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12 thoughts on “The Shaming Tactics Of The Narcissist


  2. the narcissist only cares about themselves. they use you for their own benefit, they could not give one about you. they also try to make you feel sorry for them to go with their way.

  3. Fundamentally narcissism IS politics and politics IS narcissism

  4. i wonder if narcs are at higher risk of cancer because of the stress they live with everyday with their own toxicity

  5. I'm hearing this for the first time, having only recently discovered Ollie's videos. I wonder about some of the people like this letter writer. It would be interesting to see how some of these cases turned out. I hope the people write and update.

  6. My narc bpd histronic mother would friend old ppl who were in ill health or about to die just to bilk them of things like jewelry and collectables. She called these ppl "My Mrs. _______". Then when her "My Mrs. __________" died and didnt leave her anything in the will, she would be outraged. Complain for months. What a sleazy grifter. I just used to laugh laugh laugh. She never did get a one of those blue hairs to will her their multi-million dollar estate.

  7. They have no limits. They love to disguise their abuses through love and concern. It's sick and cruel!!

  8. I would go directly to nursing home and ask them straight out, "what yarn did these people spin for you to get you to release my mother to them?" See how far you get there before expense of an attorney, you could find out a lot just that way (or get stonewalled, but worth a shot….. they should be shitting their pants BIG TIME if you, the daughters who had been visiting regularly and caring for your mom, tell them that they released a patient into the hands of abusers, no matter what their story was… I bet you it was something on par with you guys being the greedy, abusive daughters only visiting to get hands on an inheritance or some such shite).
    Call Omsbudsman for the elderly, the state department in which you live that oversees elder abuse. Convalescent home likewise should perk the hell up with this department involved, BIG FINES/broken laws for what they did. Good luck. What a fucking mess, I'm so sorry.
    Samantha, RN

  9. Shame slows my heartbeat down and takes away my energy to live. The shame rooted itself in my liver as my mother was an alcoholic who "Loved me with all her heart." She would stumble down the street and everybody knew that was my mother. Bullies and Child molesters found easy prey in me. People see the shame in me now and run. I'm ugly and I hate myself. My mother is dead now. She died very slowly. What a life?

  10. Hi Ollie,
    What's up with your cat? It keeps jumping around in the background. This video is spot on. Thank you,
    Lina Blanco

  11. loving these real life scenarios being resolved, Ollie! Interesting power play in this narcissists' corrupt game. Shaming undermines the morale and conscious resolve of the victim absolutely because the self doubt mind chatter illicits a state of confusion in the morally conscientious victim. However, I think I'd totally avoid lawyers unless super rich and go make a complaint to Crimestoppers,(Anonymously). If this senior mom is being abused, in any way, this would be deemed a criminal matter. You wouldn't want to leave a trail for the narcissists or they might turn super-witchy. There should be a permanent register for all Narcissists but it might be too long!

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