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49 thoughts on “Don’t Look For Validation From a Narcissist

  1. Thank you for this video… This was very helpful to me. I've been struggling with this issue lately.

  2. Another great video!!!! I can't wait to be free of this childishness……….

  3. Thankyou for this video. A great help when leaving the NARC because they have truly fucked with your mind.

  4. Could this have happened to the narcissist because the narcissist's mother did this to him/her? Is it a way of manipulating people because they were manipulated by a parent?

  5. this is brilliant thank you :)

  6. You are the best !! A narrasist will never provide closure , he or she wants your wounds to stay open !!

  7. How can I protect or educate my teenage daughter dealing with her narc dad?

  8. Someone is doing their homework ……. every fucking word

  9. Thank you. Your message is on point. 

  10. in short a narcissist is a dumb fuck who needs help. tell them clearly how you feel and standup to them but dump their ass afterwarwards and don't expect them to change. they are too damaged to do so.

  11. One of your best videos again

  12. I simply must say thank you.
    The content you share is not only complex in its very nature, but also a bit tangled and distorted as an individual recovers or reclaims themselves from these types of relationships. I have been struggling with each day of almost a year of no contact and I spend a number of hours researching sources and methods of recovery. I will not say any one ideology has worked better than another, but I have found a bit more solace within the messages you are able to deliver. You speak with a tenor of what may have been your own personal experiences and offer those lessons with a practicality and emotional barometer which is not only self reflective, but rather sheds light towards a direction which is so often hard to find.
    It appears easy to fall into those traps of ego & redemption. And before a survivor can reach the surface and get that first breath of life beyond the narc- we must cast off the anchors, seaweed and other ideas we have weighed ourselves down with as we attempt to break free. It is so often a hidden struggle and I am a freer person each day I recognize what I have really been holding onto. Thank you again for putting your message out into our world.

  13. Thinking now that the narcissists are demon types because they have a black dead heart and feel no compassion nor empathy they lie and just like this guy said on the video there out to basically mind rape you this is terrible on the way thet play you like a terrorist wow still trying to wonder how i let myself get caught up with a swindler

  14. oh my god thats what this white devil did to me ! Im barely getting my head straight on his bullshit circles of lies and fucken promises that never came never got one compliment or validation so glad im seeing the truth at this stage and moving on you explain so well and i am grateful to be able to listen to you know and everythings going to be ok


  16. Thank you for your amazing insight. Bless you!!!

  17. they don t need therapy!!!! they all need EXORCISM!!!!!!

  18. Thank you so much for this video this is exactly where I'm stuck wanting answers and validation but you're right it's never coming

  19. This video is a great self-esteem builder. Very, very encouraging and uplifting! Thank you Assc Direct.

  20. wow I really was taken in by this asshole manipulator who sucked all my self esteem away

  21. SiR… if I could give you a GoLD STaR? You'd deserve a whole Universe!!! THiS counsel is the ULTIMATE guiding light for anyone who is needing relief from a pitiable relationship!
    pure truth

  22. Narcissist is not the cause , just a trigger

  23. She used my vulnerability about my son from my previous marriage.
    Threatening to call the cops & that Id never see him again. When I challenged her insanity.

  24. Dude, you spoke the TRUTH. Very powerful video, because you exposed everything about them, from a soul/spiritual perspective and how it relates to one's own ego. It's a very balanced approach. One is indeed hurt by the narc because one's own ego has been attacked by a worthless-piece-of-crap thief. The truth is, these people really, really are worthless thieves, exploiting weaknesses of decent people. But the silver lining for me is that this weakness has been fortified to the point of becoming a strength, because I am now able to stand firm, "stand my ground" so to speak, to anyone who unreasonably attacks me. (And, this video of yours certainly helped confirm everything. Thanks!!!)
    I still maintain the humble side of myself (always room for self-improvement), but now I can see clearly between covert, petty attacks as opposed to constructive criticism. Seeing through deception is something that I wasn't on guard towards in the past. Basically, anyone who unreasonably trashes your heart (assuming you have a decent heart) is intentionally trying to break you. Don't ever, EVER let that happen to you. While maintaining a good heart, see the maliciousness for what it is, and then discard these truly despicable creatures for abusing your kindness. To me, this type of discard is appropriate, because you're saying "good riddance" to petty thieves.

