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37 thoughts on “Stop Having Sex With Narcissist

  1. its hard when you married to it

  2. They also overestimate their sex capabilities, they think they're all that great lover even if they're not. So they became even more arrogant and ruthless. In addition to everything else you said.

  3. This is so true and you realize you have let this evil in again. These are people of the lie. The book written by M Scott Peck. People of the Lie. You all should read this. I read it many years ago. He didn't call them narcs. They are people of the lie "evil".

  4. Dude love the vids… cannot believe i am just now finding ur channel. epic bro, very well informed, thank u.

  5. Not only THAT but what about STDs!? Many male narcs are Gay so Beware! Get tested a, SAP. They have a very Perverted Secret Sex life and most are Disgusting Pedophiles! So keep your Children safe and away from these Predators. Go "No Contact". That's the only way to be safe and to live a healthy life. If you need help get in contact with other Narc websites some will help you. So start planning your get away, Stay Strong, Vigilant and Pray. God bless you all! XO!!

  6. I am slowly seperating myself from a very addicting narc. Luckily i'm in the No Contact phase. Thanks for educating us about these types of people.

  7. Another thing is this. Some of them use sex as a weapon. They will have it when they see fit, and when they wish to control you with it, they will have reasons as to why they can't do it. They will even use religiosity as a reason. So sometimes they don't care they want to go for it and other times if you want to go for it, they can't due to their reasons or religion.
    Women need to do like men and separate sex from emotions. Draw a definitive line down the middle and do not confuse one with the other. Men separate the two and women need to do the same. I remember being intimate with someone, and the next day he was an arrogant asshole.

     I said you know what? You think just bec you got laid last night you can be an ass don't want to play the game of who can go without sex the longest with me buddy bec hell will freeze over twice before you get it again lol. We must have BOUNDARIES. Adults are just like children, they are just taller. They love to push and push to see what it takes before you snap.

  8. this is also why I struggle against watching pornography too.. because the same thing is happening but you just aren't personally acquainted with the production company or special interests on the other end. Controlling someone via their sexuality is soooooo dark.

  9. Thanks a lot for uploading this video

  10. so true. . . if sex wasn't there, my ex wouldn't have been able to manipulate as well he did- or maybe at all.

  11. many thanks for posting no contact PERIOD is your only chance of rebuilding your life

  12. Thank you. I always wondered why the Narcissist tried to use sex to keep me around like they have no other way of connecting to me.
    When a person rapes it is more to do with power and domination and destroying you than sex. W
    Also when people keep initiating sex when you say it's over its sexual abuse by coercion and manipulation.

  13. Anyone ever notice how narcissists are typically GOOD at sex? I can't speak for male narcissists, but the female ones are usually VERY good at what they do….and are open for ANYTHING. Then as time goes on, when they feel they've "got you", they start cutting back on the sex (but NOT on the demands), and ramp up the (at first subtle) abuse.

  14. I am not surprise that some people thumbs down this video.they are nacissists themselves and wicked

  15. Cerebral narcissist withhold sex as a weird form of power

  16. This is so true! Every time i left him alone longer and longer each time he would always get back in with sex….and it was 3 times a day! At least! Is been almost 6 months nc and never again, he tried for about 6 weeks after he left and i remained strong this time!

  17. +Sandra Steele This video and your comment. I hope more people get this! You ARE a prop, they are using you for their own gratification and to regain their control over you and most Narcs are really good in bed. But it is def about getting off than true lovemaking.
    Afterwards you are filled with hope that all those promises they made will be fulfilled, you go onto the fog once again and downplay or even "forget" the shockingly bad deeds they have done against you, such as lying and cheating.

    If sex is the Narcs method to reel you back in, you can bet they also have a few other fish on the line to reel in anytime the Narc wants them to be of service too.

    Stay away from them. Let them reel in the others.

  18. This is the way to get rid of them for good. They will flee from you. It may take a year or more but they will leave.

  19. I stopped..He threatened to kick me out…Next day nice next verbally assualting me guilt tripping me I havent been taking care of him…
    I was getting energy back.Now Im exhausted.Feel pushed in corner…….Sex is humilitaing with him…Always leaves me with a demeaning attitude….

  20. That's the most painful part. Wicked withdrawals. I can still smell her in my mind.

  21. Agreed. And the one I was with also used witchcraft. And harbored a nice little interest in sadism. With her out-of-the-blue comment, "do you know what fisting is?" "Would you ever do it?"

  22. Glad you are recognizing yourself greg!!!!

  23. glad I listened to my intuition and fought the temptation for months, I had a strong feeling I was being cheated on, I turned him down every time he asks for it, he even had tantrums like a kid lol. then of course, he stopped because he has new narcissistic supply 😉 when I left him, he tried to hoovered, begged, cried but after a couple of days he changed his mind and discarded me.

  24. after I went 'low' contact for close to two years with the narc , I allowed him back in my life. though I told myself I was strong enough to just have a coparenting relationship with him for our children. boy was I wrong. for two months he told me he was going to 'get it again' , 'prepare yourself to have sex with me, because it will happen', 'we are going to fornicate and you will ask God for forgiveness after'…the list goes on. when that wasn't working he started seducing me. and as soon as we had sex, I immediately knew I made a mistake
    guilt I assume was written all over my face. this is what he told me 'no no no,don't do this to me. ..stop feeling guilty I just can't handle that,seriously tori go take a minute to yourself and when you come back be over it'.

  25. Hi. My ex, who I suppose is a narcissist, rushed sex with me. But then he wanted to stop. Which kind of behaviour is this?

  26. That was right on and such a validation to continue no contact. Thanks. One year today.

  27. My husband's narcissist castrated him,then had his checks signed over to her.He has to wear diapers from r the rest of his life.

  28. wow this is what i needed to hear thanks for this post

  29. I'm interested to know how many after stopping relations have had dreams that were sexual in nature. I believe these narc/demons are possessed with the incubus/succubus spirit and by allowing access to your body—u allow those spirits to begin messing with u—-you MUST break that soul tie

  30. right after you start no contact, walking around in a state of dis belief , result from years of gas lighting, discard revalue cycle it alters ones reality and the with drawls from Oxycontin makes me dizzy lol thank you this really helped i will donate soon!!! You are my therapy lol

  31. bing the light went off for me at 6:40 I thought I could soldier thwe sex, I could handle it the depression after, ect but when he said if invades your aura, eww I dont want ppl seeing that

  32. i think im strong cuz I hear songs like Blessing by K camp, listen to it see how that messing with our minds…ewww ok but I think he lies soooooo maybe I can do better

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