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8 thoughts on “Preventing Your Child from Becoming a Narcissist

  1. Choose life over death. Narcissists are dead inside and seek to suck the life out of the very people who love them. What a tragedy!

  2. What was that fourth mechanism?

  3. Put simply they are human devils who breed and nurture other devils… 

  4. micro managed, an excellent term

  5. Indeed, self-reliance/self-autonomy and self-responsibility should be encouraged in children, beginning at a very early age. This does foster a healthy self-image/self-esteem.  With this I wholeheartedly agree.

  6. Thank you! This mirrors what I have been taught in years of therapy for how to deal with my own children.

  7. Damn it. My mother, now deceased, had NPD. I didn't know. My younger sister would pretend to be me with my philosophical ideas and opinions and low to everyone about me to devalue me to others. I just spent three years with someone who is probably NPD. Ive learned I have aaperger's. Can this cause others to exhibit narcissistic traits? I feel stuck in a feedback loop…

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