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26 thoughts on “Am I A Narcissist?

  1. true narcissists aren't aware that they are narcissistic. if you openly accuse them of narcissism they reject it. They cannot look inward at themselves or their own behavior. you are NOT a true narcissist, because you ARE introspective, self analytical and personally aware of yourself. the very fact that you're asking "am i a narcissist?" proves that you most certainly are NOT. also, on a side note: if you were narcissistic i wouldn't love your video's…which i do 🙂 P.S.S everyone's a little narcissistic from time to time that's just called being human.

  2. I don't know if you are a narcissist or not but I know for certain that people judged as such are well-liked, if not adored by a faithful fanbase, are ranked top first choice as a potential spouse on many people lists, realize great achievements in life and still possess benevolence despite their inner competitiveness with everyone including their loved ones. What scares me are psychopaths and I am not the only one to worry about that kind of person. You should worry about unemotional people that work as butchers, that is something serious to worry about.

  3. White privileged is the biggest HOAX / lie out there.
    Whites are 70% of the population
    It is like saying Chinese Privileged IN CHINA

  4. I do find me trying to "brand" myself.

  5. being self obsessed isn't narcissistic. being unable to take responsibility, and typically abusive behavior, is.

  6. yes you are, but does knowing really help? Isn´t it better just to chose not to be, without asking that question?.

  7. Honestly don't think there's anything wrong with narcissism

  8. I think the difference between high self-esteem and narcissism is in how you treat others? Do you admire yourself without looking down on others? Many people don't think they can admire themselves without looking down on others, but those who like themselves while also appreciating others are pretty awesome.I think the way to narcissism is to base your self-worth on just one aspect of yourself.Like, if you think you're good looking and you base your whole value on that.But if you think you're good looking and like that about yourself, but you're also aware you had other qualities and defects, and that other people have certain other qualities, than that's fine.The same with being intellectual, if you base your entire self-worth on that you'll turn into a narcissist.So yeah, if you wonder whether you're narcissistic or not, pay attention to how you treat others, and how comfortable you are with admitting that there are certain things you admire in others more than in yourself.

  9. Don't blame the internet for something a lot of girls just like to do.

  10. One of the assets I use to determine whether or not id be cool with someone is the amount of selfies on their gram. Honestly anymore than 5 in a year and I move on. It is narcissism, absolutely. That being said it is also what is working right now for content creators–which is really a shame. It is what it is though.

  11. Okay this is just my personal opinion but my social media experience regarding self exposure has been really positive? Like I can tell from the comment section that many people feel very different about it but I see it more as a confident boost? I dunno so yeah there is a tendency towards self aggrandizing but most of it is just celebrating people's good looks and complementing each other and just spreading both self love and uplifting each other?

  12. Clinical Narcissism is an empathy disorder which makes you entirely discount other people's emotions or the relevance of their emotions. Typically, narcissistic behavior demands that family/friends behave in a way that attends to your needs, while failing to recognize their desire for you to reciprocate and attend their needs. Narcissism isn't obsessing over your looks, it's wanting everyone else to obsess over your looks. So unless you actively pursue recognition without recognizing the emotional needs of others, you aren't a narcissist. An egotist, maybe, but not a narcissist. Egotists aren't inherently dangerous due to a lack of empathy, they just really annoy narcissists.

  13. Self love and self esteem are all important facets to having a healthy and happy life. Abraham Maslow ascribed that every human being has a hierarchy of needs that need to be met before achieving the highest purpose in life, that being self-actualization. Well within those needs are food, shelter, friends, and… self-esteem.

    Having a positive perspective of yourself is great! Too many people put themselves down unnecessarily. A lot of great things happen when we feel good about ourselves.

    Arrogance is the feeling that one person has where they feel superior to others.I have mixed feelings about this.

    I think that putting others down to make yourself look better is a shitty thing to do. But, I'm all for healthy and reasonable competition. When we compete with others, it can bring out the best in us. Stress and pressure to out-do someone can bring out the most clever and inspirational work from us.

    I prefer collaboration instead of competition, but, there are limits of where this can get us too. Sometimes, we have to work by ourselves and be able to depend on ourselves alone to carry us through a difficult time. Sometimes, we don't have any kind of support structure and it is cut-throat.

    I see the merit behind competition and yet I think that you can still be competitive without being arrogant.If you feel good because someone else lost and they feel pain, you are an arrogant asshole.

    However, if you do something better than someone else and you feel satisfaction about yourself because you accomplished something good, then that is healthy and reasonable, competitive pride and I think that's fine.

    The Germans have a word called schadenfreud which means "shameful joy". This is the taking pleasure in other's suffering. If you are feeling good because you have good things in your life because of your hard work, then that's a feeling you should pursue. But, if you're feeling superior because someone else has had misfortune or made bad choices in their life, that's empty and hollow pleasure. That's schadenfreud and that kind of joy will never last.

    Schadenfreud is a human sentiment, I will admit that. I'll catch myself laughing when someone falls down. I think it's something we're all guilty of. But, after you're done laughing, and you see the tears or the feelings of embarassment on the person who just fell down, then you should rush over and help that person or throw them a concerned look. Then after that if you feel good about yourself because you did a good thing, it's because you have gutenfreud or "good joy". Gutenfreud is like the hokey pokey and that's what it's all about.

  14. im ugly and i never can change the way i look thats life

  15. Short answer to the title: Yes.

  16. lol, you go girl, thanks for the vid

  17. You are so gorgeous I'm in love!!!

  18. This is too real… especially for actresses like me who don't want to be judged on their lack of "classic beauty" but also want to work….

  19. The serial music in the outro tho…

  20. Ughh. ..I know the feeling of when a group or girls just like you…even grown women…I'm 17 and in other peoples eyes….I'm very attractive (not tryin to show off) but I don't really care about how I look…I just do my own thing…and if ppl like me for that…then good…idk

  21. Ahh my mind has been on this for the past 2 weeks or so and literally everything you said is me too. Ahhh

  22. Worrying about whether you're a narcissist is proof positive that you're not.


  24. Rhett and Link say hi! love you anna…stay awesome!

  25. you have no idea what a narcissist really is. Narcissitc personaity disorder is a real thing and not about selfies and social medi. go educate yourself befor making videos about subjects like this.

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