  25. I think that the fact that I went no contact with my narc shows that I have a healthy ego and self esteem. I view this as a positive thing.

  26. yes a battle with no value. right on point

  27. What shocked me upon finding out about Narcisissm and coming to the realization that my ex "first love" was one, was the fact that he was so sophisticated in his cunning as to how he manipulated me and he was only 17-21 years old. It's quite bone-chilling.

  28. You've a refreshing way of approaching the topic. Presentation is sometimes crucial how information will be absorbed. Kudos. Every single DROP of information you stated is 100% right on the money. You have narrated the relationship I had with my ex. I've been healing for a year now, and as I heal, more and more "AHA" moments surface. As far as the discard phase, I was brought as low as possible by her, kicked and kicked and kicked down…and then thrown out with the trash. Psychological warefare for certain.

  29. My quest was my zest for living. I keep trying to make my quest about others because making a lot of money doesn't mean anything to me. Rubbing narcissists noses in their own shit seems like all I care about anymore. They all know I've told them the market crash will ruin their fantasy lives and they will face hell. When the future arrives they won't be able to shake the sound of my laughter from their heads.

  30. I've been amazed with the quantity and caliber of women I've attracted since I was dumped yet I still feel I don't want anything other than what I had, which was a fantasy. What disturbs me the most now is when I listen to occasional narcissist videos that remind me of myself. That triggers sickness and confusion at times but a lot less frquently than it did when I was first figuring who the real narcissist was.

  31. Thank you for shedding some light on my situation because you are so right. When I meet this person I had no Idea they had so many emotional problems. She hid them so well. Even after I did so much for her she goes around telling people I the worst person she ever meet when in reality if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have what she have. Thank you!

  32. 100% spot on. Just where I'm at.8 mths. post discard still struggling. The 'ego fighting with yourself' I find very enlightening. Thank you Sir.

  33. I love your videos and your insight is astounding. To further support what you say here, I feel the reason for when narcissists discard they must do it so unequivocally and leave you without any redemption is because their ego can not allow you to feel good and move on to brighter horizons, even if they don't want you anymore. Their false self is challenged at this point. Their true self knows they have created a shit show of themselves, and so they can not aid you in any way to move on to find better than them or to find out what a mess they were. That would also mean they could not keep something good or that they made a mistake by getting rid of you. And that would also mean giving up power and the belief that they are incomparable. They are incapable of being supportive as they are takers or vampires, they take all. When their ego is challenged, it must be that you are all bad and they are all good, otherwise the false self can not continue to believe in itself, it must win at all costs, even if it means tearing someone down that was so supportive, loving or important to them at one point.

  34. Brilliant analysis! You really break it down. Thank you for all your insights shared. This is a really important truth you have shed light on. Bravo!

  35. damn….I think im a narcissist…………….effed up thing is…….I. know my girl is…………… we just spinnin.. lol

  36. wow…excellent explanation..I finally get it!

    thanks so much

  37. Yeah, this happened to me when my girlfriend in college dumped me. The crazy part is that I'd wanted to dump her, and when she dumped me, I freaked. Had no idea what narcissism was–at least, the definition of it; of course, the effects on me were devastating. She was a narcissist, and how. Had to wake myself up from trying to get back from her what wasn't there, just as you describe.

  38. am now officially a fan ♥♥♥…u explain narc traits but also give a positive outlook for the future..God bless!!!♥♥♥

  39. u keep gettin better!!! great vid !!!! keep it up 🙂 ♥♥♥

  40. You nipped it in the bud!  Most damaging was my narcissistic mother–it takes my breath away to realize the carnage she created and the time, money and energy I wasted knocking myself out to get her "approval".  It's been easier to see through narcissist boyfriends and boss but the mother goes back to the beginning and sets the damaging pattern.  You are right that there is "really nothing there" and "you are wasting your time". Just found your videos and will be watching the rest of them. Thank you for taking the time to make these–you are a sweetie pie!

  41. This was Great!!! I needed this today

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