How to identify a narcissist gang stalking organizer: the narcissism test

Sometimes the real enemy is hiding in plain sight. This video mentions another video, which explores some of the specific tactics which narcissists can use to …


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40 thoughts on “How to identify a narcissist gang stalking organizer: the narcissism test

  1. Jeff is talking about identifying narcists.

  2. Jeff, Thanks for the info, I know all too well how dangerous they are…

  3. Ive known a few of these people, they usually eventually, end up in prison, some get help. But now i have a name for it, thx.

  4. My friend you are discribing 99% of man.  Conner…the resistance……they say resistance is futile…..I say resitance is furtile.We have but to tune there turns around and they are bafled of try to overpower you with a torant of agression….yes they are so afraid to loose controle to the real authority me/you be that they can only find solance in gangs/mobs(like police or any other gang that is willing to shove you under….your authority they fear worse than hell….while they claim you be this hell spawn….there stalk raving MAD man) that build up attacks from whatever angle so to confirm themselfs continually with oneanother otherwise they would loose the angle and the derictive for whatever they where doing for you man you short circuit there brain by simply "overpowering it with PLAIN and SIMPLE reason of a/the sinceer Truth/Fact which they can not overcome or turn for is simply beyond there command.   And you OWN them hook line and sinker…..hahahaha  job done and restate reality and rebuild the world with them under your feet….it is there place….they fed on your stool and claimed themselfs superiour….there a joke and a bloted lie will give them but a fall from every pin prick….while they say you carry a knife……while the hold a gun and whole of the system is backing up them drewling fools.

  5. WOW, how interesting to hear this Perception on Narcissism for i can relate so well, i am 52 and recently been experiencing things that i had no name for or how to describe without sounding like i myself had a mental problem, i am not saying i haven't struggled throughout life with learning disability's and Alcohol, so a mechanic i am and have a love and pride in this for i have been blessed. So now having this info about Narcissism and gang stalking things are, well my wheel's are turning, i have learned the hard way not to try and figure it all out over night, my will get to smoking if not careful. I sure wish i could talk to somebody face to face like this Man. this was my first Video and i have to just say……WOW

  6. I can tell by the background noise that you are being harassed. Those are not human beings doing this. These are principalities trying to wear out your patience. This is going on world wide. I bet you see what looks like planes, helicopters, cars with people wearing big sunglasses with no facial expressions, appearing and disappearing at the blink of an eye. Not to mention, people getting in the way of your daily activities. I'm telling you what it is, now you know what this gang stalking is about.

  7. you look for me like typical gangstalker in plain sight.

  8. You are right the targeted individual program does exist these patents proof the tech behind this:

    They are using ALICE artificial intelligence chatterbots with a personal psychological script based on your previous life experience and try to destroy your life, isolate you, drain you money, legally kidnap your children and snatch away you property. These hired cybernetic mind hive teams and groups of local who are stalking you get paid in presents, money and vacations. Do not let them isolate you and do not step into entrapments. Make sure you got a hidden cam with you for a few bucks you can buy them from China and film the gangstalking and street theater activity. Do not go to mental care because they want to give you a certain label you will loose every court case once you get a mental label. Be strong and focus on other things not on the bullshit script that is running or other people opinions who are stalking you. Angels do not play this HAARP. Als read "How to tame a Demon" and "Project Soul Catcher from Dr. Robert Duncan, also read "NLP for Dummies" to understand mirroring, anchors and trigger, read "Banned mind control techniques", read "Legally kidnapped" from Carlos Monsales if you have children and understand their are government and mental care employers doing this to you. The gangstalking should induce fear and paranoia and telling about it should give you the label schitzofrenia together paranoid schitzofrenia a license for the government to destroy your life. Also make you age more faster, do behaviour modification making you act out agressive and live a less longer life is a big purpose if they can silenty kill you they will try it. Talking you into suicide, seperating you from family and friends never DO THIS! Keep your trusted circles and never commit suicide for anyone trying to talk you into it! These people are weak bullshitters why else should they hide and use v2k and RNM to you?

