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44 thoughts on “Am I The Narcissist? How To Distinguish Yourself From Someone Who Has NPD

  1. you have opened my eyes to what i am dealing with ,thank you

  2. Amen. My narc AID has saved me. Now I am healing.

  3. i beleive one man's co-dependant is another man's narcissist. the oppisite is also true. i love you wise lady. thank you for the videos.

  4. I think I have a false self I'm scared to love. I had a person told me you don't love me enough your selfish and now I don't know myself. I don't wanna hurt people.

  5. I still try hard to get my parents to stop being narcissistic because I still have siblings home. I'm losing my I will never stop holding them responsible!

  6. I am not understanding how being chosen for my kindness and compassion makes me the same as a narcissist other than chosing to change?

  7. Melanie, it is told that the difference you are trying to show is it the one between narcisistic personality disorder (it is what abused people develop and it is curable) and patologycal narcisism (what the abuser has and it is little change it can be cured) :)

  8. Yep that's how I've felt and have been. I can feel that inner child and I have wondered what is wrong with my brain. It's having to emotionally mature. Now that I understand why has happened to me and what I've been dealing with, healing comes easier. I still haven't done most of the things my family has. My mother has not evolved at all. Yep! This has been my prayer.

  9. Hi Melanie! I went through a self-partnering process when I was around 21, when I broke free of everything that was holding me back – but recently, I unknowingly befriended a narcissist, and was in a state of confusion, as you said. Then, at one point, I felt like I woke up and radically distanced myself from that person. However, for all my inner strength and decisiveness, was amazingly still unsure if I was doing the right thing! Your videos have truly helped me find myself again. Thank you so much for your videos. :)

  10. This video just brought me back from a near panic attack. Every once in a while I get the terrible sensation that I'm a narcissist because I think of the way I treated my ex partner. I haven't been able to forgive myself for that yet but I am trying to give myself a break and not be so hard on myself. I am still coming out of the fog and trying to figure out exactly what happened. It's such a blur and I really lost myself… should I learn to truly honor my feelings I'm sure these feelings would pass because I remember how I FELT. I think, oh my, I just lost a great guy! Then when I think back to how I FELT it's an entirely different story. Thank you so much for this video!!

  11. The strange part is I actually feel better since giving a narcissist the boot (now that I know what she was, I understand a lot of what made me at the hands of my mother). I feel better than even before I met her because I finally have insight to break the cycle of attracting people like this. Im sorry for those that hurt. Take these moments to heal so you don't do as I did and repeat the mistake over and over, wasting years.

  12. This helped me so much thank you Melanie this is the exact understanding I needed .

  13. I said to him I was deeply insecure. ( now I know he gave me reason to be ) he said I had severe paranoia even after I found he had been on dating websites, porn sites on a daily basis. he down sized things to a point he made me feel ridiculous that I felt hurt by this. he then suggested I go into therapy. he was so cold entitled and cruel. I feel so mad what he did to me. its been 4 weeks. I still have questions. I think he is already with someone else. I really thought I was the narcissist. not him. I was dealing with my mum that was so sick and yet he set out to hurt me. what kind of human beings do stuff like this??

  14. Thank you so much for this video. It has really shed a lot of light onto my situation. Been in an emotionally abusive relationship for a while now but am but am finally awake.

  15. Melanie, I like your hair best when it blow waved dead straight, I think it looks better on you

  16. You answered my question exactly!!! To watch this video, I can't be a narcissist ! But j do have unresolved abandonment issues! Thank you! To read the symptoms, I thought I was one.. But the fact that I searched means I'm not!

  17. thank you again Melanie. That is so helpful. When I first asked my therapist if I was a/ the narc, he literally laughed and said "No of course not". Now I have available good friend whose BPD gf is trying to persuade him that he's a narc and I laugh….

  18. the more i listen to what your saying, the more i think what the hell are you going on about. ????

