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15 thoughts on “The Narcissist Will Tell You “I Am The Evil”

  1. 'when are you going to stop treating your family like shit?' classic line.

    Look at the juicy implicit assumption. 'You ARE treating them like shit' is taken as a given.

    It's like the sales trick, so do you want type x or type y? The implicit assumption is that you want the product in the first place.

  2. makes me glad i'm an only orphan child…..

  3. i think the mum wanted to make it look like to her friend that all was well between her and her daughter. looking like a normal family. putting up a fake front. making appearances

  4. This is so familiar to my conversations with my NM and brother. No contact at all! I have everyone on my NM's side completely blocked and live far away from her. I'm still working on healing and it's been over a year since NC but it's so much better than before.

  5. I would advise "total no contact" with these people and their flying monkeys. I think it could be therapeutic to write them letters. But, mailing them would be pointless. They either won't read them at all. Or, they'll hold onto them and use them as evidence against you at some point. Keep them in a safe place. And, whenever you are thinking about having contact with them, take out those letters and read them as a reminder of the reason you went no contact in the first place. Talking to these people is pointless.

  6. This "mother" the abomination, is lying. I'm gonna attempt to explain what makes me see this so clearly…

    "She had no idea" No idea about what? why does he/they approach this as if something for sure happened, the writer/scapegoat did not say it for sure happened she asked if something had happened because he sent a private pic of her to himself.

    "I didn't know," NOT "I don't know."
    Didn't know what? Okay, so shes confirming something did happen.

    "No I didn't know anything about you being sexually abused BECAUSE I can assure you if you had I damn sure would have done something about it."
    don't and but would have been better choices than didn't and because.
    but it still wouldn't have let her off the hook.
    It should be more like this if she were innocent.

    "I don't know but if something happened, I'm here for you now" or "I don't know but if I find out I'm going to &#$&%"
    But since shes lying,(and shes never actually there for the daughter) she has jumped the gun and ran into accidentally confirming that she did know something, but shes assuring its impossible for her to have known because knowing is the same as her doing something to resolve it. Its not the same and I've noticed my narcs will gaslight really hard if they've done wrong. So, she went straight for the gaslight, instead of realizing she hadn't even been found out yet. She has used the word BECAUSE totally wrong here. She used it to demonstrate how she could not know of the reality that is admitting to knowing.

    How do we know you didn't steal the jewels Ms Barnes? Oh officer, because if I had stolen the jewels I would've given them right back. – utter nonsense. her goodness is not equal to proof. And she went right into proving because she KNEW.

    Then, "You said your dad sent a pic or something, you just have issues that you need to let out because God doesn't want you carrying that heavy load." "I'm so sorry that what happened to you with your dad happened. Had you came and told me" shes hiding behind that you didn't explicitly tell her…. She is letting you know YOUR behavior stopped her from helping you. She just guilt-ed you then she gasses you up. Saying something about how precious you are to her etc. She also asked to see the pic she sent, because she wants the scoop so she can further enjoy the pains.

    When people LIE, they mess up on the time. Exaggerated example, "We didn't do IT at 4 pm" Literally, the daughter ONLY ASKED, DID SOMETHING HAPPEN? Why did they frame it as if something both happened, and then pin it down to a certain time? (the past) And then , if something had happened she would have done something? Yes, because she wants the others to believe reality can be based around how appropriately she responds at any time. Its obvious she knows something happened, and that she did nothing, and that she is blaming the scapegoat then gassing the scapegoats head, insisting she loves her so much etc.

    This woman is a liar, and she knows something happened to her child, she probably knows exactly what happened to her, she left that child around the man, which is obvious by her sloppy lying, and she just shamed/guilt-ed her child for it. I agree with Ollie's take. Stay away, none of the people care about the truth, they love the pain and drama.

    "I know what its like to hurt in your heart so bad that you want to give up…" Look, this woman is imagining what her child is suffering, she didn't kindly ask, hey babe, are you okay,can I do something for you, shes frankly getting off on imagining the pain of her kid being so deep, and gaslighting and shaming her while doing it.

    **The nasty way she couldn't just say, _NOTHING HAPPENED DEAR, makes me think her sloppy lying and the way shes framed this is INTENTIONAL so she could make her daughter believe something did happen.

    My narcMother would do this.She liked to see people remember painful things from the past, I guess she was using her narcissistic style "empathy" to imagine all of the pains and eat it all up.**_ The daughter should trust herself. Even if they don't witness the child abuse directly, they do get a kick out of imagining what must be happening. The narc will like the idea of the abuse being even worse than it was. So the daughter should trust her own take on what happened. Memories do come back, but go slow if you are trying to remember. Have methods of feeling better that are healthy.

    Sorry I can't explain better how I know this woman is lying and a pure creepy abomination.

  7. good point on the summoning

  8. Gaslights that give off that bullshit smell…………

  9. Good one Ollie!
    Amber; keep your daughter the hell away from this woman. Next, with gramma's poison, your daughter will be triangulated and in fray against you!

  10. Rip tide crazy , the mother pulls you one way , the sun husband pushes you another.
    She wants him to get you back , but he can't stand your ass and wants you to go away.
    He sounds conflicted , that's probably where much of his resentment and hostility towards you comes from.
    Even when your not there you probably get more of his mommy's attention than he does , and he can't stand it.
    After all , it's all about you , it's always about you , and he has to day in and day out sit there and listen to it.
    And your mother knows it rubs him the wrong way , she set him up so it would , she just sits back and watches your brother lose his cool with you and gets off on it.
    I speculate.

  11. I absolutely love Ollie's way with words.
    My repertoire grows daily.
    This sounds like my arrogant, condescending Golden Boy cunt pussified brother.
    Actually I think he did crawl back up in mommy's vagina. Maybe that's how he got her to change her Will, leaving the rest of us out.
    "The Evil One"? Could it be…….  Satan?

    I also meant to say I'm so sorry for your situation. Your brother will likely turn into your mother after she's dead. I don't see that your relationship with him will ever be what you would like. It's much the same with me.

  12. DEATH DOES NOT ABSOLVE THE NARCISSIST – ingrained now 🙂 I sent a letter once and it was a waste of time. Go no contact. It's the only language they understand.

  13. Narcs can't handle No Contact. Its so FOREIGN to the social norm of children putting up with parental abuse and not airing family 'dirty laundry'. Narcs think no contact is a sign of a person being crazy because they think it's so weird. So the narc parent uses the strategy of talk, talk, talk, until the child is wore down and changes their attitude or opinions to make the narc parent. That's why narcs will never change. They think they are doing the social norm so they are in the right.

  14. Ollie and Fi are also the two YouTubers who got me on my way to recovery and helped me put the word to my parents: narcissists!

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