  9. your so on point. thank you a million times over my Gangstalkers at work fit this to a tee and then some.

  10. Soooo self centered people are stalking you now?

  11. They don't have any life's and just sit around spying on others,such a loser

  12. Hey man, I am a bit narcissistic. I mean I have failed the test with at least the first two questions, when my boss made me a work evaluation that is done periodically. He asked me what do I think I must work on, speaking about my qualities and I looked at him incapable of saying anything and he laughed and said: Come on, man, there must be something abou you that needs improvement. I told him I am sorry but I cannot think of anything else for the moment. And it is true that I can hate somebody without telling him/her. I can be very close to them. But I never listen to my narcissistic impulses. I rather fight with them inside myself and not beeing seen for days or weeks.

  13. Here is my latest video on who I thought was friend but she isnt shes
    turned out to be a PERP. No doubt she will bully the hell out of me back

  14. Dude, you don't have to trick a narcissist into revealing who they are. They will tell you in a subliminal way. It's like when you read a good mystery novel. The writer of the novel may surprise you with an ending, but when you look back in the story, the author left you a bunch of clues. The more telling the clues (while you still don't get it) the more talented the author is. Narcissists are the same way, they want to tell you while you still do not get it. Just pay attention, you'll learn to see them for who they are and they will always tell on themselves.

  15. I am new to this subject but I had and interesting situation for about 6 years where I had a lot of people parked outside my house at all hours of the day, standing around loitering, smoking cigarettes, talking on the cell phone, knocking on my door, etc. It never stopped even in the middle of the night there was cars pulling up and people sitting all night and day. I live in a nice neighborhood with expensive homes and it didn't make sense to me. The police never responded in a way that took care of the problem and my neighbors did not seem to care. It was the strangest phenomenon in my entire life. I noticed when it started there was a old drunk surfer guy that was always drinking in his truck and he seemed to have a lot of friends and kind of vibed me a lot and stared me down which seemed kind of jerky but from that point on it was like grand central station in front of my house. The last two years there is no one and it is perfect again. I don't know much about gang stalking but for a while I thought it might be drug dealing but I don't think that it was and I don't think it was potheads either. It seemed to me like people loitering aimlessly with no agenda in a nice neighborhood and it didn't make sense. One thing I notice was that my neighbors wife became friends with the drunk surfer guy and she would lie about not seeing him out there when he was literally there all day every day. The other thing I forgot to mention was in the beginning I set up surveillance cameras so I knew what I was seeing from inside my house. The main thing I noticed was that there was always someone sitting in a vehicle for hours at a time and they didn't seem to be smoking weed or have any real agenda.

  16. The hive needs narcissistic queen bees which bloom spontaneusly. The fact the uncaring alien bee-keeper and his cronies behave narcissistically does not mean rejecting narcissism is a good formula for the bees as it will make them suspicious of their own natural leaders. See the protocols of the Elders of Zion and how these explained the way they turned the people against their own kings and protectors

  17. if anyone wants to truly know the what a Narc is or her the different type of Narcissism traits Check out Sam Vaknim on YouTube or get his book Malignant self love Narcissism Revisited. Mind blowing. BTW a lot of cops are narcs

  18. what we fear we attract. Therefor if we have a tenancy to see narcissism all around us would that not become our reality?

  19. Thank You so much for your exact description of what kind of DEMONS that we are dealing with.

  20. We need an online support group. I've been a victim of this since 1995, and it was and has been orchestrated by the Church of Scientology. Watch " Going Clear " and other related testimonies about Scientology.

