed if they do not come to the knowledge of the truth.

  5. In the last days men will be lovers of self. Without love, cruel.

  6. That was very beautiful . Thank you. I am trying to move forward because I am tired of feeling pain and loss everyday . This helps me to remember to let go of what happened and to learn to love myself. It has been a journey and I believe that there are too may confusing twists and turns on the road to recovery and things about my own self I couldn't possibly solve them in my own mind without the one who has all power. I know God will help me and my experience happened for a reason. I needed to learn something

  7. I need prayer with the ability not to react to my narcissistic boss and I pray for the peace, not to get anxious when this individual is unreasonably attacking me. And the wisdom to separate her constructive criticism from her destructive criticism in regards to my work.

  8. Or your so mad at that narc, that you cant see straight. My boss is a narc and I need to get away from her, before she destroys my life.This is one of the best discussions on narcissism I have ever heard! Please keep talks on this topic going. Thank You

  9. thank you for reassurance that I have done the right thing by protecting myself and moving on

  10. it's like living with a possession of a person

  11. I'm dealing with this now, they are dangerous

  12. I wish I'd found this video years ago, I could have avoided a lot of heart ache.

  13. Do you have any advice on how to stop attracting these people as romantic partners. I am a Christian and have a lot of empathy and apparently from all I have researched on narcissists they are attracted to my personality type due to the empathy they see in me. I got so badly hurt by one of these people recently. The relationship is now over. Because this person hurt me in such an extreme way (emotionally/psychologically) it caused me to reflect on other relationships where I have been hurt (although not as badly) and made me realize that these people were narcissists too, although maybe just not as far along the spectrum as this last person I was involved with. I want to stop attracting these wrong types of people in order to attract the right person. Do you have any advice for this please? Thank you.

  14. Churches are in the top 10 jobs for the narcissist and the narcissistic psychopath…. I work at a church and it is very obvious to be true…. One to look up in the good book ….beware of wolves in sheep clothing…….The swine…..children of hell…. Jesus talks about the malignant narcissistic and he describes the psychopath to a Tee…. Have a bless one

  15. I love that you are praying and giving scriptures to look up. Thank you for caring and sharing. HalleluYah!

  16. What if you are married to a person of such disorder and have children. I find myself in this situation for 2 and a half years. He can quote scripture after scripture and put on such a great show for people and turn it in the end around on me as if I was crazy. You can clearly see that he is tormented. Now things have quieted down, but I know for sure those demons have pulled back since I left him the last time. And they only show their face once in a blue, but I know they are there and I'm just waiting on the next blowup . I've prayed and been to counseling separately and together. What else can I do?

  17. very good points. however let me point out true narcissists are FAR FAR more than just individuals with big egos. these individuals have a mental illness. They are emotional abusers who enjoy causing others pain. They have demonic qualities. They really do. Their abuse can lead to depression and even suicide upon its victims. more psychologists need to learn about this condition because it is truly dangerous.

  18. The church is a breeding ground for narcissists. My friend's father was a minister. He put on a good facade in front of other people in the outside world, but he mercilessly beat my friend and his sisters at home, and constantly terrorized and bullied the entire household throughout his childhood. There are obvious other cases of malignant narcissism that run rampant in the church worldwide, which I'm sure you've seen on the news.

    Equating belief in religion with good or bad takes away from this important conversation. Black-and-white dichotomies don't exist in reality. Situations with personality disorders are more nuanced and complicated than you're implying.

    Making arguments against religion is not narcissism, rather, it is drawing attention to obvious observations of logical fallacies, contradictions, and glorified cruelty.

    Otherwise, good vid.

