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46 thoughts on “Narcissist’s Psychological Defense Mechanisms

  1. Thank you, Sam, for all your videos, they are a God send.  

  2. can't stop watching onto my 4th now.

  3. So, it's fear of pain.Simple as that.The narcissist never grows up.Aware of as it they may be, unable and/or unwilling to change,or be a real.mortal,human with all the things that go with it.

  4. Can you search my channel for the relevant videos?

  5. Can you talk about Reaction Formation? Narcissistic, and Dependent Personality? as a combination.

  6. My brother is passive aggressive and in many ways just like my abusive narcissistic mother. God has a place for them already and are blind to the consequences.

  7. just bravo for this video & many more,im sure u got plenty,but here is another fan,brilliant

  8. stress might temporarily make the defense mechanisms more primative and intense.

  9. Watch the video on my channel about passive-agressive behaviors and narcissism

  10. Narcissists know they are defective.

  11. I do a lot of research in this field. Passive-aggressive personalities are basically the same as narcissists.

  12. I've been dealing with narcissists my entire life. I'm still dealing with them. They are deluded and ruled by negative emotions. And the fact is that most normal and healthy people just do not want to deal with them or change them: in a way this is a failure of the community to overlook evil narcissism in others. Healthy people have an instinctual radar and therefore tend to avoid malicious people in various relationships. Once their parents failed the damage was done.

  13. Im wondering is a passive aggressive personality the same as a narcissistic personality? I noticed they have many things in common.

    Another question, do you have video's on the childhood of a Narcissist?

    Another question, Are abusers verbally mentally and physically generally Narcissist ?

    Thank you for your insight and time

  14. I suggest that you read more about PROJECTION online or send me a PM (I cannot post links here.)

  15. It's probably difficult when a lot of delusional mechanisms are internalized. What might work is, if a narcissist demands himself to be good, even if it's a struggle, and manages to get balanced narcissistic supply. The problem is the fractured image of the self, which (probably) can be ,grown out' to some extend. But he or she will always stay an egoist.

  16. haha . no they aren't. they're actually very gullable and often get taken advantage of big time. even the ones who score high on IQ tests and are successful in business and careers.

  17. Ha Ha, you misunderstand how calculating these people are. They are thinking always many steps ahead all the time, they are very strategic… at least the more clever ones are.

  18. Thank you for your kind words. I suggest that you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive! Or go to my website and purchase the e-book edition!

  19. buying the book today!!! 🙂

  20. I disagree. Because that would be way too time consuming for any narcissists precious time. Once they have a few good supplies they dont create this dependency with every single person that they help.

  21. This is your most comprehensive video yet.

  22. Thank you for your kind words. I suggest to buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive! Or go to my website and purchase the e-book edition!

  23. I suggest that you buy more than one book because after you realize how life changing it is ,you will want to share "it" but you will not want to be without your own copy ever. I lent out all three copies and no one wants to give them back because SAMs book has changed their lives ,it's like a life preserver , a raft in an ocean of uncertainty … God bless you and your work Sam ! Thank you for your videos ,until I get my books back they are all I have to go by !!!!

  24. Thank you for your kind words. I suggest that you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive! Or go to my website and purchase the e-book edition!

  25. You say that your husband is very "helpful" to people. I have seen many narcissists who always from the outside world would look like they would do anything to help someone but in reality that is simply the nurturing process of creating narcissistic supply (as Sam calls it).

    The motive behind them helping is to create a DEPENDENCY on them and build a fake bond. Once this false bond is created the barriers go down and then the Narcisstic strikes and sees further opportunities to exploit.

  26. i know this question is addressed to Sam, but i've been married to a narcissist for 23 years. My husband needs to be in control of EVERYTHING and it isn't an act, it is the way they are. my husband is also extremely helpful to ppl. narcissist arent monsters but they do go into narcissistic rages from time to time. i would be tempted to call this rage somewhat close to an act or a show, but not always. But hey.. life is a stage. It is all in order to block out the abuse they suffered growing up

  27. they destroy their close family relationships a lot and abuse and use ppl. whenever their mouth is open they're lying. it's so weird how lying is 2nd nature to them. they lie about shit that they dont even need to lie about. it's as if they hate telling the truth. they lie to themselves. they're pretty fucked up ppl. but sometimes they can be quite successful career wise. they can be pretty goal oriented ppl. my husband is a narcissist who realizes that he is and jokes about it.

  28. im going to see a movie w/ my narcissist mother today. oh joy.

  29. Whats wrong with being narcissistic?

  30. Really? I find it fucking annoying, and depressing

  31. Really good video 🙂 I was just wondering, is it possible for a narcissist to become self aware through life experiences, or would they keep deluding themselves?

  32. Spot on! Love this video Sam!

  33. after having a ppa test and finding out i have almost double the average level of narcissist traits i found your videos to be fascinating and i would love to find out more about how i can reduce these traits as its holding me back in my career…its just a shame your book is £40 on amazon as i cannot afford it

  34. There are few things I appreciate like self-awareness. Thank you, Dr. Vaknin, for the work you've done to demystify personality disorders, particularly NPD. I'm severely Borderline–exhibiting consistent symptoms since I was seven–and have strong tendencies toward both narcissism and psychopathy. Being upfront about my personality disorders keeps me accountable, and that self-awareness makes my husband and I capable of being good parents to our singleton despite our tenuous grasp of morality.

  35. i am happy very intersting of listening sam bless u

  36. Indeed, I wonder what he would have to say about those that gossip in order to get their "fix".

  37. Some people have so made defenses a part of relating to other people that to part from them would be too uncomfortable. Clinging to those, these people become extremely dread to be around. Not necessarily any traumas, just habits an individual doesn't have any problem with and thus doesn't want to even consider why anyone else would.

  38. Thanks. Interesting idea!

  39. simply with a camera and just film your book case,and give any insights on some of your favorite reads.

    any way always enjoy your educational talks.

  40. How can you do a book tour on a YouTube channel???

  41. please do a book tour on your other channel

  42. i love listening to this,it describes me 100%.The wishful thinking that is, not the abusing of others.

  43. Great video as usual Sam Thanks

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