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20 thoughts on “Can Narcissists Truly Love?

  1. Sam Vaknin, your work is highly respectable. Thanks a lot.

  2. My father is a narcissist and a sadistic one at that. Well he seemed to enjoy causing other people pain and treated us with contempt and distain. I am physically and mentally exhausted and in a state of shock to finally see this. Your videos are helping me to understand him for the first time in my life. I can now forgive myself for not loving him and stop telling myself I am a bad person. I have never been comfortable around my father. I am so exhausted, tired, paranoid, don't know who to trust. I have also been in relationships with at least two Narcissists. Is it normal for me to be paranoid that everyone is a Narcissist? even my own mother and my brother? I am in detective mode

  3. Very accurate. I can relate to the first type.

  4. Wow, the raging narcissist is my mother. Her house is a war zone with landmines planted everywhere.

  5. i have some questions will u please give me your phone number?

  6. Interesting. I often felt like a puppet for him, like I was his little puppet show and he pulled the strings

  7. How do they present a "nice" face to some people, and then take out their abuse on others? Do they know who they can "safely" abuse? (eg people with low self-esteem)?
    People they think they can silence or that will not speak up?

  8. I believe in God and Jesus Christ , i love the Jews also.

  9. Narcissists inflict unimaginable terror upon their children.  Narcissists hate other human beings, especially their children, because of their potential.

  10. thank you. i just came from a female friend whom said she was confronted by text by another female friend. doctor , it has no gender but it hurts the heart.
    its all about control.

  11. Who isn't a narcissist? Seriously? In a society where individualism is a core value, where "care less for others" is an acceptable and often praised, narcissism develops. As a consequence, you have people who see everything as potential exploits. Cheers

  12. …I just want to tell you also, thank you for taking the time to make these videos. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

  13. Holly Crap…..this is an exact definition of my X……

  14. What is the reaction of a narcissist likely to be when confronted with my texts or book?

  15. Have you ever felt that everyone is a narcissist? I think they are, others are just better at getting what they want or do so in a more sophisticated pleasant way than we, the love starved, can manage to. They know what they want and how to get it because they were raised by parents who modeled these things for them. We weren't raised knowing what real love and acceptance is and therefore what exactly it is to work towards. We aren't bad people, we're just broken mirrors. People get mad because we take what they give us, but don't know how to reflect it back properly, it doesn't mean we don't care, appreciate, or want to give back; their own base narcissistic nature begins to show when dealing with a chronic narcissist, (someone who has never known love) they don't like how ugly and unloved they all of a sudden feel around us, It's unusual to them, and since every narcissist needs someone to blame, we become the bad guys, they bounce back and we are again abandoned.

  16. How can a narcissist be healed, when he is ego syntonic?

    I have been with a narcisstist for the last two years and have suffered a lot. Especially as I am trained in psychology and had a lot of self experience all my life, I found myself dependent and unfree. It made me furious, very angry, to lose control over my life. "My Narcissist" is from an arab country, also. In those cultures men are being raised as narcissists. Abuse is daily routine.
    Healthy communication is totally alien to him, as well es being empathic towards himself or others, especially women. Women are there to serve the men, to please them, to dress for them etc. It is a narcissistic culture. I tried to seperate from him so many times, but he came back and made it plausible to me that there was hope for change. But there wasn't. He just knew exactly what to say, being totally hollow inside of him at the same time. His words and deeds were never aligned or in harmony.
    I am a deep person, but he was shallow. No conversation was possible, without ending up in fights and ignoring each other for days. For him I was "the professor", who had to be devaluated for the intelligence and positivity. He seemed to be driven by a dark force, that was eager to kill everything that was good in a person: laughter, joy, creativity, compassion, hope, confidence, trust. I had the feeling of being trapped and seduced by the personified evil. I can feel the energy behind words very well. And I never felt genuine compassion or love behind any of his words. When he said "We will find a solution" I didn't feel hope. I felt just pain, because there was no genuine energy reaching my heart. I knew I couldn't heal him. And I knew there was no way to fill the lack inside of him. One time I put his hand onto his heart and said "There is the love you seek." – hoping he would feel the effect that it can create to get in touch with oneself. 
    I felt like a butterfly in a spider web. I couldn't free myself. I also had dreams of this scenario. It was a time full of uncertainty and pain, loss and tears, drama, lies, no hope for a future together in the face of his ups and downs, manic and depression episodes. He was in control of proximity and distance, I was left behind with irritation…
    And on the other side I never felt so coveted. I will never forget his warm hugs and his soothing voice. He had the most beautiful lips and hands I have ever seen. But he hurt me so deeply and he was never truly available for me and my needs. That made me really sick.
    I am now seperated and blocked his numbers on all of my phones. I hope this will save me from any further violation.

  17. Almost sucked back in….
    This stopped me cold.
    My problem is remembering not forgetting Narcissist is human. 

  18. my brother hates me so much..he would love to go to my funeral as soon as possible..he would love to see me murdered cause he can't do it himself..I dared to become an american and leave islam , the only religion allah sent to humanity..! so I'm a traitor and not worthy of this life..he makes my life hell and put me in a small box…his energy is so negative and   distractive   to me …it's exhausting ..!

  19. So there is no cure for narcissam/pshyhopaths?Im also solipsist.Im dont want your atenttion.I just want one simply answer: yes or no.

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