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20 thoughts on “Narcissist Red Flag: Pets

  1. I agree 100%.  My narc old woman neighbour had 2 of those yappy little dogs, one of them a yorkie, never stopped barking, fucking nuisance.  Don't like dogs much either

  2. why didn't you take the cat with you when you moved

  3. I seriously had to unsub from you after listening to this…. you really need to stop giving out 'therapy advice' and go get some help first about this ffs. ugh

  4. you HATED the dog? anyone who says they HATE something, anything especially something living and breathing…. it's against who you are… a dog, a pet? lol that sounds crazy in and of itself -_- anyone that hates and abuses animals has a wholeeeeee other set of mental problems

  5. Here is a list of what Narcissists usually do to their targets :

    – Insults their target very often. Then lie when confronted about it, or say it was a joke.
    – When confronted with their behavior, they pretend to be innocent and play the victim.
    – Everything is always your fault, even when it's obviously not.
    – They always have a justification for every bad thing they do. They think they're always right.
    – Very controlling, they tell you how to live, but they can live anyway they want. Very hypocritical.
    – They accuse you of what they're doing to you (RED FLAG!), it's called Projection.
    – Portraying themselves as angels outside, when they are actually demons with their family and especially their target.
    – They want you to fail, while pretending to want you to succeed (they're very convincing).
    – They never say they are sorry for hurting you (RED FLAG!).
    – Poison your favorite activities, they don't want you to be happy or to get pleasure. They also poison other useful activities like important skills which will help you in the future. They DO NOT want you to have skills, they want you to be as weak as possible. They don't teach you anything.
    – Subtly lead a smear campaign against their target, so they isolate it and make sure they don't get help.
    – When you want to leave the relationship with a narcissist, they beg you to stay with them and cry crocodile tears. They are the best actors.
    – Sometimes nice, sometimes cruel. You never know where you stand with them.
    – They pretend to be "victims", and they blame the target for their own behavior.
    – They are incredibly arrogant and sadistic. They see the target as weak, and deserving to suffer.
    – They think they are models to be followed.
    – They are spiritually dead although they might loudly profess some kind of Spiritual Belief.

  6. Hi Ollie. First time to your videos. I had to laugh. And some of the people who respond just don't get it. About five years ago, a "friend" now ex- friend "killed" my baby pet goat that she had sold to me. She was mad that I stood up to her, ever-so-gently and I didn;t know at the time she was a narcissist and that I wasn't supposed to make any mention of her possible wrong-doings. She refused to help me with the baby goat and by the time I called the vet etc, it was too late. My heart died that day.

    My sister, also a narcissist, uses her little dog and her "flying monkey" husband goes along with it. They used to come to my home, not ask about bringing their dog and what to do with it but just marched in and the dog had control of the house. I have an in-door cat who was traumatized by dogs in her young life and this house is her safe place. My kitty hid in the basement till they and the dog left. The flying monkey would laugh at how cute the doggie was the first time it met the cat and chased it around the house. Neither they nor their dog is welcome. Not because the dog is bad but because they never asked or arranged or controlled the dog and my cat had to suffer while their dog ran the house.

    I know you are a pet lover and would not hurt dogs but I understand the issue behind what you're saying. I just had to laugh. Thanks

    I totally hear you man and what you tried to say with this video.

  7. I'm waiting to be seen by the chiropractor and the lady before me literally has her 2 pound dog in a baby stroller. I commented "Oh I thought that was a baby". She looks like the meanest b** I've ever seen. I am an empath and I can tell that this person has no compassion whatsoever. Hatred radiates from her being. I agree with you…

  8. I paused you at 4:18 just to make this comment, Ollie:
    My Narcissistic Mother just had to go against the stereotype, and had to make sure her pet was even more intrusive and attention-grabbing –
    She didn't get a yap-yap dog. She got herself a freaking GREAT. DANE.
    Indeed, this is a woman who lives alone in a tiny 1-bedroom highrise condo. This is a woman who is a wee 5'3." She lives in a MAJOR metropolitan traffic-congested city. A GREAT DANE.
    Here's the kicker: the dog is blind. Yes. A blind freaking Great Dane. She was SO intent on getting this dog. She deliberately sought out a disabled, "special needs" pet. She found one online – it was a 7 hour drive to go pick up this dog. 
    Man, do I have some stories for you… God, I hate that dog. I'm so glad I will never have to see it (or her!) again.

  9. ah ah ah ah ah the dog part is hilarious!! i find them so annoying too

  10. it seems you have real issues and deep hurts that you need to focus on instead — you haven't yet learned to detach. this video comes across as just a rant from a bitter human being.

  11. Totally agree on the behavior of the pet owners. This applies to pet owners of any animals, ie could be cats, dogs, chimps, etc. (since it's not about the animal but rather the narc supply they get from it). They're misanthropic too as well as narcissistic.

  12. Lmao I hate people with narcissistic personality disorder but I like yorkies

  13. I've seen this with my mom and my dad before.

  14. Does a narcissist talk too slowly, making you sit and wait and wait and wait to hear the point they are making, to keep you hostage to the conversation, to control your time? If so, this fellow fits the description. Had to cut him off at describing a little f-g yi-i-i-pee dog as the choice of pet for a narcissist. This guy is just using this forum to gripe at stuff. Waste of time.

  15. THIS guy sounds like a narcissist. How intolerant and gross he is.

  16. Great video both informative and funny. I just don't like cats that much. They seem so fearful all the time. Dogs have balls. (attitude)

  17. i'm sorry for all this shit but i gotta say it: yer mother was a cunt.

    i have a self-absorbed venal turd of a roommate. three years ago he brings home a fluff ball. i was the only one who knew anything about raising kittens, having a cat… guess who has to look after it, socialise the little thing, scoop/clean shit boxes, pay attention to it, ensure it has enough clean water, food, yadayadayada.

    and the little cunt tells me one day he only kept her cuz i liked the cat…

  18. I think its the same with big blokes and fighting or aggressive dogs, it comes from the same place, they are using the dog to intimidate

  19. Total assholes parents….mine were the same….hated em. Got out of the house and never talked to them again….the sick phuks.

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