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32 thoughts on “Narcissist: Destructive Envy and Romantic Jealousy

  1. How does one heal this tendency in oneself?

  2. The difference between true inner strength, or the radiant inner Ego, and the false outer ego is like comparing chalk to cheese. That's because when one learns to sublimate the brash outer ego and selectively absorb the good parts into the inner, it becomes delicious not only to oneself but also to others who weren't impressed at all with it before.

  3. Oh my god, you have described my parents to a 't'….they are envious of everyone and all the time…and I've always dealt with how difficult they are, alone…I finally feel after listening to this understanding…that someone understands the pain I feel whenever I am around them…

  4. my goodness, i have a number of these traits, getting worried 🙁 but doesn't all this just point to the fact that a person who feels these things is just deeply insecure? We envy people for what they have because we feel that if we had it that we would be happier in some way, so it is the desire for happiness but it is misguided and delusional?

  5. I've always been jealous of other people, but I don't consider myself a narcissist, I have low self-esteem, it seems as though no matter how hard I try I can never change anything about myself.

  6. Oh my! I thought you were talking about someone I know that has been envious of me for years! A very awful and malicious envy. It has consumed him. When we have to hang out, you can literally feel the envy oozing from his mind, body, and soul. It's so thick you just have to get out of there like if someone farted in the room! It's everything including what they say, how they say it, how they behave, bitter facial expressions, like you said "the piercing of a thousand eyes" also, etc. I think he has as you describe here. Good to know but maybe post a section on how to handle these people?

  7. יש בעברית? מדהים!

  8. I'm dealing with this issue now from a friend who is making me miserable…

  9. I have a good job, money in the bank/savings, a good lover, health insurance and an amazing heart and care for ppl. No wonder he treated me like crap once he got some of that. He has npd, no question, and he obviously was jealous of me/my possessions that he lacked. And he was even more frustrated because I wasnt his "ideal". How frustrated I made him. Bonne chance with life guy.

  10. Thank you, Doctor, for giving me a voice and a hope.

  11. Incredibly ironic — the narcissist himself is a total pathological liar, cheater, deceiver & manipulator but can't stand the heat when his significant other decides to turn the tables??! This is just mind boggling. How can someone NOT make the connection that when for decades you have lied to & serially cheated on your spouse, that someday they may just decide to give you a taste of your own medicine? And then you actually have the gall to be offended? Wow, can they not see it's called PAYBACK?

  12. Some people who think they are better than others.

  13. There is narcissism and then there is pathological narcissism.

  14. Your videos are comforting to me. Thank you.

  15. My family doctor was very rude with me, I disengaged from her, and I am having a hard time finding another doctor. She told me to "suck it up" when I told her about some physical symptoms I am having.

  16. Narcissists seem to be everywhere.

  17. i feel hated by the narc in my life. it feels like the devil is hugging me. like an enemy who wants to destroy me and revels in my misery and who becomes miserable when i'm joyful. plus i was smoking weed so im not sure im just paranoid or if he truly is a narc lol

  18. I'm the narcissist that retreats into his own world. Without having to go out and see other people and be annoyed with everyday routine I'm so much happier. I even try to master lucid dreaming to achieve the perfect life in my eyes. Too bad I'm not rich, this escapism lifestyle isn't going to last much longer.

  19. I live with someone who I believe has NPD. And I'd say that he has psychotic micro-episodes. His speech is pressured and he obsessively rambles on and on. He gets slightly paranoid and envious about everything; beneath the persistent irritation is rage that can be set off by any disagreement.

  20. yh my ex husband – when I left him, he said "you ate me dont you and I said "no, im just completely indifferent to you"ha! you should have sen the look on his face. 22 years ago and I will never forget it….

  21. I will now practice having no response to the harassing NPD person I am forced into living with. He seriously turns every conversation into a disagreement or argument. I'll remember it's about getting attention while making me feel pissed off.

  22. My counselor from several years back used to mock me by repeating everything I said in a mocking and rude tone. She was trying to get a "rise out of me". Ughh.

  23. Some of my male roommates and a family member are like that. It's strange and irksome when they imitate you (especially when you know they secretly hate you). Then it gets really bad when they try tearing you down. It's my belief that they are really envious of those who actually have an identity and pursue self-esteem building hobbies.

  24. Why do narcissists like to harass or needle others just to get a "reaction"? I've heard that comment before from bullies and narcissists and it makes no sense to me. Can anyone explain this?

  25. HealthyPlace is using my videos with permission. All my videos are licensed under the Creative Commons (CC) licence and can be freely copied and even remixed, providing credit is given to me as the author and a link back to the original is provided.

  26. "By becoming the object of his envy" I have one example where the N. would actually change his VOICE. Creepy! So much that it would be unrecognizable over the phone, and yet sound natural, like a completely different person.

  27. Sam, someone is stealing your videos on another channel! It's called narcissismvideos and they're copying all your content.

  28. The more I hear about narcissism, the more I sound like one. I think it's a bit of a stretch to diagnose people based on this information. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes a dick is just a dick.

  29. If you're finally done with your N and learn the tricks and stand up for yourself and break up is it normal for them to just straight out ask for supply?

    He keeps ignoring anything I say, I.e. you cant talk to your ex on my bday all day, and just keeps asking for me to praise him. Probably this has happened all the time and I'm just growing aware of it? Is asking straight up normal?

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