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45 thoughts on “What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? – Mental Health Videos with Kati Morton

  1. In my experience they're very much able to get the therapist to think nothing is wrong with them, then keep doing the damage to people behind closed doors… ''See? there's nothing wrong with me, it's everyone else!'' They cannot be helped…

  2. I am questioning if my boyfriend is a narcissist, at the same time he has very low self esteem. Sometimes he's the best boyfriend ever and then other times his only motivation is selfish gain. From Kati's videos I am sure he is borderline and maybe non-reactive attachment disorder, in some ways he's the best friend I ever had but he doesn't need people in his life, I'm the only person besides his family in his personal life, so maybe avoidant personality disorder too. He has hurt me so many times, but I've latched onto him as I am a dependent person. other things like depression and anxiety keep me from having the strength to move on, now that I'm 30 it's hard enough just to survive, I'm unemployed at the moment.

  3. Everything I've been exposed to about narcissism, makes it seem like they're evil people to be fought. I think I have a lot of narcissistic traits. I'm just really aware of those parts of my self and repress them because they get in the way of what I want. Does this make me a bad person? my therapist said I show a lot of traits of Cluster B personality disorders

  4. Kati, I notice you keep saying "we" do such and such. Are you saying you are a narcissist? Or are you just using that to explain as if you had the personality disorder?

  5. u are not a narcissist sweety….

  6. Well. The most dangerous aspect of having, now i dont know if i have the diagnosis, but i think i have some of the traits, the most dangerous aspects as i see it is that you end up doing Things only for the sake of doing something useful to compensate for the past, its an extremely painful and stressful condition, and its a man in agonony WHO have those symptoms, i dont think thats NPD, but still, i think that it can be misunderstood as, cause the patient is not in contact with his/her emotions and lives in a constant delusion. The life is a nightmarish condition and is a symptom of a Deep Deep personal crisis i think, so take care out there, the brain and body is full of symptoms that can develope if you doesn´ take care and live your life from day one, some day, it may get really hard to channge, even thou its possible. :)

  7. No true narcissist will ever watch a video like this. They just don't have the capacity for self reflection that would lead them to seek out this information. If you're asking yourself "am I a narcissist?" You're probably not a narcissist.

  8. I don't have much trust for psychology. Whence comes the conceit that these people can recognize and define a "healthy mind". All of their examples of "mental disorders", you know "psychopathology", of which literally just means "mental disorder", and was originally used to refer to all supposed mental illness. This of course is now more approximated by "anti-social personality disorder", the "anti social" part not meaning that you have no friends, but meaning that you're evil. Anti-social as opposed to pro-social. Because not all mental disorders mean you're evil… not any more anyway… right?

    What defines a healthy mind? What defines the evil of the crazy? Society does of course, it is a matter of normativity, or toeing lines. This is why homosexuals can be crazy and evil yesterday, and legitimate and natural today, because that's what opinion polls say.

    Of course, like religion, a discipline that attempts to crystalize, universalize, and enforce moral, and sentimental opinions will always already be obsolete by the time of it's popularization, and not only enforces arbitrary, normative social opinions, (many based on ignorance, conflict, prejudice, third and fifth person interpretive accounts) but it's always already behind the times.

    Not as resistant to change as religion, but still policing with anachronistic sentiments of bygone generations. The only legitimate harms, and legitimate treatments to "mental disorders" are social rejection, isolation, demonization, misunderstanding/representation, and how to cope with the Kafkaesque consequences of existing on the fringes.

  9. phycologist won't treat a narcissist they can't be treated

  10. Hello , I just watch your video…how do you if your really narssictic person? ?

  11. Hi Kati, how do I recognize a good therapist? What should I be looking for?

  12. how likey are narcissists and psychopaths likely to seek help? Are they both aware of what they have generally but cover it up at all costs? thanks.

  13. Lol i'm Narcissist Lol. I hate Whoever fucks my Happiness lol.

  14. Are you still a narcissist if you dont believe that your the best but know that your the best?

  15. There are very few people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder who would sit and be "worried about being the only person diagnosed with this". First of all, a person with NPD will in 99.9% of cases not accept having the diagnosis. They are more likely to either dispute that there even should exist such a diagnosis or accuse their victims of having it instead (projection). Simply put, wondering if you're crazy is the most telltale sign that you aren't!

  16. Narcissists cannot be cured. A true narcissist would never seek help as they can't see anything wrong with themselves. If you've identified a narcissist in your life save your future by leaving them.

  17. Have you every been so fuking sick you can't move!!!!!!!!

  18. When I think of narcissism I am reminded of Donald Trump.

  19. it's a horrible thing – don't get too big on Yt … it's a bad sign – -

  20. My therapist diagnosed me with this even thou I'm a nurse and I'm fully devoted to helping others. Well it kinda makes sense but I feel ashamed and frustrated as f*ck ! It's like being nice to other ppl (even if to feel better myself) is stigmatized -.-

  21. My Narcissistic ways are all involving violence, i suffer with bipolar disorder and during mania i transform into a completely psychopathic Narcissistic nuttcase. when im at that point there is not a person on this planet that can touch me i will go through 20 men like a knife through butter. fear is not even a thing when im at that point i am God i am everything i can not be defeated.

