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22 thoughts on “Narcissist and Mood Changes

  1. You are narcissist till you die. You said it yourself. So your trying to help people dealing with narcissism yet that is how you make your money. You admit you are a narcissist so stop. People this is his only a to make money. Proof every time he starts his you tube he always has to mention his stupid name Sam Vaknn, yet h does nothing to help the people. All he does is tell you what disorders hey have. This man is truly living the narcissistic life

  2. Sam, in another video you advise that you were diagnosed as a narcissistic psychopath. May I ask if you are still suffering this condition? Is that a permanent PD that you will always have?

  3. So, an alcoholic can act as a narcisist, even if narcisism isn't their primary condition?

  4. Hi Sam.My question is about the apparent difference in how the mood of the Narcissist appears. I have 'surprised' my Narcissist friend a few times by bumping into him accidentally on the street or by showing up to his place unexpected..the strange thing is that his whole demeanour, emotional tone and affect appear angry, hostile, moody, haughty, and so on when I catch a glimpse of him prior, and then shortly after we meet he seems to switch to a more extroverted and ostensibly affable mien. Is this to do with Narcissists general state of mind or is it made worse by being 'surprised' [how can someone else catch me off guard? I am the universe etc]??

  5. I can see that, but then I think when a normal person is being verbally bullied and criticized, even if it is true, they still react to it with sadness but the difference is that they are not going to suddenly feel good by a tiny compliment … so this sign is a little tricky to recognize …

  6. What about a mood swing in the opposite direction? Is it common for someone with NPD to have an aggressive response to critisicm, and then "suck up" after that, making everything seem like it smells like roses?

  7. That's my mom, she emotionally abuse me all my life.

  8. I took celexa which made it worse but zoloft works great for me, I take the lowest dose and increase it slightly when I am going through a really tough trial, but that usually only lasts a few days.

  9. Sam really has a deep knowledge on this subject, and has been helpful to millions
    of us that are trying to understand this disorder. Awesome work Sam!

  10. This is true, it's REALLY easy to make them fall into DEPRESSION or compete RAGE by just criticism even if what others say about them is TRUE, but at the same time it's REALLY easy to boost their self-esteem back into narcissism by just a TINY compliment.

  11. Interesting how he says SSRI antidepressants are linked to mini psychotic episodes and rage attacks. This video was made in 2011, way before the Connecticut school shooting.

  12. He has described my Ex BF to a "T", had me thinking I was losing my mind for two years.. lol

  13. The motivation may appear intentional and calculated, but narcissistic behaviour is still rooted in instinctual maladaptions; an overwhelming unconscious core belief that "others mean me harm, therefore I will get in first", battling with a conscience that needs justification for those actions and behaviours, resulting in an uncanny cunning as the self is also being deceived.

    Of course he makes some good points. He certainly wouldn't sell his book if he didn't 😉

  14. No. I think he makes some good points but I felt I had to supplement what he had said in his video.

    Many behaviours associated with narcissism can be the result of other things. It is the motivation behind the behaviour which determines a persons level of narcissism…

  15. Sam Vaknin's mission seems to be to tie every human dysfunction, failing and imperfection in with the label "Narcissist". I am sure it helps him sell more of his book.

  16. Hmm when i'm depressed it's always over external situations, very interesting.

  17. I think it is important for people to realise that emotional lability per se does not constitute narcissism. I have ADHD and emotional lability is integral to this but it is not indicative of narcissism. I do not respond to criticism in the way described and I do not rely on narcissistic supply but I can be thrown into ups and downs quite easily and it is something which I have to work on through meditation and CBT…

  18. @airheadish You cannot get another person to seek therapy; instead, that person has to feel the NEED to seek therapy on their own. ANy amount of cajoling, arguing, convincing, etc will probably only cause said narcissist to think YOU are the one who needs help, and will further entrench said narcissist in their delusion. believe me, I've tried to get several ppl to seek help… NONE have. Therapy can only come with self-revelation, or a court order.

  19. This as all of your video articles has broadened my understanding of this difficult personality disruption of deviation. At the risk of sounding like a typical ex-husband I feel there are very direct correlation between her personality and that of a Narcissist. How can i get her to seek therapy?

  20. THank you, this video helped me better understand the difference between bi-polar and narcissistic.

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