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29 thoughts on “Example of small confrontation with a Narcissist – the key

  1. Every single video I hear something pretty much verbatim to what I've said. I wish I would have known what a narcissist was 13 years ago. I would have figured it out pretty quickly. :(

  2. Why do you make the n old, with gray hair? ageism?

  3. Would love to see more videos on how to deal with narcissistic scenarios. Thanks so much

  4. Just be grateful she's not conceal-carrying a gun, and didn't shoot you because she felt threatened. 'Do not engage' is my practice when in public.

  5. Hi. I think that on this short video u could have just done voice over slides or something. Good subject/example. The stilted animation was a distraction. Hope u find this helpful.

  6. Wow, you just described my day today that I put in one of your other videos. It went down exactly as how you said in the video, and my mother's reaction was exactly as you said in the video. It's almost creepy.

  7. Creepy looking graphics

  8. This is overly simplified. Most narcissists usually wear a mask in front of others and just are not this easy to spot. It's a decent example, but they usually put on the good-guy/girl face for the public. I was married to one for 23 years.

  9. How much of a narcissist has a person to be to thumbs down this video?

  10. I'm a narcissist and trust me, it is not a fun way to live. What you show is just a typical interaction but there is a lot more going on. Narcissism is deeply rooted in shame, experienced during childhood as a result of various forms of abuse.

  11. You can get a beer at a Starbucks?
    Thank you for the tips… Your advice is helping me support and inform two friends who are each dealing with a Narcissist… one her boyfriend. The other, her sister-her only living sibling, who treats her abominably while using her. Because her other sister died of cancer, she feels compelled to take that crap. I keep telling her that as long as she lets her sister get away with it, she is allowing her sister to menace everyone who knows her. Of course, she ignores my advice. And i'm putting a kabosh on her complaining about the situation she won't stand up to. But i did send her links to your videos :)

  12. April K
    Please consider that for those of us that are suffering from some form of narc induced trauma.
    The computer disconnected voice and animations allow us to stay focused and even amused whilst we absorb valuable lessons without the usual triggers that would actually make these videos less effective if presented otherwise.
    Hence the popularity of this Channel and its Healing effect on so many.
    Thanks again Npd crew !!!

  13. sub in italian….please

  14. first your perception of this act as an offence to you and then your need to "defend" yourself and win suggest you may some issues of your own.

  15. Narcissism is an affliction. There are better, more constructive ways to deal with a narcissist. They are not simple "bullies." And they're not foolish. They are afflicted with a mental disorder. Your approach to mental health issues is quite disturbing.

    To put it into perspective: You; the sane party without mental health issues had to defend yourself against and make a fool of a person with a mental health issue, simply for your own satisfaction. How about giving them with logic that forces them to face an aspect of their problem? People mistakenly assume that narcissists will deny no matter what. That's completely untrue. Their logic is usually sound until confronted and put to the task of defending their misbehavior. Then they get flustered and feel further invalidated (as they already feel, usually without realizing) and have to use coping mechanisms to be comfortable with themselves. It's pretty sick to have to put them down in order to preserve your comfortability.

    Good job mocking and laughing at the mentally ill.

  16. Interesting…So in your version of the world, there are "winners" and "losers" in social interactions?  And, as strongly implied by your video, one should enter into a potentially confrontational social interaction with the goal of "winning"?  It is also interesting that during your alleged interaction (there is no evidence this is a "true" story) no attempt was made by you to find out why the lady seemingly cut in line; perhaps it was a mistake?  Perhaps she had some arrangement with the store?  Perhaps she was mentally disabled?  Yet no attempt was made to resolve any understanding between the parties.  Instead, you assessed her as a "narcissist" from the outset without knowing anything about her and proceeded to immediately confront her because you felt offended.  Interesting indeed and potentially indicative of narcissistic traits, although in which party?

  17. April K hit it on the head!  As a man, I'm starting to really understand how extremely  narcissistic this video is trying so desperately to  make a man look stupid. How fucking feminist

  18. Flat out denying what they do. Typical.

  19. Thank you for this kind of example on how to deal with a narcissists.. I guess if you haven't been bullied all of your life by one, it might would come natural to stand up for yourself without getting flustered. This is a great reminder that even we are not responsible for their bad behavior and THEY should be ashamed and embarrassed not those that they bully…

  20. This one kind of went a little awry I think, I mean why win?  Won't that just make the lady more narcissistic?

  21. i love being a narcissist

  22. Thank you for confirming my actions after encountering my narcissistic partner. His request was ridiculous…over me not taking him to the tire store… and when I told him I was" laughing my ass off" he went into bully mode and started raging.

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