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30 thoughts on “Krauthammer: Obama Is a Narcissist ‘Surrounded by Sycophants’

  1. The hunt for Bin Laden began with a Bush.
    Obama just happened to be in office when they found him.
    Obama is worthless

  2. Charles pegged him!

  3. For laymen, a narcissist is one sick puppy.  

  4. Obama's acolytes are so far up his anal cavity, he CAN'T pass gas!

  5. …Make that sycophants, toadies, lackeys, boot lickers and piss carriers!

  6. HAHAHA Eero Haapala,you kill me.  Obama had little to do with Bin Labia being caught, that was the result of years of a military manhunt that began under the Bush admin.  As you can recall, they hurriedly rushed Obammer from one of his nice little golfing escapades, and made him watch the capture, and the look of utter horror across his face was unforgettable.  I love how he takes credit for that, but yet manages to blame NSA, EPA, ISIS, IRS, VA, and the rest of the alphabet on every one under the sun, moon, and stars.  The scum even refuses to own up to his signature legendary blunder, the Affordable Health Care Act.  He literally takes no credit for what is his responsibility when it is negative, but takes credit for positive things he had nothing to do with. 
    You must be part of that illusive, fanatical 30% that no one has a clue who the hell they are, how, or why they believe Obama is above all reproach.  He can literally walk into your house in the morning, stand on your table, pull his pants down, and shit right in your bowl of Cherios while you're eating them, and you would kiss his hole, smiling and thanking him, and lick the bowl clean.  I'm putting money down that you pray to Obama every night before you masterbate.

  7. You left out the part  of: 0bama is also a stupid fucking nigger..

  8. Isn't he one of the retarded neomorons that fucked up the Iraq war? Chuck go the fuck to hell!

  9. Krauthammer means necrophiliac in German.

  10. Krauthammer: Obama is a Narcissist "Surrounded by Sycophants"

  11. Obama is evil incarnate void of humanity and bloated in self-righteousness parading as the savior of mankind. And you buy it. All of it!

  12. yes Obama is a allot of things but democrats don't care all they care about is there crimes and how much they can fuck up usa  

  13. watch a videeo called  hilary  clinton exposed  movie she banned from  theatres  ….full  movie        sept 23..2014

  14. To be clear, the hunt for bin laden was a foregone conclusion regardless of the currebt occupant of the White House. Therefore Obama didnt get Bin Laden. If anyone is responsible for getting bin laden, it is the US Special Operations community. 

  15. Hewitt is not human…some kind of animatronic thingie.

  16. Deadliest terrorist attack in Merican history during the Bush administration & Bush failed to get Bin Laden in 8 years. Obama admin kills the perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks two years into his first term on May 1st, 2011, yet corporate media parrots Obama is "soft on terror". #Freedumb

  17. Krauthammer: Obama Is a Narcissist 'Surrounded by…:

  18. Obama is an Illegal Alien from the Land of Arrogansia!

  19. I hate to disagree with a PhD in psychiatry, but Bamo is a classic sociopath.  You can look up the check list online.  Just google sociopath diagnostic manual.

  20. Charles Krauthammer’s Latest One-Liner Blasting Barack Obama is One of His Best Ever 

  21. "I do not think I'm the center of the universe……I am the universe!"……Barrak Obama

  22. Krauthammer is obviously far and beyond your average beltway analyst

  23. Charles Krauthammer is right on. He forgot to mention that Obama is also arrogant.

  24. As long as he sees a room, he doesn't have to believe. I caught him turning jokes around about socialism, and "it's not as if it's the Obamabridge". He's at a point where he's actually a really good comedian. It doesn't make him anything other than an entertainer, but surrounded by people, and given a room, the guys on the audio concur. It's all about him, and when he's gone it will be all about his museum……..

  25. If that poor american who got beheaded were black, maybe our commander in chief would have acted sooner.

  26. Obama's presidency is over.  He has no trust with the people, and rightly so.  He will go down in history as the worst President of the modern era.  What separates Obama from other POTUS's is the wasted potential to do and be something greater.

  27. The last o-mama! Can he realy stop this babaric hordes? He even does not know what a declaration of war is and means! Can he realy protect US americans against this babaric and rich mass muderers? Carriers are useless! Even Turkey does not help USA and US people – but USA must always help turkey! Why? US presidents are useless! Speeches are useless! Tax payers are idiotics! – Do they realy believe that money and fire power can protect own US people but if own leadership is weak?! Poor armicans!

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