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45 thoughts on “Stop Being Obsessed With The Narcissist

  1. Damn this guy is wise. Much respect to you brother.

  2. Thank you so much! You are talking so kind, serieus and sinsere.. respect..
    I wished you were my brother 😉 haha.. You sound so familiar to me..
    My parents were both distructive narcist. For all that, I've become allready awakend about there narscism a long time ago, but still I attract lovers like them.. !! Love is still pain.. cant help it, have accept it. Next time better.. I'm leaving this funnhouse now! As also the very lonelyness within.. Again and again fallen like an angel. Next time I won't cry, I'll dear to try a healthy guy… 😉


  3. Beautiful description of love & true vs 'fun' house/short-term entertainment w a narcissist

  4. How do you get a nark to discard you?

  5. thank you
    you ve helped me so much!

  6. I definitely need to listen to this video everyday cause this will always answer my question whenever it pops up in my head to why things didn't work out and went on for years.. Thank u for this one!!!

  7. Thank you for the great advice.

  8. great one again man. you deserve support. great content

  9. after a 8 year relationship with a narcissist woman, after the initial love bombing phase and small shit tests insults hidden in humor, after the sweet mean cycles, that would last for months on end, till the sweet cycle was as short as a minute and the mean months, of yelling screaming did repeat insults and complete disrespect, I would move out to get a break from the mental abuse, get some rest, and peace, but in months of cooling down, getting my fill of peace, something would draw me to her , either she or I would break no contact, and meet up talk about things and I'd come back, as soon as I moved in within a week or less, the abuse would start again, only worst, she would reply, every single time I came back and I did move out at least 8, 10 times in the course, of this ( relationship),
    " u must like it, u keep coming back"

    this video, describes, my live, in the all phases of it, …but lacks the direction of action, physical mental emotional, in order to get corrected, into NORMALCY, after such a long time , this abuse,
    I am in deep trauma,
    call it
    trauma bonding
    Stockholm Syndrome
    what ever,
    what in ur option are the steps get me from here to where I need to be me normal again,
    I've spoken with a Afghanistan veteran Marine he say all of his unit suffer from PTSD, and the cure is Time
    what u think, any advice welcomed, from you and all viewers of this video


  10. you are so right on when you say they are ENTERTAINER! I saw his PROFILE on a dating site and that's what he posted as his profession!

  11. I am obsessed…I hate it.

  12. i see your email in the info thx

  13. hi your videos help me more than you could know! pls keep making them! id love to donate money for the time youve given us. is there an email i can use to do so ty! :)

  14. Thank you for your gentle honesty… It helps.

  15. I love the fun house analogy!

  16. your deep bro. How did you learn all of this?

  17. She would Love Bomb me , then disappear! Made me Nuts!

  18. Are you a survivor of narc abuse yourself? on one of your videos I heard you say you have study them or taken notes for awhile now..just was wondering how it is that you started advocating for us… Thank you for all your time and efforts. God bless and prosper you

  19. Best therapy ever, thank you. Finally, something that empowers me. The other sites acknowledged the reality, educated me and yes, licked my wounds but you're putting the power on me. Maybe they all do/have and I can now "man up" and move move with your words. Regardless, thank you.

  20. This was the best description I have heard on this so far in reading up on this disorder. It matches exactly what I have seen out of any NPDs I have met, encountered, etc. "Nothing of substance", etc….really resonated.

  21. The fun house (LOVE THIS ANOLOGY!!)  is the narcissist's family and "friends" who really know this person and are IN ON IT.  Would you really like to know what they really say about you??  It is the narcissist with the greater needs, and with this you can control them for your needs as well-just be conscious and beware big time.

  22. Narcissists are well practiced ACTORS.  If affected by this predator and their cohorts, watch this fine gentlemen over and over and over because he been there.

  23. Seven years of the funhouse…and I am just now finally getting out. It is so hard and hurts so much. when does it start to get better. I just begin the process of going through a divorce from my narcissist.

  24. WOW, that's why they do all the playing and laughing. #thefunhouse #nothingcomestoasleeperbutadream  #participants SMDH

  25. harsh but true. Thanks brother

  26. One of your best videos again!

  27. Another spot-on video, my friend. You have helped me more than I can say. This is difficult beyond words but you give me strength and I thank you.

