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34 thoughts on “Narcissist’s Reaction to Criticism

  1. narcissists are sick very sick in the head just ruin peoples lives paranoid and envious of everybody

  2. it's very interesting that twist in the mind when there's an audience and they smirk at the attention.

  3. Good information, I can not get enough!!!

  4. Doesn't everyone dislike being criticized?

  5. if i was able i would clone you and send an army of vaknins into the world to revive all the victims

  6. So I get that narcs percieve any disagreement as an injury to their ego, but is there a disorder attached to those who disagree with utter condescension and contempt ? I mean, I would like to consider myself normal, and when I disagree with someone's opinion, I usually rather treat them with dignity, I would never make comments like " you should be ashamed, you're stupid, you need to read more, you need to think more, o my god, I can't believe you think that way, you're so naiive … " , etc etc. what have you … I think those who do that have a hint of sadism or maybe some insecurities in their personality …. would you not agree that normal people agree to disagree without having to rub the other person of their self esteem and dignity !?

  7. Very true my ex was a sick person jealous of any one who spoke to me! Could not take criticism at all would hold me accountable for all his mistakes.would not talk to me for months but after we broke up admitted that he wanted me to stalk him! He also asked me to rape him durning sex so insane! Was a heroine and alcohol abuser even went as far as to tell me he wanted to experience heroine with me sick and twisted I no! I'm writing this to let everyone no everything that's being said in these videos are 100 percent true!try to get away from these kind of individuals bc they will rip your life inside out! 

  8. Have truer words ever been spoken ? "Hell & fury comment!
    Phew! !!! No words beyond…

  9. A "mortal sin" is right because narcissists always seem to cover child abuse if not always enabling it, or committing it! shhhhh! cant talk about the way you were abused as a child and why they did nothing…gotta seem perfect………

  10. Hell has no fury like a narcissist confronted with truth!

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    . Nalpure . Alcoholic . Sertave . Pirend . Woozy . Voquev . Ruddy . Busy . Crestboot . Yielding . Ruthless . Resolute . Windy . Kaloolon . Ambitious . Laughable . Yoffa . Dododox . Sorson . Squealing

  12. I know what you're saying. It's like they slowly but surely convince you the sky is black, that heaven is hell and hell is heaven, that lie is truth and truth is lie, that the spider is the friend of the fly.

  13. I have 200 hours of audio and about 600 hours of video. So they have shutup for good now video doesnt lie

  14. He is describing my X and his mother exactly. Thats why i never fit in. The family ""secrets"" werent hidden with me. All the incest and other vile acts. They tried for 25 years to drive me out of the family..i left only AFTER his 4 and final trying to murder me.the whole family is one big NUTBALL!!

  15. so. How do they find the few things that push your button(s). In the face of such an actually unintimidating mass of unaccomplishment? (Like Highly patternable&predictable and very little if any variety in strategy ESPECIALLY TACTICS).

    HOW do they still say the worst possible thing and accomplish stirring up when they appear harmless???

  16. It's strange… its like this man is telling me stories about life when i was younger. I am so used to narcissists that i almost feel at home hearing these horror stories. BUT. i much prefer life without them.

  17. My ex is literally a narsisistic psychopath and he is way more twisted than me I'm shocked. It's kind of scarey. There is no real person, they are just a body with a faulty brain. Like a devil you want to avoid. I have no respect for my ex (he used to stay this to me) but he is so weak and cowardly. He raped me when I was passed out on a sleeping tablet and had no remourse he smiled. He has children! I hate these people they are freaks, and no-one really knows how much at all. Freaks.

  18. Anyone who cant take critisim on the chin, even though at times we all may get a bit offside sometimes, is soo sensitive and childish. I can take it, if they cant then it does not say much about them. These people just seem like they are like schizophrenic! in fantasy land! They cannot complete basic human tasks. They are so defective and have so many issues. I just dont know how they function. I'm really beginning to pity my ex. He bagged me for having borderline traits, however

  19. You have an ironic screen name for someone criticizing narcissists…

  20. This is true. I'm a narcissist and so is my whole family, especially my dad. I have a lot more insight and self-control than my dad ever had, but it doesn't stop the disorder from wrecking my life.

  21. Wrong, of-course this does not apply to every narcissist but some.

  22. yh i know someone like that. Have to be the centreof attention alll the time

  23. AS people are nothing like narcs – we are not capable of the subterfuge

  24. sarah pailin yes omg she is a monster!

  25. I believed there was something wrong with me because of my old relationship. I did learn I have Asperger's because of this so I'm greatful for that and am actually making progress. After he raged once I got so paranoid I thought he and his mother were trying to kill me…again thought it was me. The generalized paranoia is now gone. I too am into philosophy as my interest. These comments allow me to feel so much less alone.

  26. I have too much free time, and love science, philosophy, and learning in general.
    If you'd like someone to check out your theories and Ideas, or just someone to talk about interesting subjects send me a private message.
    I am diagnosed with Asperger's and grew up with narcissistic older brother, and father is borderline if not Narcissist.

  27. I am in the same boat as you. Asperger's, but i grew up around a total narcissist (my older brother). there is much overlap, but here is why I know i am not narcissistic, compliments make me uncomfortable, sometimes also suspicious that they are trying to use flattery. I also am quick to admit faults, or if I lose an argument.
    And much like you I try to use people to test theories i have through their feedback. sometimes i miss small things which when reminded make my idea seam ridiculous.

  28. all caps means you MUST be right. that fucking narccissist . tell me all about what he did to hurt you hun. im here for you :]

  29. @Vottaro Adhd also has similar symptoms

  30. @Vottaro Since Many things between Aspergers and Narcissism are similar, through ignorance I am labeled………

  31. I'm Have Asperger's and this here explains somewhat why people refuse to give my ideas Critique. I need that Critique so that I can iron out the flaws within the philosophical set I am creating. Philosophical thought and observations are my interests, but if I can't test them out and advance them, then this here is a huge problem. Philosophy has gained my attention because I've found reason to believe that advancing it can allow the creation of a world of peace and balance.

  32. I'm a narcissist, and I take all criticisms personally. What you've said is exactly who I am… a mortal sin, so true..

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