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  1. your videos help many people…thank you! recovery takes time but life gets better when these people are out of your life

  2. no more women in my life, not worth it.

  3. Sacha have i offended you in complimenting you on your hats?

  4. So true,,, and if you say something to them about it ,,YOU are just jealous.

  5. hahahaha biyaaach……you are so on point, smart, cute and funny! i keep attracting narc men and am trying to learn how not too, lol. i am going to watch every video on your channel! if you dont have a video on how to not attract narcs, could you help us with that? thank you!!! hugs!!!

  6. Sounds like they are attention whores and gaslighters.

  7. My ex narc sociopath boyfriend was doing this all the time. Terrible experience. Thanks for the video.

  8. my dad's second wife was exactly this way. she had drug problems as well and would make the public believe she had multiple physical disorders when the doctors were actually telling her she was a drug addict and needed to lay off em. after numerous stays in rehab facilities my dad ended up cheating on her. he's most likely a covert . long story short his second wife ended up taking her own life. I do know she was in much physical pain from her addictions and it's just my opinion but I believe she did it as "a last laugh" sort of thing. she had set it up to where my dad would be the one to find her body. though he actually didn't because he was stuck at work that day. but right before she killed her self (according to "the time of death" given by the coroner) she had been enticing him through text messages to come meet her down a dirt road. which is where her body was found. I say all this with sadness. it's by no means an easy story to share. trust me it took me quite a while to deal with. I could actually write a book about my teenage life and what me and my step sister and brother dealt with during our teenage years and young adult hood.

  9. You know what the saddest part of a covert narc is? They have no problem showing their true colors in front of their own kids but friends and neighbors, god forbid they see the truth. It's all about public image. Her 2 young daughters would get a front row seat on the crazy train. Then I would have to explain and calm them down. That's child abuse in my book.  Mine wouldn't flirt but she constantly called everyone sweetie or honey. Very condescending. She claimed she was bad with names. No, you're just a self absorbed, solipsistic, supercalifragilisticexpiali-psycho without boundaries.  Wish I thought of that one sooner.

  10. It's hilarious when they get old!!!

  11. The covert is my ex wife to a T.

  12. now i see…… my ex did all of that….. public drama queen, no self control, etc etc…so i see now with what kind of woman i was……. she drop the mask every time she start to argue with me, in public, in car, …….. and always, always she was lookng in others butt, ……. now i see….. Thank You Sacha ….:) 🙂 great video!……. so my ex was: borderline+histrionic+narcissistic person!….. ufff, that was not good

  13. U'r so very very right- again! I do not know how many times I'v said; "if u just had some brains- u'd be a great psykopath!" But that's just half of the embarrassing times she's been all over any guy in any store or bar or worse- school-events. Still- the thing I never saw coming was when her son (my step-son fm 1.5yrs) came home with friends fm school- and if any of them worked out and looked ok- she'll not only flirt- but say so many hurtful things to her own son and point blanc bully him together with classmates and/or friends…and nothing u say will stop them. These *ssholes are pure evil- no matter wich level. Thank u again and sorry for ranting off…just finally found u and…yeah- u know. vbrgds

  14. Coverts are much better flying monkey recruiters too!

  15. Just hilarious, hahaha : ).

  16. my x was histrionic , he and his overt narc mom had a shared psychosis, male histrionics are somatic narcs and are often gay ( I suspect mine may have been bi ) anyway the point of this text is say thank you for the informative video and may I request a vid on male histrionics as its an area not covered much on YT knowledge is the path to recovery Thanx again sacha

  17. Yes she certainly was! Overt. Flirt-violence. It was awful. Didn't give a s%*&t who saw. And eventually I was dragged into trying to best her. I just couldn't take the attacks public or private. For along time I would escape silently, but after awhile would be cornered into reacting wherever.

  18. Oddly, this made me think of my grandmother. My sisters told me a story recently of how when we were young she took us to the local pool (in a small country town) and sunbathed topless. My sisters were mortified but she apparently revelled in the attention, both good and bad. I was very young so have no memory of this. My earliest memory of her was when she ignored me for an entire Christmas. My mother later explained to me that I had forgotten to write a thank you note for the minuscule amount of money she had sent me for my birthday. I was 6 years old.

  19. I have noticed that narcs can toggle between covert and overt. Also, their true colors of overt or covert Ness can either change or just become more apparent when they go through a difficult life experience such as the death of a mother.

  20. Ha Ha!! I love U!! Your vids are awesome!!!

  21. Thank You, Miss Sacha!! Informative and helpful!! You are cute and sweet!!

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