  19. im a narcissist, but i have empathy, do not colour all of us/me. generalising is dangerous.

  20. i think you over complicate describing what you want to explain.

  21. Gosh this was sooooooo helpful. I need to thank you with all my heart. I want to start your program . 🙂 I love you!

  22. I am feeling the wounds right now. I feel so alone. Literally no one understands. I want revenge. That is how I feel right now.But I know in my heart I need to start healing and evolve. It seems like a long and painful road. Thank you for your video

  23. thank you for sharing and clarification so helpful

  24. Just beautiful ! Thank you Thank you and Thank you ! :)

  25. You are describing 7:22 the landlord we have where I'm living!

  26. Thank you so much , I know the way I'"v reacted has not been the best way. I just feel like I have been fighting for my life. And i so want to change..

  27. Tremendously helpful video.

  28. Very very helpful. Thank you.

  29. 3:45 "AIDS"? that is incorrect. narcissists are not angels. they don't "bring unhealed parts to awareness". *the abused know their own minds just fine, thanks. narcissists are pathetic, sad, embarrassing, and abusive. they help nothing.

  30. "Cold-blooded/ruthless/biggest ego/biggest sense of self/biggest pride/self-centered/selfish/needs a sugar daddy/has messed up priorities/brat/pea-brain/bitch/does not care of herself in looking presentable/childish/needs babysitting/depressed all the time/has a long list of hates/spiteful/does everything out of spite/incapable of being lovable/ does not deserve to be any family/ does not deserve to be anyone's daughter-in-law/stupid/idiot/poor taste of choice in art, clothes, style, movies, presentation/does not do enough/its not enough/never cleans up/never does anything around/wonder how you got your PhD/Cannot imagine having children with you/house is not clean enough to call people over/have OCD/has ADHD/constantly depressed/always sad/always dissatisfied/never behaved like a wife, hence would not reciprocate as a loving husband/you bring nothing to the table"……you name it…I have heard it all. Stripped of my every thing that I am made up of. Over and over again. Now I am turning into a crazy angry bitch who is just doing just one thing that no one else can do for me "defending myself".

  31. Brilliant, Thank you so much. Love, respect & gratitude :)

  32. Is it possible for a narcissist to be victimized by another narcissist?

  33. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.

  34. Ask yourselves this, do you set up the narcissist so you can abuse them later, if you said yes then you are being a narcissist, if you said, no because doing so is evil, then you are not a narcissist. Once you knows what a narcissist is you can always spot them a mile away and this is where you get your power and healing back. It was nothing you did it wasnt your fault dont blame yourself these narcs are sick.

  35. This is so perfect, thank you. I thought trauma was behind me until recently I saw how my interactions were often avoidance based. So much fear still of being judged & how I imagined annihilation. Shame & guilt still seemingly active in me. Many blessings to you.

  36. Such wisdom. C
    learly derived from personal experience, and not from a high-and-mighty academic standpoint.

  37. I am sooo grateful for your videos and your insight. I have just started watching videos on NPD to help me deal with my parents and it is giving me great comfort to know that this is not just me.

  38. Your portrait of a narcissist is amazing.Thank-you very much Melanie.awesome communicator.
    My ex thinly disguised her narcissist/borderline tendencies behind a supposed Bipolar diagnosis from long ago. Although she told me that it was later withdrawn.
    When I broke up with her I called her a Narc. ; not as an insult but out of frustration and hurt. A week later she did go to see a psychiatrist and told him I said that. According to her 'he' laughed and suggested that she was depressed as she claimed and told her she would start CBT. And that even if she was a Cluster B that CBT would be the treatment.
    Anyway this vid. really made me wonder how far down the rabbit hole she is with whatever the disorder is labeled. I know I certainly went down with her. & months later it's hard to crawl back out.

  39. this is so super well delivered. thank you so much.

  40. Thanks, I'm trying to understand all this.

  41. Simply put… I love your voice come to Ireland….

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