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30 thoughts on “The Narcissist Loves to Call You Crazy

  1. Cant get more accurate than this video!

  2. I've been told that I am delusional. I make up fantasies in my head. Ex narc even went as far to tell me what I think and what my reality actually is……. NO Accountability for the initial issue (s) which was caused by Ex narc in the first place.

  3. mine called me crazy also. I believe it's because I knew him better than anyone else. if he could convince people that I was crazy then noone would believe anything I may say…. (that he was the one in fact dumped and on drugs) among other things. he died on Nov 8, 2015 of a heroine overdose….2 years after I left. and no, I didn't go around defending myself either. his own reality spoke volumes.

  4. This is fab, and added to my favourites! Thanks Annabelle X

  5. I've just realised that I'm now a FOO Fighter ,(Family Of Origin) Fighter, and that all the name calling and such were projections of herself (NM), if I'm all the things she says I am she is a right bloody messed up shit.Sorry cursing again and on a Sunday too.Hugs.

  6. LOL…LOVE IT! Fuckheads…lmao

  7. you are so right, we are magnets to narcs from being raised by them

  8. My narc ex would call my friends , my pastor, my place of employment to tell them I was a slut.. very original.. since I was celibate for most of my 30s.. he was hiding condoms in his car and staying out at night.. funny how they love to accuse you of what they are doing! We separated with no kids and no hard feelings.. so I thought. then one morning I woke up to find my car repossessed for a $39.99 late fee.. nice guy, he was ordered to pay it by the courts but that was his only way of getting me back.. over $39.99.  That was the last payment.. but he sure as hell was not going to tell me.  Then the huge dog that wrecked my house was sold as soon as I moved out. The dog was the reason I left as it destroyed my furniture and all my shoes and bags, he never took it to the vet for severe vomiting or diarrhea .. but as soon as I left the dog was gone.

  9. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the description of your so-called "spiritualist" narc-friend. God, those kinds of people are SO laughable. It's almost as if they project this phony image of themselves to help to make up for the fact that they are actually the polar opposite what they portray themselves to be; all the while making themselves look completely ridiculous, especially once people actually get a glimpse of the true person behind the facade.

  10. I love your attitude! It is the peoples loss if they choose to believe the lies and bs! My narc always told me I was crazy! Everything that happened was always because of something I did or didn't do: said ir didn't say! I laugh now when I look back at the relationship! I was the sane one, they were the crazy narc! Lol Thank you so much. For sharing! Have a blessed day!

  11. AH! I finally remember who you remind me of — Valerie Bertinelli.
    I've watched several of your vids now, even though I don't have to deal with narcissists, just because you present the info so well, I guess it helps to be a teacher. 🙂 Rock on – you seem very healthy and capable, and your videos help many, I'm sure.

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Well said, perfect;y explained & such a mirror of my life! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who has dealt with narcs & also had to deal with the aftermath.

  13. Great video. My ex recently tried to "prove" my alleged mental illness in court and failed miserably, in the process revealing himself as a drug addict.

  14. hahaha … "aversion to narcissistic arseholes" … thanks, I finally know my problem. 🙂

    Yep. Anybody my father was in conflict with was insane. Including me. Cause scapegoats have no chance but to be in conflict.

  15. hahahahahahahahah   Amazing…. no one but no one understands this but someone that has experienced this. The way you explain it……..priceless. TFH. yes. That is what I have. omg.. someone else understands.

  16. I have a funny story about this one. My boss told me that I was "not ok " and that I "dont look alright" this all happened because I screwed up on a minor assignment amidst the other 10 things I managed to do that day. Rather than reacting (which she expected I do) I calmly said " I now all about manipulation and crazy making and your not gettig a reaction from me because I respect myself. What clarity this community brings to my life !

  17. Wow! Thanks…this is a crazy scary story! Its ringing a bell in me and I cant quite remember what..
    that hearing problem I think I have a similar thing-but I am a musician too with some hearing loss so hard to tell.

