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27 thoughts on “The Narcissist and Money

  1. My inlaws did that left my husbands brother half a farm plus a third of the money. Now he won't give his wife money. She has to sell pinecones to buy groceries. She runs a sales table weekly to survive. He also threatens to kill her if she leaves and says she will get nothing. . She bought all the furniture and her own car. He leased out the farm. Hasn't worked for years. In nz we are entitled to half each. He also calls her names re weight. He has a rifle hidden and also tax evades. He thought he would abuse me over my decisions in life. He picks from the time I walk in the door. He is jealous of us. His mother was a controller as well  if I visit he won't leave us alone.   he also controls the water she uses, expects her to not use power. His mother was mean too. Jehovah witness woman who had strange ideas. She worked three of her kids on farm with no pay. My husband left so he got punished from her grave.

  2. 1 month after my father used me to trick my mother into voluntarily going into a nursing home on the pretext that she would be going in for physical therapy, (she had dementia-alzheimer's but had the presence of mind to know what he was up to. She didn't trust him. Her words were, "he's deceitful and underhanded and you can't trust him." She trusted me.)…Anyways, one month later he disposed of the will she forced him to make up 30 years ago and composed a new one, leaving me out of it….I've always intended, after the rat finally dies, to urinate on his grave while singing; "Ding-Dong, the witch is dead."

  3. Ok, anybody who feels sad because the parent leaves them nothing needs to grow up! Earn your own money, buddy! Mommy and Daddy may or may not leave you jack, so what? Pick up your bootstraps and earn your own retirement!

  4. The lawyers are an additional problem indeed. How come the narcs are able to find a lawyer to lie for them and we can not find a lawyer to tell the truth for us?

  5. Charlotte Miller McCloud

  6. Tom,

    Fantastically accurate presentation…

  7. Wow! Can you believe how many people comment on this? That is so sad. So messed up. I am here to join the club.

  8. My narcissist mother took (with the help of her lawyer) the inheritance my father left me (I was a minor) and eventually gave everything to her golden son. As a child, I purchased all of my own clothing through babysitting, collecting bottles/cans, anything a kid could do legally. Then when I was going through nursing school, for 3 years she claimed me as a dependent even though she never contributed a cent to my education or cost of living. This kept me from filing my own taxes and receiving a refund. But it did help my mother pay less personal taxes! I was promised 1/3 of her wealth in her will, then after I did all the work selling and distributing her property, I was written out. Then she told me I was to have NO CONTACT with her! My mother is a bitch. Liar. Morally destitute. She is a biological mother only……my worst enemy.

  9. so true I got to account for every dime he gives me and hes quick to use money to "show"love…my question is what if your both narcs? I'm not saying I am because I know empathy and care for others a great deal but I am bipolar 1 … what's ur take on a bipolar n narc marriage

  10. BH

    I don't want his money my golden child brother can have it. I don't want any ties to him at all. What's really messed up is he's pissed off I don't want his money.

  11. I bought a property with my narc and paid for everything! The property has quadrupled in value and over the years when I've tried to buy him out he's told me he wants half. He's threatened me and continually lied forgetting that I have some understanding of property law. He's always demanded half the value until he finally paid out for a solicitor and now he wants to negotiate! That's funny because he was unwilling to accept anything less than half before. He rang me as soon as he left his solicitors office! I recently told him that I would seek a fair outcome through the courts and he's sweating because he has never paid towards the property and I can prove I have! I don't negotiate with terrorists.

  12. OMG!!! My mother told me she will be leaving everything to my Golden Child Brother and nothing to me because my father will leave something for me… OMG!!! She said it without any concern for my feelings. I am so thankful that I have finally found out what my issues in life are, I have had a Narc Mum and she has torn my life and heart apart with her manipulation and narcissistic sickness.

  13. This sounds like what rich narcissists would do… what about the poor ones? My parents have NOTHING because my mother spends every dime that comes into that house on herself. I was her retirement plan. She had her entire life planned out based on what she perceived as my future. I finally broke contact with her once she found out this fall that I have been saving $$ and had almost 10k at the time (I now have almost 17k) and she tried to guilt me into paying for HER mortgage as a form of "investment" so she could keep up her lifestyle. Yes, she is OBSESSED with money, but not in this same way; she is obsessed with using GUILT to part ME from mine. I knew I had better get out while I still could.

  14. Isn't this the crux of it all….?! Wow, sums up perfectly what I've suspected for years. Dear ole dad, an attorney, mind you…destroyed my mother with his cheating 20 years ago. Contributed to her depression, anxiety and ultimate death while refusing to lift a finger to help her financially, while I supported her as a 17 year forward after her death, he made me financially dependent on him after I had a child with multiple disabilities who I've raised alone for 17 years and then, in a total reversal, has stopped all support. I haven't worked a job in all these years. Find myself completely panic stricken and trying to recoup my sanity as well as scrambling to figure out how to pay our lifestyle bills. These videos actually help. Thank you

  15. I am afraid for my son 17, who is the "favourite Grandchild" out of 8. Even though he tells me that he knows and will not fall in her trap, He knows through all the reading I am doing on the subject, and share with my family, he knows about my channel , both my husband and I have talked to him about the triangulation, and gaslighting, but he kind of feels sorry for her, and we can not force him to keep away from her.not at his age.

  16. this video triggers me like none other. the will is exactly what happened in my family when my daf passed away. and also my ex narc husband hid assets to avoid paying higher child support payments. I can't believe they get away with this.

  17. I wanted to let you know that I'm so sorry you, and many others, have been subjected to narcissist parent(s), family or other people. My parents were not narcissist but had other mental illnesses however I been subjected to narcissism via other close family members which has caused me much emotional pain and contributed to my chronic state of sadness and depression.

  18. Ah, the love and money game. More like narc's love of money and how to gain leverage/control. Never ever buy into it. – Pun intended. It can be a sick sick game you enter, and you will not win. Never play the game. Be aware/conscious of how they will try to find a way of making you play the game, and don't go there. Watch how it is used to split up/conquer and divide siblings. If just one sibling buys into it, game on!

  19. Just about perfect insight!  thank you….

  20. oh my gosh…. described someone perfectly!!!

  21. Please Donate to help me attend university this summer. <3thankyou all.

  22. Omg! You JUST DESCRIBED somebody's Father I used to know

  23. My brother and I have dealt with the manipulations and intrigues of our narcissist father our whole lives. The eventual divorce from our mother was very ugly. (Finding a lawyer who has experience with narcissists is A+ advice. I wish our mom would've known that at the time.) Almost everything you said in this video could've been a close description of our lives. You can't convey this insanity to anyone who hasn't lived it personally. It's very helpful to hear you parcel it out like this and describe what I've had a hard time putting my finger on for so long. I'll be checking out your other videos. Thanks for your work here, Narcissism Survivor.

  24. This guy talks so slow that you can run this at 1.5 with no problems.

  25. My deceased covert narcissist father had one final surprise in store for me. On his deathbed, he brought up the subject of inheritance, told me he was leaving me 1/3, (I have 2 siblings), and admonished me to trust the other family members because I was "family". I got one short call from my brother when he died, but when I called his wife to offer my assistance, I was screamed at and hung up on. Red flag, I sent away to probate for his will, only to find out he had recently written me off and disinherited me. It did surprise me that he would deliberately lie to me about it, I still believed him that much. I hope it brought him some joy while he was dying. I'm sure my siblings are in seventh heaven. But maybe not. It all goes through his wife first.

  26. This is why I am afraid Donald Trump might loot our country for himself if he gets in.

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