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21 thoughts on “Cheat sheet for dealing with a Narcissist

  1. i felt soooo drained after he left it was an hour but I WAS SO DRAINED

  2. Never go to HR: they are there to protect management and their assets. An abusive employee is probably provoking you to see what you do and run to their master in management with it. HR can do and will do nothing in this case as they are just another employee like you. What I do is just stay out of their games and don't take the bait. In regular life you can do everything suggested here, but in the workplace they can and will hurt your livelihood. Better to move on at some point. This is why turnover tends to be high now in corporate environments. Just join the crowd at the revolving doors and chalk it up to getting experience.

  3. I'm sorry but I disagree with setting limits with narcs. They will only punish you when you attempt to do so. The idea of setting limits with them is unrealistic as a way of continuing relationships with them. As for having compassion for them, would you have compassion for a robot? Their biggest win is to get you to have compassion for them, they use that to control. I believe a better policy is "Do no harm." Do not take revenge on them or try to hurt them back but don't fool yourself into thinking that setting boundaries with a narc will allow you to continue a relationship with them they will inevitably destroy you emotionally, spiritually, and physically by breaking you down over and over. Just get out.

  4. Will someone please explain to me how they view the Golden Rule? It's not a complex idea. It's a simple rule. Surely they would not want to be treated the same way they treat others. I'm suffering from a breakup with a female narcissist. I'd never treat her the way she treated me. I didn't know what was going on until two lady friends informed me she was a narcissist and to look up the term "narcissist". Surely they know they are doing wrong!

  5. Well done presentation.

  6. Thank you. I find not only the way you share but also the information you share.

  7. Please make video about how to cope with the fact that you have children with narcissist. How to protect them in case of shared custody / visitation rights etc. How do we protect them!?

  8. My adult daughter is a narcissist, anytime I've confronted her on her wrong doings, she will look me dead in the eye and say I've done nothing wrong!

  9. Every time something good happens to me, there's my mother, making some kind of derogatory comment. Any time that I am in a great mood, she'll try to do something to drag me down out of it. A year ago, she injured herself and I was spending more time at her house, than my own apartment, so I just moved into her house. What a huge mistake! I finally landed a great paying job and there's an awesome townhouse in my city that I'm seriously thinking about leasing. She knows that I love my childhood home, so when she found out that I'm getting out, she tries to guilt me to stay. "Sigh, well, if you move, I can't take care of the house by myself, and I'll have to sell it." That's crap, she's trying to lay a guilt trip on me, and using the house to try to get what she wants. "Are you sure that your job is secure in this economy?" Again, trying another tactic to make me doubt that I'll be able to afford the townhouse, even though my manager and his boss say I'm doing a great job. Next, she tells my sister (who lives her own life) that I'm basically a horrible son for 'not wanting to help her any more'.

    Today, I told her that whenever something great happens to me, she has to get derogatory. I told her to go ahead and sell the house, I'll even help her pack it up. I told her that she tries her best to bring me down because she can't help herself and she has to do it to try to keep in control. I told her I'm getting the townhouse, you can sell your house, and you can tell the whole family that I'm doing it. For the first time ever, she just shut up. I couldn't believe it. It felt like someone took a ton of weight off of me. I just don't care any more. My dad died 14 years ago (I miss him every day) and he told me 'to take care of your mother'. I'm sorry Dad, I have to live my life before it's gone. He had the right to live his, my mother had the right to live hers, now it's my turn.

  10. Like it!!!! It is spot on…..been there, wish I knew then what I know now. My protective order against my x ends in two weeks. We have to be in contact because of our daughter. The police information is helpful. I fear him and know that he will not be able to stay in control….Thank you!

  11. did you mean "competition driven drama" instead of "completion driven drama" ?? at 1:46

  12. I politely told my mother that I don't like racist jokes, but she makes them anyway.  She flips out and calls me "one of the most narrow-minded people she knows." Once again, she trotted out the old bullshit about talking to me. I'll be completely gray if I don't get the fuck out here.

  13. Great advice handling my narcissist husband abuse.

  14. Very true about 'true self esteem'. If I had this 10 years ago, I would responded the narcissists the right way, telling him my true value. But instead, I was screaming back at him, because I didn't know what to do, just shut up and took the verbal abuse didn't felt right either. It took me several years to get over it. It also took several years of contemplating, that if I responded with 'true self esteem', I might make him a less narcissist person. Thanks.

  15. I am just curious – does anyone know a narc that also has OCD?

  16. Thank you, that was very helpful and actually somewhat enjoyable, even though the subject matter is difficult, people like that cause a lot of the trouble on our planet. This is the first time I had a 'session' with an avatar, I like it. Have a great day.

  17. if you wrestle with a pig you smell like shit and the pig likes it.prayers for all victims of the narcissist

  18. Exceptional presentation of: Compassion for the person – rejection if the behavior!


    THERE NEEDS TO BE WAY MORE INFO ON THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION – it stresses me that it is severely overlooked!

    Good points – please do more –

    Maintain boundaries – understanding/compassion for the perso.'s situation – rejection of the actions/behaviors.

    And what to do to help gain freedom w/o tools – ie. car, home, financial means –

    I AM ONE! 

  19. Why do they love their Grandchildren so much, yet hate their own children? Why?

  20. Thank you Dr. Monotonia

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