  21. Jeff you are the narcissist,you are the person of "special" interest

  22. I am a targeted individual living in Los Angeles. I first began experiencing hearing vocalizations whenever I ran water or if the air conditioner was on. I found a way to record and reveal these vocalizations using Adobe Audition. If you are being harassed by vocalizations you can record these vocalizations using your computer or basically any handheld digital recorder with 44KHz, 24Bit settings. You can download, for free, a 30-day trial of ADOBE AUDITION from Adobe's website. Once you have Audition installed and running, you import your recording. First use the AMPLIFY effect with the setting +20dB. This amplifies the audio sample so you can extract the vocalizations. Next, use the ADAPTIVE NOISE REDUCTION effect with the settings, REDUCE NOISE BY: 20, NOISINESS: 60, FINE TUNE NOISE: 0, SIGNAL THRESHOLD: 0, SPECTRAL DECAY RATE: 200, BROADBAND PRESERVATION: 300 and FFT SIZE: 2048. After running this effect you will be left with your vocalizations with little noise left around it. The vast amount of vocalizations I've recorded usually have the actual government vocalizations sitting between 600-4200Hz. I usually cut off the frequencies above and below that.

  23. I have a husband like this…but also live in an HOA with what I believe to be agency paid to maintain HOA control.  .harm neighbors CAUSE FIGHTS, GSSIP, FINES, LIENS ETC

  24. they hide their anger.reverse psychology.
    you people don't talk about,black magic,demons ,energy stealing.astral plane attack.most of you can't see or feel them.iv tuned into a nature I just know these scum.we have willing agents high to low level.we have unaware time they behave is when your charged spiritually.

  25. kind of like the media….lol they MIMICK EMOTIONS on a regular basis. everyone is hip to there game and calling them out on it, and tuning them out.pretty soon there ratings are going to get lower and lower… God has reveal. and will expose others sooner than they think.

  26. So you say its only them and there in no government or other involve?

  27. Would be better to see examples and not only talking. Are all of them narcisssist?

  28. Is a narcissist a liar too ?

  29. i wonder class A families are vulnerable to this I think that the people behind this belive in autoritarism and totalirsm they want to take your freedom because they think u are bad for society or something like that
    i just wonder if the class A families get trough this

  30. I just wanna see you list something though, because you did not list anything. Remember: you teach what you need to know most. To me. I mean see how I'm also teaching something, and it is what I need to know. Nevermind. But anyways, lets see if you change the subject or act like you somehow have immunity. I'll give examples for me.

    Compassion. That's something i really want to develop in me. Kindness also, but maybe not. I need to figure out how to approach this because of a verse in the Tao Te Ching that talks about being kind is not actually a good thing. So once i get more clear on the meaning of this, I will have a better idea of which way to approach this.

    I would like to improve my voice for singing. I would like to work on my hands more. I am very young but have some form of arthritis in my hands and there is exercises that you can do which are common in practitioners of western medicine yet I am not doing them daily. Maybe it would be wise for me to do them more, and maybe also I got so exited about eastern medicinal practices that I sort of thought I was untouchable in a sense and there was no sense in following these simple western practices. But the hands are obviously something which those western exercises would help me with. So this is a goal which i will have to grow as a person to achieve which is a good sign. Maybe I will end up finding something even better however that is not common to western medicine practitioners.

    I would like to be more humble, that is another one which is huge to me. I would like to stay sane. That is crucial to me especially when i'm always learning different new things, I think staying sane is quite well. I want to heal mentally and physically from any abuse i've suffered. That is absolutely major for me because things from your past can crop up later in life and cause disease if you don't deal with them. And people commonly ignore things from the past because they want acceptance, but really what they accepted by is people that are actually killing them. The mental hurdle for them would be understanding that they aren't actually being accepted, they are being killed. Also this reminds me that there's other ways you can be killed, such as spiritually. An important quote to remember is "there's no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs". So if something seems like an elevator ride it is not actually taking you to success, which i'll define as obtained a desired result. I don't mean success in terms of whatever people talk about success being, i mean black and white, your either got the result you desired or you didn't. An example, lets say titanic. They built a big beautiful ship, had a great party, but then drove into an iceberg. Not a desired result.

    2) the next big reason for wanting to heal from all mental and physical abuse is that i want to be able to help others. I feel you're either helping or hurting, and no person who hasn't first healed themselves from all physical and mental abuse, spiritual abuse, etc. cannot possibly be helping all others who have suffered heal. That is a good thing to apply myself too.

