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36 thoughts on “The Narcissist Test – How To Tell Where Anyone Is On The NPD Spectrum

  1. You're a hero, Melanie 😉 your resources are excellent and having them free for people is so awesome. I had an emotional release and self-partnering experience watching one of your other vids a couple of months back. To understand this NPD spectrum is definitely an important tool to have in your mindset for navigating relationships with people, especially existing within the 30-50 bracket as I now knowingly am, because you are more susceptible to be taken advantage of without even realising that it's happening. I think it's important for everyone these days to have an idea about it, even more so in cities and business environments where you are prone to meeting and encountering a large number of different people and have to be able to decide which folks are 100% worth avoiding for your own sanity. And I suppose too in smaller towns where a high-grade Narcissist has the opportunity to totally control the living environment without people's realization about what's going on behind the scenes. Thank you, and thank you again for your work.

  2. thats not particularly always true
    my mom is a narc and she never goes to doc or therapy.. once she went and never went again
    hope she disappears anyway

  3. Wow. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for sharing. Fantastic video and test.

  4. I think I have n. tendencies but I know my mom has grown that way in the past few years more obviously.

  5. You waste too much time at the start of the video for this to be useful to my friends… consider thos constructive criticism.

  6. You people in the comments are fucking stupid all you do is toss up the word narcissist when you don't like the way things are going. You have no mental health background whatsoever. Fucking women sicken me.

  7. Thank you for that test Melanie the results were very helpful, I have been nervous about my level of Narcissism and feel relieved to have a bearing on my tendencies.

  8. I wish every body did know what a narcissist was …… They would be stop from working there way up to power ……. Humanity means nothing to the psychopathic narcissist…….YouTube the (Rothschild family) there are lots of videos about this self absorbed psychopathic family …. That controls the world ….. If you do …. YouTube this family your hole perception of reality would change 180 don't believe me then YouTube the (Rothschild family )

  9. I recently started feeling that I am both codependent and narcissistic too (not NPD though)… With other "tests," they make codependency and narcissism as opposite ends of the spectrum (empathy as the good guy, narcissist as the bad guy) but only in yours I see a spectrum where codependency is on the way to narcissism and you can be codependent with narcissistic traits which makes more sense…I grew up with a more covert narcissistic mother and codependent father but even they often switch roles back and forth so I find myself operating in both codependent and narcissistic ways. In some relationships I behave more codependently and in others more narcissisticly (but not in that systematic way of discarding and moving onto the next "victim") … Maybe because with different people, there are different soul contracts and lessons needed of varying intensity… It disturbs me to know that I have narcissistic traits (sometimes pretty intensely) but I'm trying to heal the shame…

  10. gee….sounds like I scored too low on the test…17….she makes it sound like its more healthy t be closer to to being a narcissist….CRAZY.

  11. I took the quiz. 30 – 50.  I have a healthy level of narcissism. I knew this already. Great quiz. It's more in depth than I thought it would be.

  12. Question: My ex broke up with me 7 months ago came back 4 days later, then after another week I broke it off with her.

    The thing is this women was a clear narcissist no doubt about it, we also work together so cant go NC..Even though I broke up with her, I gotten some effects of Narcissistic abuse -Gaslighting etc but here's the kicker 2 days of learning about what had happened to me and getting my mind right, I'm perfectly normal again?? Walk into work this morning (2 days later) smiling being my old self again..she was in the hallway looking me in the eyes, I just Said good morning to her and the look she made was something I've never seen like a "Are you serious, this isn't possible, how"….. Is there something wrong with me that I could just undo 8 months off her taking my soul to being normal in 2 days?…..

  13. I'm a 43. Normal narcissism. Phew.

  14. Sounds a lot like borderline personality disorder—is there a difference?

  15. Curious to know if the word "never" could be changed to the word "no"?  The word "never" crosses one's whole history while "no" suggests what is happening now. The word "no" accommodates work one may have done to improve certain traits.  Just wondering.

  16. I think if a true narcissist took that test they would NEVER answer honestly.

  17. Too narrow. Plenty of narcissists really DO believe they're superior!

  18. I cannot figure out if I am the narcissist or the co-dependent or maybe I have borderline personality disorder. So very frustrating as it seems like I have characteristics of all three.