  18. Amen, Sister! You are writing my story. Wow…

  19. "f heads" love it! Hahaha that's exactly what they are

  20. When I was in high school my mother had me tested by the school psychologist (with a six-hour long, state created, written test,) to see if I was mentally ill, (he said he was just concerned if I was depressed because of others in my life,) and when I relayed back to her what he found in the results – that I was "as sane if not more sane" than he was, she got livid. My "mother" got enraged at my not being proven to be mentally ill. I'll never forget that reaction. However, about fifteen years later, my understanding is that she's STILL claiming this, and has gotten my family and even my former best friend (who I'm now thinking must be a narc herself) to thoroughly believe it. This is compounded by the fact that I haven't been in contact with them for about seven years, and of course she's blaming the "mental illness" for why I cut them off, which apparently they've been believing.

    I am only now learning about the narcissistic type of emotional abuse, and am surprised to see here that this accusation, which I've suffered under for… well, half my life now, is common narc behavior… this makes me feel more validated, and supported. This element of the abuse has been more hurtful to me than I think I'm conscious of, but I can't quite figure out why yet. Of course it makes me feel completely invalidated by those who believe it, which really hurts because it plays into my being subconsciously convinced I'm worthless, as well as my self-doubt, but it may also be because my father was mentally ill, and I, much more than my two siblings or my mother, became very familiar with true mental illness because I was the only one visiting him in the residential home that he shared with probably hundreds of others who were genuinely mentally ill. I spent who knows how many hours there, and I became able to spot mental illness in some people just by looking at them. I'm still not sure how that plays into it, but mental illness was a very serious and real thing for me, seeing so much of it in so many and for so long. But I don't know, maybe it's really just the invalidation of my thoughts and feelings that gets to me.

    The deepest pain I've ever felt (and suspect anyone could ever feel) has been feeling like I'm a non-entity, that I don't have a soul and am just a hollow body, (which is helped by having been molested as a child by my mother's boyfriend, which I now think she must've on some level known about). At times I'm convinced I'm more worthless than literal dirt, as at least dirt has a function and is useful. So to have all my thoughts and feeling completely invalidated, as if they mean worse than nothing, their being called insane, is to further make me feel utterly worthless, as if they have proof of it in the form of my thoughts and feelings. Thing is, it's they who are mentally ill in that they've deluded themselves about our family and its history. That's too much to get into here, and this comment is already turning into novel, as I feel like venting my whole life with them, but… I don't know. I don't know how to process this yet, nor can I even put words to all that's inside me regarding it. It just hurts.

  21. What is it about us that attracts narcissists? What are we doing, or what are we projecting that seems to draw the narcissist toward us?

  22. the further I go along in this journey, the more I see commonalities, It's almost like they have a guidebook and they all follow it. They use the same tactics and lines. I am going through that right now, Have lost most of my family over it. The ironic thing is I have gone through so much therapy to get over narcissitic abuse so I am the healthiest one…oh the irony. Disengaging is the most effective tool to deal with this. Agree with everything you have said. Thankyou for sharing.

  23. " I don't need to convince people that I'm a good person." right on, this is especially true of former golden children. As golden children, we have become accustomed to mimicking the behavior of the narc. our strategy is to try to convince people that we are no longer as pathological as we once were, so we try relentlessly to prove that we are good. ofcourse, this then invites other sociopaths into our world. ah, what would I do without your words to reflect upon daily. can't wait to start my own channel.

  24. LOL…."an aversion to narcissistic fu#@heads"! Awesomely Put! LoL! I totally understand, I too, have had this problem as well. I'm still working on myself to "clear" my plate of narcissistic people. I've been a Magnet too, that's what I've been conditioned to be…..but am in the process of changing it! 😉 Thanks for sharing your video and good spirits about this "hidden" abuse. 

  25. You are so right. This is spot on….. The narcs love to pull the "Your crazy" card… or that you are "Too sensitive" . ahhhh. Truth is… THEY are Crazy… or evil, or demented, but certainly they are damaged, and plan to bring others down with them into their own private hell, and low vibrations. …They all seem to go by the same playbook. A playbook straight from hell. Thank you for your video. It's awesome.

  26. you atract them becouse you are beautiful, loving and intelligent, they want that challenge. They want to show you of. And when they have you, they gaslight you becouse of their insecurity of not beeing able to meet your love.

  27. I also still got my Christmas tree. And I turn on the lights every single night. ^^ I know this is weird, but it makes me so happy ^^

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