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26 thoughts on “How to Survive from a Relationship with a Narcissist

  1. I got married to a narsaccist and it was extremely tuff in the beginning on me to a point where I was on medications, yoga, breathing tegniekes and building self confidence. My husband have a Classic Narsaccist father which had his own share of narsaccistic behaviour on me. I am a very loving person…my love over flow and my compation is extremely high and I am always a happy smiling person. I managed to out smart the father and at that point (4 years in to marriage) my husband had his first turn on his behaviour to a healthy thinking. I worked on his behaviour showing further that I am here and I will never let him down as his parents did. We have 5 kids and I mostly invested my love and compation on them. They are loving and caring individuals with excellent self esteem. After 14 years of marriage I got the perfect husband I always dreamed of, he has no more slip ups. He is now a normal healthy loving , compassionate, humble, fult recognised, no lies, good self esteem and listener. He is good in his work and people now adore him for how he really is. We are 19 years married this year. We survived a migration to Australia. I wouldn't have been able to immigrate with him in the beginning when he was a full blown narsaccist. But now I will klime mount everest with him and I know will give me his last planked. I didn't know I was married to a narsaccist and didn't even knew I fixed him. I wad working on improving my self esteem to the fullest (and healing from the past with nowing IT WASN'T MY FAULT and forgiving my husband, freeing myself) now that he is normal. Then I came across this word "narsaccist". I explained to my husband this week that is what was going on….his childhood…his previous behaviours and he just said everything makes sence and his so sorry and that's why the last few years he his making amends. I asked if I could make my own you tube video to tell what I did to help others and he said…."go for it blondie because you are a very strong woman and I know your love and compation is so big, you will help A LOT of people" In between my art I will work on an amazing you tube video because my husband now standing behind me with my own decisions and I now have convenience he will support me.

  2. Thank you for producing these videos with your wisdom! I am half-way through your fantastic book. It's taking me a while because my only reading time is at night and the subject matter is upsetting for me. I'm glad to have access to your wisdom by video during the day. I will keep working through the book as well.

  3. My narc started withholding ALL affection, no sex. But I guess if he wants sexless we can still be "friends", but I don't want to be in marriage like that.

  4. wise words. I am still clawing my way out from my situation but almost there. Getting out from being conned isn't an easy process………i had started my life in another town with this creep and now I am waiting start a job so I can leave!

  5. Please share your opinion friends: if I to divorce my manipulative/ narc husband, will he give up the custody of children or will he not? Where we live he has no family, just us and his job. Thank you!

  6. I agree, if you're in a relationship with a narc, disengage…. RUNNNNN Forest!!!!

  7. See through the eyes of a psychopath. How do the they cope with any urges? This information would be of great use.

  8. Sam great video I love how you wrap this one up. I had considered abandoning my children and staying with my narcissistic abuser. As I felt when I saw was being crushed I finally made decision to break free even though I still have a child with her. It really sucks not to have contact with my child but it's really healthy not to have contract with the abuser.

  9. i think this video should be re-titled how to mentally break free from a Narcissist. Thank-you so much. I needed to hear this as harshly as you put it.

  10. what hard work they are, you would have to be messed up to willingly stay with a narc.

  11. HAHAHAHA!!! I bet there are many that can respond on this and will answer with, hey thank you for the hint, I never knew how to live with my partner. LOL I just had to laugh out so loudly,sorry but this is how you have to live with a narcisstive person.  Je wants to be notoriously good all the time for ever and ever and want to own you. But the thing is, that he makes mistakes and lies and is not on right track. But when you say something then it is over. One wrong word against him is not in faith or not enouraging to the listeneer and you will get punished..smh…..what a life! Is there any relationship that got healed and delivered? Is there any testimony of how these two people we`d discussed could find a way into happy marriage?

  12. I've witnessed this time and time again in the workplace, families, 'friendships' etc.  They back down when you angrily stand up to them because it makes them happy to see them destroy you and turn you into the angry, twisted wreck that they are.  Destruction is their game.  Don't allow them to have that power over you.
    Proverbs 22:24King James Version (KJV)
    24 Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:
    25 Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.

  13. I have been in a relationship like this, I still am in my mind, he still contacts me via email…I have come to learn that this is abuse. He has been on again off again, and blames me. He is always saying how he is going to this or that, he is not financially successful. He relies on women to financially support him, he is good looking. I have sent him information on being narcissistic and his response is that he is proud to be a narcissistic Jew!!! This is good information and so true. A victim…

  14. "never offer intimacy as it is seen as a prelude to manipulation"  very good point.


  16. Your insights are brilliant and much appreciated.  Have you ever read "Why is it Always About You?"  Excellent layman's book on the topic. Want to read yours – when I can afford it!  LOL  Love ya' Sam!

  17. seems extreme exaggeration of facts. Must have some really bad experience with an insane narcissist, most probably during the childhood. 

  18. Note: The First Book a note, is for giving support and assistance, to my fellow partners, with whom I feel , I share a bind, and wish…you leave this "road"..out of this "LABIRYNTH"…and the 2nd°, Book….is more suited for ocassions when you´re starting…the beginnings, first steps, the preliminary, "phaze"..when you start to know, and feel confidence…And, Finally,because…Its possible, that you find them,Posibility: between other appearances: a Disguise of a Lamb, the Innocent..Watchout

  19. By Now..I will just Share Two, yes two books , unlike, anyu other!…This is the golden path you were left short…to reach , last time…the "last minute resource",and the master resource you were awaiting.
    I feel great, it's great you can hear..It took a very deep search…and luck to"Unlock the lock :.Step out

    1.How to Survive Loving a Narcissist (A Book About Narcissism)Dr. Andrew M. Goodman
    2.In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People
    by George K. Simon Ph.D.

  20. Hey…I have suffered…I ´ve had a terrible time with a Narcissist…But this "Sticker", I think this is with all probability a very obnoxious way of prejudgeing..or prejudice, to take reponsability and light out of the females, who are nothing less than, mmm…forgiven of any error , that they may do compromise…But that is so sad, because I was artfully, smootly, yeah, I hate to…say so …. posesed in a way, by a nice lady that I trusted, and it only left me poisoned.I feel devastated..Ohh

  21. I was raised by a NPD but didn't realize it until I married a sadistic NPD. As soon as he turned violent, I ran and got therapy. As unfortunate as that experience was it was the door to a whole new life. I have that ex to thank for the healthy marriage and self image I have today.

  22. Ironically as I was listening to this, my abusive dad called me. Thank you for advice. It is nauseating that I have to just deaden myself to my own needs, feelings and play dumb for him. Painful…

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