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23 thoughts on “How I Handled the Rage After the End of My Narcissistic Relationships

  1. It was very hard for me to move past it all. The only thing that truly helped was time and I just reminded myself I am not the person he painted me out to be. I focused on going to work, reading books on healing from narcs, and attempting at writing a book about what it was like being married to a narcissist asshole. There truly are phases of healing. Currently I'm at the laughing at how ridiculous he is stage.

  2. Ex narc did 2 discard episodes. Both extremely violent. He punched holes in walls, ripped the phone out of the wall when I tried to call 911 after him destroying stuff saying he was going to kill me. After I hid, he came to find me and said "I'm willing to let all of this go and be friends with you, we are both good people, you just have issues, I will pray for you" I went crazy, extremely crazy while he stayed calm saying I needed help and he can't help me anymore that I'm toxic and he needs to move on, move on as his new source. They are just flat out fucking lunatics.

  3. I knew the what they do….you helped me understand the "why"…….Thank you so much:).

  4. this video is going into my favorites.

  5. This is an exceptional video! Thank you.

    Pure anguish drove me into a state of temporary insanity aka rage many times with my Narcissist. When the pain was more than I could handle my temper would kick in and make me flee if he hadn't already kicked me to the curb for crying & trying to reason with his accusations, betrayals and other abuses. I must be slow because it's taken me 7×70 times to finally stay gone (GOD I hope anyway).

    Rage will get the job done but remaining that person turns ya into them. This is my 3rd attempt at No Contact and only during these times do I worry about my own temper and fear I'm losing me. I don't want to become him.

    It's because these Narcissists are basically the same personality I'm convinced they are demonic. Mine claimed to be Legion. I must not let this experience destroy my innermost person. I was full of love and it often feels as if he took it all now that I'm away from him.

    Rather than run back to him this time I'm doing my best to turn to GOD to be refilled.

    I danced with the devil too long after the mask slipped to get out of this spiritually unharmed. Only GOD can help me and HE is. The rage has lessened but the pain will take a bit longer to subside. As my love refills, I'm sure the pain too will lessen.

  6. Can we address restraining orders and how emotionally and technically hard it is to file one? Can we also talk about safety planning?

  7. I thought I was the only one who felt these feelings.
    Thank you.

  8. I feel very blessed for having found your wonderful work. I probably will do something in spanish to help others that don't know about narcissistic abuse.. there's not enough information available in my language. You have inspired me a lot thank you♡

  9. Im just going through this and I thought I was going crazy. Omg

  10. Good advice, as always. Thank you!

  11. Thanks Dana you have no idea how much your videos have helped with the confusion and getting clarity ♡

  12. Does a narcissist know they are a narcissist?

  13. How do I push through the rage? I make a private vlog every day about my
    feelings and daily happenings that I find important and I also write down all
    of my most intense feelings. I made a very long list of the horrible
    ways my partner treated me and that actually helps me to not want to
    keep mulling over them every day, I have a folder on my computer
    titled… "BECAUSE I CAN" and it's filled with photos that I take weekly
    of small things that I now can do that I "wasn't allowed to do" when my
    partner was here. Some of them are hilarious …such as a photo of a
    rumpled bed-sheet, or a photo of a towel folded in a different manner,
    or of my new window trim that I painted BRIGHT RED, or of the ladder
    that I decided to hang on the wall, or of the steak knives that are in
    the dish drainer "THE WRONG WAY GODDAMMIT!!!!!!" as he would've said.
    The humor of these silly photos takes some of my anger away.
     My ex narc moved out about a month ago. This past Friday at 53 I got my first therapist and she uttered this to me…."you gave that loser the best 18 years of your life!" (though right after she said it she did try to re-frame it less despairingly.) I said "NOPE! The BEST 18 years of my life are my NEXT 18 years!" I really believe that, like you said, this last18 years of abuse had to happen for me to make this awesome energetic beeline towards authenticity, self-awareness and feeling powerful, strong and proud.

  14. Thank you so very much for this great video.
    it has been nearly a year since my second break up with my Ex and I still battle continually with times of very deep rage.
    so few people understand what it is I am going through or have been through as they simply just don't get it.
    it makes such a difference to know and feel that this is a healthy emotion and thay there is the possibility of it not just being healed but used in a positive way.
    again thank you.
    your work has made the most massive difference in an experience that nearly ended me.

  15. i have listened to miles of videos, read books on the issue of narcissism….rosenberg, valkin, many more….your videos are the most clear, and revealing and totally resonate with the 2 narcissists that i have experienced…i am a fan!! thanks…the most confusing issue was the disappearance out of nowhere…we dated one month…one evening in a bar..when i had to have had someone drug my wine…and i lost it…don't recall what i even said..but it was not out of body experience…crazy….never had happened to me morning i was so upset and asked him what happened…he was totally angry…made me feel horrible, guilty…and then never called me again…he did say that i said this was not my scene..the bar….all the alcohol, flirting…was not my, i think he took it personal…and never called after…truthfully…it was the best thing that could have happened..he was a pro and "cold" lack of empathy…anyway ..great stuff here

  16. After I sent my abuser to jail, I started having rage issues and severe mood swings. I was so angry that he hurt me so badly emotionally and since he has no feelings I felt the need to hurt him physically, and I almost did when he was release. My doctor has put me on Depakote to help manage my rage. I have read that Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome is a form of C-PTSD and rage is one of the most prevalent symptoms. Glad to know I'm not alone. Love you channel and all of your videos.

  17. I really enjoy your videos, but the volume of your voice is very low and difficult to hear unless I'm right next to the computer.

  18. I raged at my Narsi and took a hammer to his stuff, since he thinks and told everyone that I was "crazy" I didn't care about the consequences. Days later he wanted to talk that was to tell me that he was wrong in his diagnosis. of me as "crazy" and "menopausal" he was doing some research and he believes he's found the "problem" its I'm bipolar. Have you ever heard such crap? Maybe I'm smashing your stuff cause you belittle me, cuss me out constantly, spread lies, and cheat any chance you get. You think that that may be the problem, I asked Mr Narsi to which he answered I've never called you names. Wow so typical.

  19. I literally thought the same thing … he's not worth jail..
    but I could call it self defense and take a few years.

  20. omg… the first 2 minutes of this gave me instant peace.
    I thought my rage was proof of how crazy I was..