  19. I was really afraid, because I have a lot of emotional insecurities, but I scored 73 and the results described me perfectly. Will need to work hard on my codependency tendencies.

  20. Ever heard the saying: "Why say in 2 words what you can say in 20?" This video is so unnecessarily long and should be edited for length

  21. Seriously, I could cry right now. I've been looking for this information, desperate for it, really.

  22. How do you KNOW all this about narcissists?! Your videos are seriously the best I have ever seen on the topic. I was raised by one and this is helping me so much. Her name was actually Melanie, too, ironically enough. But seriously, you're amazing. Such a wealth of knowledge.

  23. I was married to a true nacasist who had bi polar and add. He put me thru hell. He ended up commuting suicide .
    I then fell in love with a man who swept me off my feet and showed me fun and love again.
    After we got married he changed. He i has narcissistic tendencies in your quiz. Which I knew. I can not believe I fell for it again.
    I am not really co dependant on him, I was with previous. But my new man makes me very depressed now.
    I don't want to go thru years of torture. I had ptsd after the death of the first. What shall I do?

  24. what is the magnetic energy in each location in the universe within universe in a realm effect well what will be potential causes?

  25. I appreciate that you said that a narc "can even be a child." I hardly ever see or hear that subject raised. Two of my boyfriend's children seem like narcs to me: never seen compassion from them, they're upset if anyone — their friends included — ever talk about how their behavior affects them, and never admit to any defect in their own characters. They take after their mother. Obviously, children and teenagers tend to be self-centered, but there was a point where I realized they are way beyond the pale. Thank you again.

  26. Bla Bla Bla… . . .. get to the point!

  27. I scored a 45 and he scored a 425, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt on some questions. The problem is that a narcissist would not be likely to be honest enough or have the introspection to answer many of the questions candidly. What's more is that the narcissist will tell you that YOU do all those things, been told it many times with the never ending script flip.

  28. i scored 49.. whoops! long quiz but it's good.

  29. I scored 103, I know I can be codependent. My NARC (which I tried to be generous and give them the benefit of the doubt as much as I could) came out in the second to highest category. If I hadn't been kind, I wonder if she would have ended up in the highest level.

  30. Did you mention/group Asperger's in here somewhere?

  31. what button??? waited and waited and then you said Okay click the button and come back to me and then you came right back on but there was no button

  32. I scored 98 . The narc in my life 442 … I'm so triggered , have such bad anxiety & ANGRY . I'm in therapy he's going on in his fantasy , phony life . I'm frightened . I'm working on myself .

  33. Melanie, nice test — but none of your watchers will be able to present this to their narc. The best we can do is answer for the narc. This is nice; but it would be more helpful to me if the test were a downloadable PDF file that made no reference to narcissism. (Even then, the narc might not want to reply to this type of question.)

    At the end of minute 12:— you say that the np-spectrum is the opposite of the cd-spectrum. — maybe if you reversed the test, we could give it to our narcs and see how low they are on empathy.

    In order for a narc to answer the questions at all, they have to be formulated in a complimenting manner…

    (And I agree with +ratoneJR below: things are not always quite as black and white. I would not go as far as to dislike the test — but such a realization would remind me, that this is a guideline, an estimate; not a proof.)

  34. 46 "healthy" range. Some of the questions I answered "sometimes" to refer to the past, especially when very young and a newlywed. Our first year was like a cat and dog trying to live together 🙂 Yes, I admit I threw my knitting and a cast iron frying pan at him. Why? Because I had worked up a good mad and wanted us to fight together (what I had seen growing up.) He isn't a fighter; so he just looked right into my eyes and quietly said, "That's enough." From that day on, I never did that again and we learned about healthy ways to solve our conflicts. It helped that we were also both in university. We learned so much that helped us change the trajectory of our family by changing the patterns of our pasts. Things smoothed out after that. We're celebrating 34 years of being together this year. We're empty nesters-ish and have great relationships with our kids as well as with our ever-expanding extended family.

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