How to Manipulate the Narcissist

Everything You Need to Know about Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Abuse – click on this link: All told, there are three …




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38 thoughts on “How to Manipulate the Narcissist

  1. Hi, I like your videos and I can understand most of them but I'm having a hard time on knowing some examples of the ways you said that can manipulate narcissists.

    (1) To withhold narcissistic supply from him until he comes, hat in hand, begging for more and then you can name your price and dictate terms;

    (2) To constitute yourself as a reliable source of high-grade supply and thereby foster in the narcissist dependence and adherence to your minutest needs and wishes;

    (3) To take active part in buttressing and upholding the narcissist’s grandiose fantasies, to collude in a shared psychosis and thus render him amenable to your wishes and priorities as long as they seamlessly conform to his delusional narrative.

  2. Manipulation is terrorism , it means you rip off because you don't have a soul

  3. I think you really have sound knowledge on the topic of narcissist

  4. Hidden camera. Show the video to your friends, family. Shame the narcissist publicly. Quit being a wuss. The narcissist will not stop unless you do this

  5. So be a narcissist to the narcissist

  6. I have encountered these two legged he/she devils in real life. I have no words for these bipedal creatures masquerading as humans. They are better left alone or rocketed to another planet.

  7. just so spot on. horrible people and the wreckage they leave behind.

  8. It was like escaping from a sink hole that started right in the middle of any house and every house we lived in. The refusal to accept basic facts and refusal to change acted like a sink hole magnet, zeroing the destructive force of it right on top of us while the narc denied they were even "doing" anything at all… RUN LIKE REAL ZOMBIES ARE CHASING YOU BECAUSE THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE. RUN. RUN. RUN.

  9. Excellent video. Priceless information.

  10. I've seen interviews of women who have survived sexual assault by making their attacker believe they were in love with them. I have learned the best way to control a narcissists is to relate to them through their twistedness until you can get away ASAP!

  11. makes me (almost) feel sorry for them

  12. what is the formalities in a equations? 9

  13. What options do you have after you've called-out a narcissist for being full of shit and they cut you off? Serious question. Still should probably be a feature in family life, but father is a rank narcissist and has been told so, with evidence, and so he cuts me off, totally. Siblings have trouble with me not attempting to reconcile. What to do?

  14. some narcissists are self-aware!
    If anyone has been with a narcissist partner, and is now playing victim … I suggest you ask yourself why did you end up with one ? And how long did it take you to leave them? Its not a coincidence that one ends up with a narcissist 🙂 it sucks when the parents are because as kids we can t just pick up and move out at 5.

  15. Dictating your terms help nothing. he will accept the terms and then forget altogether he ever said anything .

  16. I find this challenge almost impossible to do, when you got the whole world following the chain of the biggest Narcs negative feed and when our backs are turned and we feel forced emotionally to fear the consequences by having no choice and put in a corner manipulated by those we hold on to dearly that they target and sitting back doing none about it and there are many others incredibly accepting those Narcs as normal but what they fail to not see is the deeper inside of them, as these human predators are undiagnosed Narcissistic monsters from the underworld that hunts for human life and takes form in to false earthly images to manipulate a human life by killing the human emotionally and mentally with fuel of replies then law support. Why law accepts it, clearly that why there is no justice anymore and if you ask me then the only way around them is to ignore and pray for them also understand them but still do not trust them or anyone, trust will get you belittled, dead or killed.

  17. Thank you for u so very much for these informative tutorials. I'm starting to use some of the information as mantras. Such as 'when words and actions don't match'. The silent treatment, withholding and hoovering. These traits are all sticking out like neon signs for me now. I'm making baby steps to extricate myself from this coupling after eight years. It takes much strength to stand up and leave, but that's my plan. Cheers Possum

  18. such human trash. they are a waste of air and space. I'd like to see them all sent to an island where they can feed on each other.

  19. if the narcissist find out you used his delusions as a way to manipulate him to leave you alone….and he found out….would he kill you? we are talking a grandoise malignant (Donald Trump type, with possibly an even lower IQ)

  20. Usually a narc is in a position to have ample NS and so your individual contribution to this is always hedged. They will make sure to have other sources available as they know they have this vulnerability. This is why the corporate narc is always wanting to build overstaffed teams so that if their primary source(s) exits they have will have ample backup.

  21. Imagine we suggested to each other that, we're not great? :)

  22. For almost two decades I gave my ex narc all the love and support and admiration I could give; it was never enough… He is a very violent man filled with rage and jealousy, it became to dangerous for myself and my children so we left..

  23. NP drain your soul just like leaches until you feel completely empty, almost like a shell with no identity. Everyday i feel my heart is breaking more and more due to the constant emotional abuse i take from this parasite. Sometimes i think death is my only escape. I wish it were that easy to just get away sadly it is not, years of abuse have left me weak and afraid, his cunning manipulative nature would have my family turn against me of i ever left, not to mention his relentless harassment and increased abuse until i returned.

  24. long story short, how can I get back what this person owe me money and everything.

  25. You got it!!! Thank you :-)

  26. Isnt manipulating narcistict behavier ?

    So you become a narcisist yourself.

  27. Mine was part psychopath, part narcissist and part I don't know what!!!!!  thank you Sam Vaknin you are a big help!!! the past few generations seem to have had our share,,

  28. Sam, when you say harp on the narcissists insecurities and they will cling to you for dear life, can you explain? I'm interpreting that as criticizing them, but I thought they cannot accept criticism, and that would enrage them…

  29. Sam with all the respect, dont tell all the secrets to the folk. After you, there will be always narcissist, suffering from your instructions.

  30. Narcissists get abandoned late in life then die alone when their supply wakes up and will not tolerate the abuse. The narcissist would rather die alone than admit they were wrong even if all family and friends agree they are abusive.

  31. Sam, I've tried to withhold supply from my narcissist but I get one of two responses. Anger and sometimes rage or the silent treatment. I truly believe she can keep up this silent treatment indefinitely because she seeks her supply from others, including our two children. The only time she'll give in is if I break the ice first.

  32. From my point of view, you need to hit them x2, as they are so insecure, I have a narcissist under control, now I'm looking to manipulate them for good

  33. "The only solution is to get away from them!" Some of us have narccists in our family cannot get away

  34. After many years of "wondering" what was "wrong" with someone , its finally nice to have answers.  Also sad to realize I can't help this person, and he will never change because he isn't capable .  Narcs get worse with age .  The lies and manipulation are unbelievable.  They can be so nice to your face, especially if they think you are going to leave.  But so angry if confronted by the least little petty conflict, they have pure hate against you and you don't even realize it sometimes for years.  They don't really love anyone because they don't even love themselves. Often times they are incapable of loving their own children sad but true.  The attention they seek in the form of pity is exhausting.  They pretend to care about you to other people but they always tell lies about you to other people to "justify " their actions.  They play the role of victim so people feel sorry for them and they the Narc are just these kind caring people trying to help you with your problems that don't even exist.

  35. Nothing on this planet feels better than walking away from a narcissist and never looking at their evil ass faces again.

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