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42 thoughts on “How To Spot Narcissists On Facebook

  1. covert narcissists use social media a little differently than stated here , the abuser who formerly abused me used social media to hoover in victims to use a supply, never to display himself. He was cheating, therefore lieing, an abuse that is the holy grail of a narcissist.

  2. I mostly use Facebook for business, no money, and games. But this info important to me to see who may be bad for me.

  3. I'm a narcissist (male) in a sense that I LOVE MYSELF. I have great love and respect for myself. I know my value. And let me tell you that I'm very happy and I try to make others happy too. I see nothing wrong in loving myself nor any of my friend or people who know me do. Its crazy how you put a label on human beings and make it sound horrible. It is only when you truly love and respect yourself than you can love and respect others! I never did anything to others that I wouldn't done for myself. I think if you think to be a "victim" of a narcisist, I think that you have problem with yourself and your value and selflove. It is only when you become aware of yourself and evalue yourself that you can change your position. If you keep blaming others you cannot change your position. PS: I found this video on a profile of a girl who has great self love problems: coincidence? A REAL NARCISIST, a person who truly loves his being can do good because he is happy with himself and his life so he share is with others. There may be other elements that makes a person "bad". It cannot be self love. I think this "doctor" has some problems because who are you to judge people? Should we all be like you and do what you consider as "normal". ?

  4. Twitter is just as bad and it's just as cliquish. I find them both utterly false after having spent time on both of them. During the year of 2012 I was off work and did nothing but Facebook. It is filled with people who like to 'unfriend" other people as if that's even a word – as a way to punish them for their own tantrums! ("Unfriend" is now a word)! That in and of itself blows me away.

    I believe Facebook and Twitter bring about depression in people who buy into the falseness of the happy faces that are always available to show the good side of life… I.e. going fishing together with their friends or putting together the Christmas ornaments for the Christmas tree and making cookies etc. They never post pictures of when they're yelling at their child or their spouse. They never post the pictures of when they're crying because something terrible really just happened to their world. And so other people watching just get this false sense that everybody's life is so perfect. No one has a perfect life. And that is the problem with Facebook. I think it should be annihilated.

  5. Come off facebook years ago, British punk band, Anti Nowhere league, summed it all up, with there song, so what

  6. I dont believe this to be true for everyone. Im not exactly sure how many friends I have on my friends list. 900ish… and i can tell you a personal story of how I know them. To be fair I worked at 3 different bars in 3 different counties. So I truely have many aquaintances…

  7. Unlike many of those in the comments section acting like martyrs because they gave up using their Facebook profiles and now they're oh-so-holy, you accurately described me and why I love Facebook so much from the nearly-nude selfies and thousands of "friends" to the control aspect and appearing "perfect".

  8. love to be able to hear it

  9. How to spot a narcissist on Facebook… randomly choose any Facebook user

  10. Thanks for this. Because before I watched this stupid video, I had no idea that the behavior you described is narcissistic. You really need to get a PhD to figure this out.

  11. How to spot a narcissist on Facebook… easy, they use Facebook! I have a similar formula for Instagram if anyones interested

  12. I love how shes narcissistic herself

  13. I got tired of this one facebook friend I had constantly posting selfies of herself in the gym, so I unfriended her.

  14. selfies selfies selfies…all in that "best" pose…

  15. Some people will feel worse about themselves after viewing pictures of other people on facebook. They are always having fun or posting pics of their parties and vacations. If you see a nasty or bad person has loads of friends then you tend to wonder wtf. Fakebook was proven to make depressed people more depressed!!! I feel so much of the fb experience is fake and "put on" for the camera. The endless,similiar, flattering posts under a pic is so typical and looks fake. I think I'd have a heart attack if I saw anything negative or even neutral.

  16. Some people will feel worse about themselves after viewing pictures of other people on facebook. They are always having fun or posting pics of their parties and vacations. If you see a nasty or bad person has loads of friends then you tend to wonder wtf. Fakebook was proven to make depressed people more depressed!!! I feel so much of the fb experience is fake and "put on" for the camera. The endless,similiar, flattering posts under a pic is so typical and looks fake. I think I'd have a heart attack if I saw anything negative or even neutral.

  17. After listening to this I tend to believe abt 80 percent of all fb members are self centered. The actual medical definition of a narcassist (covert/overt) is more then posting a pic of a person in a swimsuit or showing off. A narcassist usually does mental harm to others. Just abt everything on fb is about a person, what they do and their relatives. Then friends like the picture and post praising comments. It seems more like Fakebook to me. I'm not on it but my sister is and she let's me use it when I need to.