    Also I want to keep working on my health. I think making money will be good for my health, at this point in my life, there was a time when i was a drug addict, and having money was actually very bad for my health. So at this point it's reverse and I need the money for my health, which is sort of a mental restructuring and re-ordering whereas before money went straight to drugs, plain and simple.

    Also i would like to prevent further abuse. Help womens rights. Help rape, torture. Free people from governments, schools, etc., etc., etc., and also just like the emotional healing and such this will first need to happen to myself.

    Finally I would like my physical body to improve. Work on being less agist, and classist mostly (as they may be my biggest weaknesses in developing quality relationships) but also other things like racism and such, i'm just more likely to stay away from someone abused on age or class than I am because of race, or sex, and i've been working on these things for a long time. So ageism and classism is a huge thing for me.

    I'm working on outgrowing the need for losers. It sounds silly. I've been working on outgrowing lots of needs within me (rather than try and solve or overcome), and I feel the biggest problems in life cannot be solved or overcome they must be outgrown. This comes from Carl Jung. But i could go on all day, i've been working on this stuff a lot for the past couple months or so, but a new one that I discovered had a huge hold on me was the need for losers. Let me explain. Have you ever had a situation where you tripped then someone laughed immediately? Why does this happen? Ever received random advice from a stranger that you weren't quite sure you needed?

    Like most of the time it's blatantly obvious. Like say you're looking at a green light (not that this has ever happened. it's just an example) and someone's like "son the lights green"

    Most people get annoyed by this. I know I do. But why do we have people like this in our lives? Is it because we have a bit of this in ourselves? Of course it is. I call this a loser. So also if you experience this sort of stuff like I do, you probably also notice that you're not even giving yourself permission to win. Anyways I can go on all night about this, and i've been typing for a while, I've got a bedtime and I like to read. But I'm just pointing out here that trying to solve or overcome this won't work. Losers are a big enough problem that you can't overcome or solve, you must outgrow.

    Also in video's by Fritz Springmeier about Illuminati and such he mentions a lot about how they are killing off the species and it's genocide. The illuminati is mixed in with a lot of things and this is because they spy. And you need to outgrow the need to spy, but that's why they become parts of all these evil things, and follow different religions and have customs from Royals, to Satanists, to everything else. They are not the same as these things, (although they may be. there's no rule against this but let me explain) but just try spying on someone if they know you're spying. It's impossible. But the UN has an issue to outgrow and that's the need for death. That exists regardless of weather or not there's illuminati. The people who want a small number controlling a large number have an elitist attitude they need to outgrow. That exists weather or not there is illuminati. Governments, they have a need for brutal killing, and that exists weather or not there is illuminati. All these things need to outgrown. Like to beat the Mafia outgrow your need for killing (not the same as government which is brutal killing). But you see signs of Mafia trying to overcome or solve this problem, when it's too big of a problem to solve or overcome, you have to outgrow it. Education system has a need for slaves. That has to be outgrown. This all exists weather or not there is illuminati. But the thing that's committing genocide is actually the need for God. It can also be phrased as the need for good, because they're both the same thing. I believe in God, and I believe in good. This is not what this means. Have you ever been following something you thought of as God or holy or good or something and then you noticed it was doing bad, but you're like "it can't be this is about God (or good)" Well that's how this genocide and all this crap happens. People have tried to overcome or solve this but it doesn't work. An example of this would be the lyric "Jesus freaks out in the street handing tickets out for God. Turning back she just laughed…"

    It's from an elton john song and you can look up that lyric. But that's an attempt to overcome it. If you outgrow your need for God you'll see everyone as God. There wil be no War for God. Or ye know, anything like that. And it's tricky because if you're like "I don't need God" they'll be like "what about good. can't go without that right" No but seriously they are the exact same thing, and this is not the illuminati, although they are part of everything because they can't possibly give up that they are spying. They have a need to spy, and so do you if the illuminati is still a problem in your life. Because outgrowing that need beats them. When you outgrow the need for God you will be in more contact with God than ever. It's actually a leap of faith I think really. Same with good. Outgrow the need for both because they're the same, and they just use good to target different people. Some people feel they're off the hook because they don't fall for the God thing that Americans who follow the slogan "In God we Trust" fall for. As if building weapons is something for God. Then they'll come at you with good. You wanna see yourself as a good person right? After you outgrow them both it's like "I am God, and I am Good. What are you trying to sell?"

