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29 thoughts on “Flying Monkeys and Narcissists

  1. Great insights and so useful. At the end of your video is a view not expressed much elsewhere towards narcissists but which I have come to, which is to see the narcissist as just a person with faults that you can treat with respect while maintaining your own autonomy. To do so is very liberating on the path to recovery from their influence.

  2. So I'm married to a celebrity in social media and they turned their fan base into flying monkeys to attack me? Well this certainly explains why I duck every time a dark cloud passes over. Swoop! Swoop!

  3. I have spent the past few days trying to find information on how destroy somebody I thought was a narcissist. Yesterday I watched this video about flying monkeys and I could see that I was doing the same thing, this morning I realized that I was the narcissist.

    I am looking at my life now at the destruction I have caused, and the state of things now. I don't know what to say. I am so, so, so sorry for what I have done and also what you have experienced, I thought I had lived this noble life, but looking at things now, I am horrified at the life I actually lived.

    It is horrible that I used people so pointlessly, to be so cruel, so that people would treat me with a sort of emotional pampering. I just want to say I am sorry for all the pointless cruelty caused to the people who had to endure it.

  4. I don't think a true victim would disclose this to anyone unless they have been dating you but I don't think they would be so open about it quickly or tell you right away. After all you don't bad talk your ex's because the person doesn't know you so they wouldn't even know if you are the bad guy. So anyone who is quick to bad talk their ex raises red flags.

  5. victimize
    Spell Syllables
    Synonyms Examples Word Origin
    See more synonyms on
    verb (used with object), victimized, victimizing.
    to make a victim of.
    to dupe, swindle, or cheat:
    to victimize poor widows.
    to slay as or like a sacrificial victim.
    Also, especially British, victimise.
    Origin of victimize Expand
    1820-18301820-30; victim + -ize
    Related forms Expand
    victimization, noun
    victimizer, noun
    unvictimized, adjective
    Synonyms Expand
    See more synonyms on
    2. defraud, fool, hoodwink, beguile. See cheat.

    I uinderstand someone not wanting to be called a "Victim", But the truth of the matter is this , anyone who has been traumatized by anyone for any reason has been made a victim by a perpetrator……. thus " victimized" . Victimization is a more powerful word to use when someone has committed a crime against you. So please do not feel less impowered because you had no idea that you were being duped, manipulated, coerced , betrayed, in any way shape or form.
    Being duped and all the latter does not mean you are weak, it means the other used wrong doing to make a victim out of you. Any other word used is demeaning to those of us who have been traumatized by these monsters.

  6. In women's studies, men always use variations of the same three  themes to get even with women.   1.  She's unstable  2.  She's a whore  3  Witch.

  7. This is exactly what my ex husband has done. He turned his entire family against me after I left him, so I changed all my contact info. What really sucks about it is because we have a son together. He has many aunts, uncles & cousins who he'd like to meet, and I'd gladly bring the child to go visit them but I can't because they've all been "warned" about me.

  8. I would like to learn what motivates a flying monkey. I mean, I taught myself never to believe 1) other people's opinions about me, and 2) other people's opinions about others. Those that do are simply listening to, and believing, gossip and hearsay. So what does that say about flying monkeys? Low self-esteem? Low self-confidence? I certainly don't have time for any of that :-).

  9. But in Return To Oz they had the Wheelers. Who are the Wheelers?

  10. So now that I have caught NH speaking smack about me behind my back in his sly little way (that only I caught), there is a possibility that he is lining up his next target?   Thanks for the heads up to (basically) stop beating myself up for this mistake and FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS on getting myself ready!   I'll have to be careful and not show my excitement or he might change his mind.  woohoo!

  11. I like "Flying Monkeys" they are funny and cool as an imaginary creature. Why did the psycho over-analysers have to steal that image and turn it into something negative?

  12. wow, great work here! Thanks!

  13. It all boils down to always making sure you dislike a person from what you've seen first hand if at all.

  14. You couldn't make this stuff up, what these people do. Truth is stranger than fiction. But trying to explain it to other people, trying to describe it, they look at us as if we were crazy.