  19. Nice video…i added your channel…Thank you!

  20. Hi Nicole, I am looking to find out how I can deal and heal my relationship with my husband due to his mother-in-law (MIL) and (SIL). They are very destructive and poison our marriage and family. They are anti-Lord, and assume i am weak for believing in him. Its not their domineering personality, beliefs, or the way they disregard anyone other than themselves….the problem i have is their never ending attempts to ruin my life and make others belive what they want them to believe. They prey on my weakness of loosing 6 people in my immediate family who passed away because i got very depressed during their illnesses and deaths and seeked professional help. They label me as emotional and diagnosed me to be bipolar and say that i lie about my experiences with them. They resent the relationship me and my husband have, and always try to break us up and tell people I am keeping him away from them. My children were effected by the tragic events we experienced loosing our family too…. especially my 18 year old daughter who became rebellious after loosing my mom (her real grandma) because they were so close. My MIL and SIL gave her deceptive attention and acted as if they were filling her void, but with evil intent to manipulate our lives from the inside of our home. My inlaws are now dangling my own daughter over my head and literary said she is doing to me and my child, what I am doing to her. as if I am brainwashing her son to not be involved with his family. Its a very sick and helpless feeling I have, and I know God is with me….but still feel alone, confused. She does not care about my daughter's soul, and in contrary purposely teaches my daughter things she was not raised to believe like sex before marriage, social drugs being ok, any language ok, and being selfish and deceptive is fine as long as it is to indulge and feed herself. I know it sounds crazy, but this is really happening. It breaks my heart and don't know if the Lord hears my prayers or if i am supposed to be doing something. The one thing that really has me confused is that my husband is not protecting me… especially after all of the public humiliation i have experienced. He dosnt approve, but tolerates it and expect me to do the same. What does God want me to do? What does he want my husband to do? I know my husband does not want me to get hurt, but it seems like if MIL or SIL….he has no desire to say its wrong…even if the truth causes her to go into a violent rage. Why is this serious situation being put aside as if it is too petty to fight off or confront. What does God want me or us to do? I dont want anyone to hurt or to get revenge….I just want to stop getting hurt so that i can live again. Thank you. I love you all! !! Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  21. Thank u …this is the most loving and informative video I've seen yet on this subject . Truly inspired by the most Holy Spirit…much love and peace Blessings

  22. God uses signs and wonders??? No sister. Signs and wonders are the Devil's game. Otherwise I agree with everything else about the narcissist. My narc ex husband LOVED going to church but in my 9 year mariage, I never saw him open a Bible, not once. I asked him why and he said he went to church to get ENERGIZED for the coming week. Energy talk is witchcraft talk. Many narcissists if not all are satanic, the Devil's children, the tares. They don't change, don't repent, and don't care. What business has light to do with darkness. Just get away from them!

  23. Covert Narcissist personality my mother has. Spiritually evil behaviours in a person can be explained by demonic possession along with the free will of the person. The test on the victim of the narcissist is the learn how to forgive and gain strength from the twisted experience of narcissistic abuse. Belinda Leoni

  24. thank you for everything

  25. what can I do about a 76 year old woman? with her, she's narcissist thinks like a Madame?

  26. men and women have this traits more toward women. well the ones I dealt with. they love control, money, lying, cheating, mentally abusive, verbally abusive, spread rumors about you in the family. physical abusive. etc.

  27. Sister I have never contacted a person on youtube but I would like to speak with you about this on the phone. I don't know how we can connect without putting my info on youtube. Lord Jesus name, Amen !

  28. me, and its my mother pray for me

  29. I loved the video up until the very end when you send "it's hard to have a relationship with someone who's an introvert". What? Introversion is a natural and healthy human disposition, a personality trait created by God just like extroversion.

  30. +Stasik C, your comment is more closer to the truth of what I've heard thus far. No one can do anything w/o Jesus His Word says. St.John 15. These ARE demonic STRONGHOLDS. The power of the HOLY SPIRIT delivers! If this "disorder" is not recognized as Satan's works first, we are

    still in darkness and subject to be preyed upon again. Satan hates light and TRUTH. Which these people are also void of.

  31. The narcissist, histrionics and other nurture only disorders are the wicked. The old testament is full of descriptions of what these people are and how we should handle them. Walk away from the wicked and their ways. Their hearts are hardened so only the grace of God can save them.

  32. my mom always challenges me when i talk about God, or Bible, or anything, but with the Bible she says that's not true, where'd you hear that… etc. 🙁 Sometimes I feel like giving up. 🙁 Sometimes I feel suicidal :/

  33. Get real. Simply, this kind is possessed, given him/herself to the evil – there is no human left there – praying for this kind is like trying to convert the devil… – Give it up: into the hands of the Most High Holy One. Don't try to cuddle or wrestle with a pig, you just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

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