    Just had to get that out. Don't even feel like this is the right place, but I've totally figured out that that is the need that needs to outgrown to stop all this food that is killing us, and all that stuff that is being considered practically a genocide. how the water is proven to cause brain damage but they do nothing. The fluoride in water. When you don't need it, you are it. That's just how it is.

    That's how it works in tag too. Remember playing tag? Anyways. This may be a two part answer because of its length.

  31. I would say another thing they may say is something like "I want to improve my government" or "i want to do more for the community" or some other thing with an underlying meaning that is saying, i'm already perfect so i will now try and make others perfect like me.

  32. What are the things you want to improve on though? You didn't name any.

  33. what they dont say is how much it cost to protect urself it cost thousands and thousands of dollars just to protect urself. America doesnt protect u from cyber stalkers the common person cant protect themselves its very very common now

  34. go to God Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

  35. I have two psych degrees and too much heart so I still don't get NPD. I think they used to call it selfish. self centered. mean spirited. heartless. It isn't so much a personality disorder as it is a heart/conscience problem and psychology doesn't cover that very well. Interesting that you were accused of being a Narcissist. I was too by another Narcissist. It upset me so badly, hurt me, made me cry…that's when I knew I was anything BUT another Narcissist! hahaha. We learn lessons in life in such strange ways (even about ourselves).

  36. Here is a theory that I have come up with based on the fact that I've dealt with many narcissistic people. It is my own theory (just to qualify). The reason we are all having so much difficulty dealing with narcissistic personalities in our lives is because world consciousness is basically narcissistic. God itself is narcissistic "I am perfect, you are shit, you must offer all of yourself to me in order to become perfect." Narcissists are basically vacumn cleaners because they have, somewhere in their lives, chosen not to use their own inner resources, (and it is a choice), but rather, simply usurp the resources of others for their own existence. If you have been subjected to a narcissist you may have noticed that they begin to "steal" your personality. They crush you and then walk away with your goods. They do this because they refuse to access or develop any of their own inner resources in order to stay safe from pain, loss, humiliation, whatever. The thing is, they are actually threatened by those who have "real" inner resources because it reminds them of their own emptiness. Their very survival feels threatened. This causes them to want to destroy the "real" person and then mimic the personality traits of the "real" person in order to receive the benefits that they perceive the real person as receiving. They are endless, they are never satisfied.
    The reason it is so hard to receive support from therapists, spiritual communities, police, etc., is because most of them are also narcissistic and are therefore unable to come up with any "real" tactics or solutions to help you. To boot, they "feel" threatened by you and then wish to essentially chew you up and spit you out. That is why the target ends up being called paranoid, etc.
    Another interesting thing that I've figured out is that narcissist seem to enjoy creating high intensity drama. I've realized that this is because they have no inner ability to feel, or have chosen to deny their own inner ability to feel, so they need to create excessive drama in order to mimic emotional experience in their lives. If you think of this in terms of a world consciousness that is narcissistic, you begin to understand why there is so much intense, epic, dramas taking place on the planet. Interesting thought, eh.
    I like the guy in this video. I like his way of communicating. I do want to suggest though, based on my above theory, that maybe we would be better off learning to identify people who are NOT narcissistic, lol. They are a rarer breed.

  37. 1ST off,the gangstalking program works because BOTH sides of the game are brainwashed. I'm sure you have met folks that you have a hard time believing they would be a PERP. and I'm not saying just those folks , i'm talking the whole program. if you want more info. write me or lv a msg @310-310-830-0587

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