  15. MIne told his sister I was abusive etc, I don't know if his flying monkey sister was goading him or wtf, but I didn't know HE had zero boundaries with his family and was devaluing me to them, next thing I know after 5 years his sister tells him we " have an unhealthy relationship", he tells me " don't throw the baby out with the bathwater you can redeem yourself to her", I sent her ( I didn't know about these sick family dynamics or idealize, smear, discard then ) an email saying " I"m sorry if you feel I am not treating your brother right, I love him profoundly and would work on myself and our relationship because I was very committed", well the next day he receives a call from his 79 yo mother telling him he HAS to leave me, his choice in the end, but she would prefer if he left me. OKAY I had no idea of any of this, nothing no idea he was talking bad about me to his sister. omg no boundaries. .HE stonewalled me for 2 months saying he is " thinking about us" ( bs he knew full well he was goign to appease his mother's demands), demoted me to friend from GF, pops back up 2 months later and says " it 's complicated, any notion he was ever interested romantically was wrong , all wrong" after 5 years of " i love you so much, I am devoted to us, we can work anything out no matter what" what a sociopath.. It's HORRIBLE Educate yourself.. I think he is his mother's supply and somehow they noticed that he was straying from their sick family dynamic. ANy woman he is with was " the abuser" to deflect from the fact they control him from growing up. I don't know.. YUK

  16. Nutty people 101 – flying monkeys.

  17. Hi, this is all very fascinating. there is a YouTuber called "atheism is unstoppable" aka Devon Tracy. you may or may not have heard of him. he is in the atheist community, and thus far has devided many people, because of his antics. but the interesting thing is that he is forming a cult, and calls his followers his "flying monkeys" they all see him as Mr right. he declared that he is their leader and he seems like he gets so hurt when people criticise him, thus sending his flying monkeys to attack. I would like to use your video. if this is OK let me know. ;-)

  18. This woman needs to understand that we don't watch these videos to hear life stories. Everyone of her videos she goes on and on about her personal issues. Sam Vadkin doesn't do that. She needs to see a therapist so she can spew all of her stories to someone else instead of us.

  19. I'm learning a lot from your videos. I have a narc father and my Mother is the "flying monkey". I understand now the root of the problem in my family has been my father and how manipulative he has been. I'll go on watching your videos as I am getting a clearer picture and understanding of how destructive the narc is. Thankyou.

  20. she called me her next victim to her friend and bragged it to me ….pocket called me and said to her syco daughter …im only with him for his money… i didnt want to believe it and then truck tire falls off and all lugs found in same area ,,,and the waitress she is…is the perfect place for her to get victims…..and tons of drama…..i even think she was tring to kill me too… so unbelievable that these evil people are real…2 timothy chapter 3 describes them i just didnt think it could happen to me.

  21. flying monkies might just be somebodies last victim and making vids about all this could be damage control by a narc….just a thought.

  22. HAHA…I'm sure he has a lot of flying monkeys…I was no victim after I found out what a lying whore he was. I used every trick in the book I had learned from being abused ( and knowing a lot of psychology) to fuck with his head. So , yeah, go ahead and fly, you stupid monkeys. See what that gets you.

  23. A narcissistic tried to turn me into a flying monkey, but my empathy for the other girl didn't let me…but he turned her into one. =(
    The situation is just sad. I got far away from him, but she is completly trapped. And as much I keep trying to help her, "she wants me dead", it's hard. I really feel sorry for her.

  24. I just don't know what to do. I feel I just need time. I'm understanding more about abuse from my past, but there's nothing I can do. Nothing I can say to myself, I can't make it better. I've lived all my life intellectualizing things, and that's the last thing I wanna do right now, so all I can do is sit and feel my emotions. But it's hard just being. It's hard not being able to do anything. It makes me so sad. That all I can do is just give myself time. And as I do nothing.. As I let myself feel…… it hurts…. 

    It makes me scared because I guess I always lived by trying to accomplish something, by doing something. but just…… giving myself time seems stage.. but maybe its normal, maybe its what every person needs, something ive deprived myself from all my life. The right to just be and heal, to do nothing. To just give myself time, to give myself love. It's so new to me. but I'm happy, happy healing feels more tangible, i feel a little more human. and less mechanical.

  25. The presentation is done in a way that a sufferer of this abuse can heal. 
    Victims targets etc seek non-narcistic type moral leaders to help too!

  26. Think big picture. It's in details. But the big picture is that narcissistic bosses, mates, and parents; can have lifelong impacts on a persons ENTIRE life.

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