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39 thoughts on “The Slandering Narcissist

  1. Take Yeshua Jesus Christ with you on this journey and let the peace of the Comforter, The Holy Spirit, to comfort and heal you. It has been a grievous journey, but it has gotten so much easier with time. I've misplaced a lot of my gifts, but I'm asking Abba Father to give them back to me. I pray for all of you. Don't give up, and don't let them suck you back into their webs. God bless you.

  2. May I say that it would have been as simple as this (had I only known what was happening); ask yourself this question : I love this person and would I do this to him/her ? Would I abuse of someone I love? The answer is NO !

  3. Family ( mother). It's this for years and not regarded on how why she or anyone else wants harm to me. Telling truth realizing to themselves its slander. So how how do i get up again. Yes my mom believes in God.
    I believe in Jesus Christ. but not ever thought would be made to others a target. Hope someone out there can help me. thank you of this video message.
    Peace be with you God had blessed you to speaking to us that are under heavy attack of a narcissist that want our joy wipped from the people and places things. we like to do. not believable to others once we have reason to stop being around the bad abuses anymore. Thanks again.

  4. I've been going through a divorce with a covert narc for FIVE years! I've been "no contact," during the majority of that time. I dared ask for my small business, and left him his lucrative CPA practice, our family home of 27 years, all of our personal possessions (cars, RVs, furniture, etc.) He hid all of our retirement (under the table of our broker and "friend," creating an alleged mental illness for me, which coincidentally is a pathological liar, who can even pass lie detector tests (after I challenged him to make up the questions for me to take one.) He will not stop dragging me back into court for false accusations, even bring in a (single) photo of cat feces, alleging I had "thrown it all over the house." He's projected his lies and behaviors on to me, crying to our grown up sons, who are all but brainwashed, begging ME, to stop… . Our daughter, who was home, and in high school until leaving for college, tried to defend me to her dad and brothers, who have all turned against her now… . Will this ever stop! All the while, he is trying to get ME to have to pay HIS attorney fees. He threatened to do this if I dared talk to an attorney, or anybody, and simply get another job and move on… , and if I didn't obey him, he would "do ANYTHING to protect himself…, and I mean ANYTHING…, HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR"? I'm 56 now, tired, fight depression, anxiety. BUT most important, hanging onto God's grace to get me through each day.

  5. They destroy their kids when they are little. Nothing the kid does is ever good enough for their abusive parent. The kid internalizes and thinks well if my own parent thinks this way of me, they must be right. It sucks. It is harder to love yourself when your own parent did not even seem to love you.

  6. Thanks so much for these videos They really helped me understand what I was dealing with. Was dealing with a vengeful,slanderous Narc; but Praise God My household is free.

  7. Thanking God I found a spiritual based explanation based on Bible truths that I had not seen before and that has helped me fully identify and understand what I have lived through all my life.  Thank you so much for sharing these studies and videos.  They are  life regenerating.  Healing waters of truth that is so refreshing to the those are hurting and wounded, and not understanding why.  God bless you and your work, as it is life changing.


  9. my sister is just like that and even after she totally stabbed my back,she tried to break me down. Now,I am no longer in touch with her…so as all her friends,ans my younger brother. She also divorced and left her children and husband. All she has now is my dad who blindly loves her very much and willing to give everything for her.

  10. I think my mother trained me to hate myself and to engage in self-defeating and self-destructive behavior and self-abuse. Does anyone else have this? How do you know if you were sexually abused? I suspect but can't remember.

  11. I can't self-care. I can't stand to be alone but refuse to go out with abusive types. That is all I see around me! I don't want to shower or eat or dance or do crafts like I used to. I can't sleep good. Is this normal?

  12. Good videos, except for all the religious stuff.


  14. This is my wife of 27 years spoken of here…

  15. I have been praying (after your reading of Psalm 59; 7-12)..for you and all of us oppressed (PAST or present); that we stand free from their wicked oppression: in God's fortress. That the earth be cleansed of the oppression in all in's many forms. I am especially interested in people held in slavery(werent we after all!) who may read this..sexual by a pimp/other; victims of bullying at school; those persecuted from war…Lord cleanse the earth of the evil ones…keep safe the good and pure. Lord build us up all ..those of us here on these sites who have been bound by the chains of bondage to a narc…or Any form of matter how secret and COVERT. Uncover the devices of the wicked whispering and spreader of malice and hurt to others. As we break free and start to heal; make our wounds and awful memories be turned around as a Great Awesome Strength. United we stand strong. May these sites fill us with your belief in ourselves and love us back from the pits Lord God. Thank you.

  16. sharing this one too….

  17. This is good video…tho I am suspicious of people who expect a person to be abused over and over again. I went no contact with my parents for 15 years for abuse on my grandfather while he was dying. I entered back into the family and the same thing occurred.

  18. Not a Christian – however I think this is brilliant! Thanks!

  19. Stunning. Thank you again. Bless you.

  20. I honestly think the fact that I was a Christian and Narc girlfriend was an Aethiest really pissed her off. I pretty much gave in to all her demands but the fact she wanted me to in so many words denounce my religion was something I wouldn't go along with. It drove her crazy that I wouldn't give up my religion for her

  21. I face this with my oldest son. The pain is horrible. Sadly before I started looking into this I did not realize the pattern i set myself into. my father, my husband, my oldest son. Now I am trying to become stronger against this.

  22. Know them..see them, avoid them.

  23. Please look at the website HiddenHappenings and HiddenAssaults thank you.   You may not be ready for this information.  God Bless you…

  24. Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent and excellent!

  25. I was raised by a totally Narcissistic dad.  I see residual effects of that parenting in me and by not eliminating him from my life completely, I still allowed his influence and my subconscious need for his approval and love, to taint and ruin my own family.  It turned me into a bit of selfish narcissist and the cycle continues.  It's sad and sick.

  26. Thank you so much for this video brother.


  28. The truth will be proclaimed on the rooftops!!!!

  29. These are very tiny specs of negative magnetic mass that win their game, by getting other positive masses to give up their energy and focus, and instead, tap into their kind of miserable energy….their insignificant goal is to stop goodness, freedom, happiness, and true evolving power, to cease in large numbers, by attempting to manipulate those who care enough, to be lowered and matched (brotherhood right!!!??? LOL) with theirs, as to lose their consciousness.. Therefore, not having to know their smallness, as all magnetic negativity without consciousness, becomes one with THEIR specful existence..its a brilliant strategy…but can be blown up by exposing the strategy..and allowing yourself, as much as we pride ourselves in being caring and serious, to see their attempts to blow up the most beautiful, creative, consciousness that is abundant..and instead, choosing them to exchange your peace and goodness, and brilliance…by sharing this stream of consciousness with him instead.. This is laughable..why would we choose to do THIS lol??? Seriously..

  30. very , very good videos You make . texts and images . texts including the scriptures . so well chosen . it helps me very much . i am victim of some . i have been only in clinics . also at home , a had those , a very near family member . such a long time to find out what was always happening in my life . why i was so much victim , even in having so much faith . never blaming god . always turned to my inside . the ' real reality ' . only with these therapies i begin to figure out , facing this ' hard reality ' , that all begun with a rape – of course a narc – and the blood member , still a baby , a very demanding baby , absorbing all attention . that ' s why i became so sick . almost all , we , ' borderline ' women . my autism . my asperger . how i would love to help them more .

  31. Watched this with tears rolling down my cheeks as i am a victim of such a person.

  32. Very well done…..TY and too TRUE

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