    Then i get my ass kicked by a group of lads ive started a fight with lol. now i dont go out the Narcissist inside me scares me.

  22. My last relationship was with a narcissist. Most abusive person I've ever met. Mental illness or not, these people should be avoided. They hurt everyone in their path.

  23. wow thank you for making a video that's not just talking about how terrible people with npd are

  24. What if someone with NPD doesn't even want help? Personality disorders also impact people outside. shrug I think my dad has it and… well.

  25. How does one confront a loved one, with NPD, about recognizing this disorder in themselves? if they believe they are so flawless – it only goes to follow they will not allow themselves to listen. I need some mechanics that have proven to have worked for others.

  26. I like that this was aimed at the actual narcissists. I see a lot of content telling people to stay away from these human "monsters" and not a lot of content on how to get treatment on an issue that can become very toxic even to the narcissist. I think you're awesome for doing this video and taking the condition with the same seriousness and care that you would with an eating disorder or depression. You inspire me to become a therapist one day!

  27. Thank you so so so much for this video. It's really hard as a diagnosed narcissist who no longer has access to healthcare to just do my own research to sort out some coping mechanisms. I have to wade through a lot of articles aimed not at helping narcissists, but at telling narcissists' loved ones that we are vile, monstrous people and that they are all better without us. Not to mention it's rare for NPD to ever be discussed by laypeople outside of the context of abuse. Even the majority of the comments on this video seem to be filled with ableism and statements likening narcissists to parasites – but I'm still hopeful things will turn around and people will eventually understand what a narcissist really is. Thank you.

  28. So basically a very competitive person right ? 

  29. not very often a classic narc will seek out therapy, it's everyone else that is crazy.

  30. I think my sister has this…In her mind, no one is a good as her. She got really off with me once because i beat her at a showjumping competition (i was just on a really good horse). There are other ways she reminds me of this "disorder" such as she appears over confident bacically shes up her own a**

  31. This is a very serious mental health disorder. Unfortunately, many people, especially on the internet, like to peg others as having this when they probably do not. Their delusions of grandiosity are almost schizophrenic in nature. No, that doesn't make them "evil" necessarily. Many of people with NPD suffer more than others around them suffer.

  32. it's more likely that viewers are requesting this topic because they are victims of narcissistic abuse from others with this disorder. NPD individuals almost never get diagnosed because they never seek therapy or help, because they see themselves as perfect and that their victims are the source of all problems. Narcissistic personality disorder is a vast topic, and the stratagies that they use go way beyond the over-simplified definition of 1] zero empathy, and 2] grandiose delusions. What drives them (narc supply), is not straight forward, or easy to understand.
    NPD individuals would never tune into your videos in a million years, unless it was in order to somehow learn how to better conceal their true nature, and conduct their abuse more covertly.

  33. I loved this video it explains everything. My friend has all of these symptoms its crazy. He gets super angry whenever we say the slightest thing about him, and he's always so competitive with other guys at school. I've tried talking to him about it because the level of stress it causes him trying to compete all the time. I feel like it really controls his life and hes too focused on other people's opinions. Hopefully he can see someone to get help idk

  34. as far as i know Narcissist do not seek help,but his disorder burden others around him and make them seeks help and if he had troubles in life he will find an evil way to feel better or kill himself

  35. What are people whom, ignore you when talking to them, will look away and make some off the cup comment that is an insult, then deny they say it, string you along when you ask a favor of them, but never actually make an effort to help and in the process, come up with every excuse why it would be difficult to do a favor?

  36. You're awesome Kati. Fun to listen to. Just experienced a very inexplicable "ending" to what I thought was a significant friendship of 15 years  Your explanations of the various personality disorders has given me some insights I never really had before.  It has mildly "hurt" me, but more than anything else just completely baffled me. So thx, cause I get why I'm baffled now. No big deal. Compassion is the way to go on it.Is your hamster friendly? True story, a couple years ago I hear this strange sounds in a wall shared with the next duplex. Thought nothing of it. One night I'm sitting in "Man Chair" surfing and I hear something in the kitchen. I go to investigate and their is a damn hamster staring at me from the dish rack! He's friendly and is like, so, where are the nuts dude, I'm hungry!!? Now where did that hamster come from! So I start thinking….and remember that sound. Pull a bed away from a wall and the pesky rodent had burrowed through the wall from the neighbors! Went next door and inquired if they were missing a hamster. Was informed that one "escaped" and they got rid of the other one cause they didn't like hamsters. Uh oh, meant I was going to have a freeloading hamster for awhile I guess. He was a good buddy for single guy.  He lived about a year and then moved on.Why the hell did I tell this story?! 🙂 Anyway, like your stuff and thanx again.

  37. For someone like me who doesn't know much on the subject, I felt like you didn't exactly describe the disorder.

  38. I notice a few of the traits of a narcissist in myself, but not that many. I have a love/hate relationship with myself. That's probably true of a lot of us.

  39. I would trade depression for NPD without a seconds thought.

  40. thats what onision is,he is narcissistic.

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