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22 thoughts on “How to tell the difference between a Narcissist and a Sociopath

  1. And if they are a Narc, if you catch on to there lies and start to pull away is when they can literally kill you or at the very least destroy your inner being and soul

  2. Thank you so much for this. The destructive people in my life I thought were narcissists are actually sociopaths. That explains why the posts about narcissists didn't totally fit my situations.

  3. At

    I'm not sure about this, although I guess it could be true (what you said in terms of the difference) … But, if the goal of sociopaths is to destroy the other person; there must be a reason which isn't related to their emotions – because they simply have no emotions on a genuine level. Perhaps they don't know how. So if they were to see you dead or in a ditch, etc. … it likely would do nothing for them, right? They would not feel much of anything. So the only reason (I can think of) for a sociopath wanting a person dead, is to either prevent an attachment from forming or to "protect" themselves in some way. But, if they were to get very angry at you, then yes perhaps they would want you dead or in a ditch; as that may give some type of temporary relief to their anger.. right? In this sense, yes that could be a difference from the Narcissist; who merely needs to use you. I get the sense that even though Narcissist may not be capable of forming deep emotional bonds or feeling true emotions, there must be a very negative and low sense of self (esteem) at the deepest level. It almost seems like once those layers could be tore down and their true self exposed, there might be a very weak or insecure person. I don't know, it just seems like a possibility?

  4. How does one Sociopath recover from this illness?

  5. I always wondered how some predators can be a mixture of both. IE "Narcopaths." If narcs want/need supply and sociopaths don't, then how can research legitimately say that all sociopaths are narcissists? Such conflicting information and grey areas are so confusing to me. I like this explanation, however. Thanks!

  6. I would like to talk to you by Skype

  7. This video is fascinating & has got me wondering whether the woman who was once in my life & who I've always truly believed to be narcissistic was indeed that step beyond; the sociopath. There were times where she actually used my failed suicide against me (never in anyone else's company) & it left me feeling like she actually hated me & would feel some satisfaction if I'd found the determination to take my life. Ten years on & I'm still picking over the remains & trying to make sense of the worst time of my life.

  8. What are your thoughts on whether or not narcissists and sociopaths can 'recover' and some day fit within the normal spectrum of behaviour, gain self awareness and a social conscience ? I know I have had narcissistic tendencies in the past. I can trace the cause of my past narcissism to having been subjected to emotional abuse myself. I was so drained, with no tools for practising healthy self love, that "emotional stealing" seemed like my only option to keep my head above water. I would love some tips on how to positively influence narcissists and inspire them to practice healthy self love.

  9. Why are so obsessed with Narcissists?

  10. So the narcissist is more like an unloved cat and the sociopath a majorly creepy spider. Got it.

  11. Sacha, good video. Your description of a sociopath touches upon a couple of traits more often associated with psychopathy. It's a close call, though.

  12. So I thought my husband was a narc but now i am wondering. I had 2 heart attacks and he knew it. We have a flock of birds. They need water all day and night. In stead of getting water heaters he had me carry five gallon buckets of water 100 or more feet every night to their pen . He works nights. I finally told him enough and asked are you trying to kill me. He will not let me go to doctors appointments. Let's me make appointments but when the time comes he says we don't have the money. He buys me cheap food instead of organic and tries to get away with it. Hides it when he cooks for me. He eats organic.Wow all the bad memories just come flooding in like a tidal wave. From him to my abusive parents and siblings. I guess this is part of the healing process. I am preparing to leave.I don't skyp but I would love to chat with you. Thank you so much for putting this out here for all of us. We need it and your upbeat attitude and smile are comforting.

  13. I noticed the following things and I wondered what you think about this. I've noticed that I feel joy when someon is hurt, I will often lie and blame someone else, I'm a bit of a loner and really bad with feelings one time someone told me that they were depressed and someone close to them died and I had to hold my laugh in, Also I want controll and the worst I do think way to often of killing/ harming someone or myself. Many people find my eyes creepy and intense people in general think I'm a creep. What do you think?

  14. My sib narc is a evil brew mixture of both.

  15. Is a bully a narc? And if yes…what type?

  16. Sometimes they are so intertwined Sacha. I knew a Narc that tried to kill me and rape me. Everybody thought he was so nice! When I got away I called him a Sociopath and he started gas lighting! I then called the police! He even duped them for he is considered a pillar of society!

    He's the devil in a human body! This perp has no soul. It's dead and out of order. He's both a Narcissist & Sociopath. He just doesn't do certain
    things all the time because of getting caught!

  17. It's usually a long time (years usually) before you notice. They initially show up like a dream come true.

  18. thank you for that! I'd be so grateful if you gave me some examples of how one provides narcissistic supply to a narcissist…you mean making them center of attention? providing for emotional and other needs that are not my place to provide? can you give me some examples of that…I am trying to figure something out. namely what the hell I've been doing wrong. thank you!

  19. This is interesting. Since I wasn't raised by narcissists I have trouble recognising them. Or at least diagnosing them. I think I had a girlfriend once that fits this shape. But question, are there varying degrees of narcissism? I presume there must be, but was curious.

  20. "Narcissist" = Overt Narcissist, "Sociopath" = Covert Narcissist (also psychopathic) ??

  21. (i think) – these traits exist on a spectrum – and, a narc. can very easily think in terms of wanting you dead, so long as they have more supply lined up. It comes down to how they've defined and fantasized their 'discard'.

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