  28. This really is a great perspective. DO NOT become emotionally invested in ANYONE until you can be sure about who they really, really are. So sad, so true.

  29. How do you Leave them once they become all you know.. once they have made it to where you are so broken down that you have nobody but the Abuser to interact with.?

  30. Question, does it still a fun house when the person keeps going back to the Narc for years?

  31. This is the first time I have watched one of your videos. Your analogy to the fun house was spot on. As a victim of narcissistic abuse, I welcome anyone who can help me see NPD as it really is and how to heal from it. Your thoughtful and intelligent views have really helped me today. I'll be sure to watch your other videos. Thank you.

  32. Fun house is designed to be fun. Wow….. You nailed it! That's what it was. Fun. Sexually and with memories. The sex and good times actually fed the illusion of fairy tale love. Wow. Thank you for that insight. That may have just helped me tremendously like a puzzle piece to my puzzle to getting God to cut the final strings of the cord to the soul tie.

  33. the sad part is that After 20 years of marriage I felt like I wasted so much time and invested so much in my marriage expecting something from him that he was incapable of giving me.

  34. this how I was before I could recognize what was happening with my ex. I'm just being made aware through these vids. which is bringing me clarity thanks

  35. Hi I subbed your channel, I want to do the videos myself but I don't know how to use my pc to record, we can record via a lap top or computer cant we? I really like you by the way, damn shame you weren't in Britain I think we would be good friends. Don't you think its a nightmare trying to explain complex psychology to people? I'm quite articulate at expressing myself and concepts but people just don't get this subject, its that confused look that makes me wish that I had an intelligent friendship, it isn't always good being intelligent because what is supposed to be a blessing turns into a kind of curse because its annoying that there are so few really deep people on the average street. Its like a magic find to speak to someone who enjoys learning and conversing about subjects not generally in day to day conversation, I am dying to go to university because my education is self learned I don't have a diploma to show these things. I feel reasonably well educated now thanks to this narcissistic ex I'm divorcing, he had me put in prison and snatched my son, he did smear campaigns humiliated me by parading his mistress in front of me and it has been attack after attack for no reason, anyway your videos are great I want to do the same but I need to find out how. It is weird that I always knew that he didn't love me and there was a weird disconnect but I bought into the delusion and got viciously exploited because of it, now I know that it is just a psychopathic narcissist it helps me move on. I needed to understand the games and the manipulations so I don't get sucker punched again, I'm gutted I wasted years on this guy though.At least I'm free to really achieve my potential now though and I will wait until I find a person I really connect with when I am ready which isn't now, I just wouldn't trust myself because I'm not feeling 100% me yet. id have to wonder why someone would want to be with someone as traumatised as I am right now so I feel way too vulnerable. I have faith in myself though so I know I am strong enough to plough through the neck high shit pile he left me in, but wow are these people vicious a bully to the millionth degree and totally batshit crazy considering I could have him put in jail but I don't want to, its like he is goading me to utterly destroy him but nope he can fester with his decisions as I'm not compromising my character by dragging my ex family member of 12 years through a courts system, he set me up and had me arrested but still I think his behaviour is just insane like a handicapped person with the mental age of a child, he doesn't get real life so I just don't interact anymore. I don't know who he is or was or has become, it was all an illusion. Ill never ignore my gut again though.Your new video isn't uploading by the way, I tried to watch it and the title came up but no video, great work, take care bye x

  36. excellent video my brother

  37. thank you for the analogy. God bless you.

  38. In my case it is pure reality. Since early years, my N brother wants to destroy me. Now he wants to get all my parents' belongings for himself, not sharing them with me. Every day he writes a petition to the judges, telling them how evil I am. I feel so tired, so depressed, so demoralized. How can I be not obsessed with him? I still have few years of fights until I will be able to travel to a distant place and erase him from my mind.

  39. People who regress should try to remember all the names they were called. They should remember all the mean, nasty things they did and all the money they lost. If taking a trip down the dark past does not knock you into reality then maybe professional help would be good.

  40. But the fun house is also designed to disorient and confuse you too

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