  18. the biggest ego trip going on is trying to get rid of your ego…. because there is no ego.

  19. Found my narc ex on Facebook after years. The toxic bitch had hundreds of mostly pretend friends. She had dozens of selfish shots and only one of her husband only because he was in the background of a shot of her kids. In the comments a friend of her's made a joke about her replacing him. So obvious he was a well trained puppy dog. Narc's never change.

  20. Narcissistic people are hilarious to watch and listen to. I have put the phone on the counter & left the room only to come back and they are still there talking about themselves. They didn't notice I had gone far away from them . . .

  21. Narcissistic people are hilarious to watch and listen to. I have put the phone on the counter & left the room only to come back and they are still there talking about themselves. They didn't notice I had gone far away from them . . .

  22. if we can't be free to celebrate our lives then that's why we will have so many people converting to the freedom of satanism. I hate it when I see all these boring Anti social people calling happy celebrative people narcissistic. let them celebrate their life how they want. that is the ultimate mental health, to let people be . even if they are narcissist. power to their free will.

  23. You can tell at the end she couldn't help laughing at herself asking for us to follow her on Facebook and check out her pics! LOL

    Do as I say not as I do!

  24. lol you people judge the hell out of chatty people lol. there are so many labels she used that aren't cut and dry like that lol

  25. omg this my uncle he's. a gimni

  26. All I know is FB has opened up the doors for a lot of losers to become winners. This encourages narcassim bcuz anyone can win on FB, you can even buy likes for your pathetic pictures lol.. At the end of the day it seems those who spend more time on it are more depressed and forget how to be people. I like YouTube because it shows one's true personality.

  27. celeb worship is a huge sign of a delusional mind 90% of the girls i know who cant stop talking about celebs are crappy moms coz they dant want to talk or deal with reality and when they do talk about reality its normally to slag off the good parents they know.

  28. There's actually a lot of psychologists who say that selfie culture and social media obsession are not actually narcissistic at all. It's people trying to connect. Are you a real doctor? You don't sound like one honestly you sound really judgey lol.

  29. Oh God! This describes all my female Facebook friends.

  30. I am afraid that this video is highly inaccurate. Narcissists function covertly. The ones that post, post drama stuff. The ones that don't post, are the majority, because a true narcissist is so paranoid about their image that they don't risk writing something that could reveal their personality. Everything about narcissists is the opposite of what you have expressed. They don't have many friends, they don't post much and they are very careful. The types of people you describe are their victims. People who post much are open and trusting.

  31. hello thank you for  getting to the real deal. our society is falling apart like a house of cards. you know what our children are being educated for right? social justice warriors………… PLEASE KEEP EDUCATING THOSE WHO WISH TO LEARN.PEACE OUT

  32. Facebook is good for networking, I've gotten a lot of business over the past three years since I've been using it. It can be fun but it does bring out the worst in me sometimes. I don't need anyone to make me feel important, self-love and confidence comes naturally, self-loathing too.

  33. so true….truly pathetic…

  34. The lady 'shares professional methods'??
    I don't see or hear any.

    Besides, if it was that easy to spot narcissists on Facebook, why then go to college and study psychology for four years? This lady confuses being self-absorbed with having a personality disorder. Everybody on Facebook is being self-absorbed, posting things about themselves that really nobody else cares about.

  35. Interesting to see that this Lady also has something which you could call narcissism. I absolutely don't have this problem. Besides… if you read this message please follow me on facebook and twitter.

  36. OK narcissists like to put the best pictures of themselves on the internet? Yeah, everyone does that. More than 150 "friends" is a sign unless you are a celebrity? What about career networking? College? Volunteers? Just being in the marching band will provide more than 100 acquaintances… These "Indicators" describe everyone on any social media site.

  37. 573 peeps posted a fotoshoot about themselves ;-)

  38. Facebook is a Narcissists dream come true!! You got that right. I have several friends on FB who are so self-absorbed, constantly posting updates about their life and they totally "ignore" me. It has become acceptable in our society to "ignore" others. I have deleted many friends in the past because it is just so incredibly rude to be posting like 50 times a day, yet ignore others around you. It's FB people, not a diary!! I post things that I like, but some people are just ridiculous — posting stupid shit. Like, we don't need to hear everything about your day! Why not write a book instead?

  39. I hate FB! I left it two years ago. It just made me feel more cynical about people than I already do. I hardly went on it and if I was talking to a friend in person, they are always checking their FB on their cell phone to see if anyone has liked their photo or post :/ I am surrounded by Narcissists!

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