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45 thoughts on “What to Expect After a Breakup With a Narcissist

  1. I've been so blessed to have these videos

  2. I've been feeling paranoid because i didnt realize the type of abuse I was experencing. Ive been afraid to see what he really is capable of now that i see how he really is.

  3. ugh, yes, people not believing you is the worst!

  4. Always attract the kind

  5. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. ❤ I'm so blindsided by this hurricane of pain. My confidence is gone and this video and others gives people who have suffered abuse affirmation and validation, PARTICULARLY when our pain seems so invisible to those around us. This is strength.

  6. And in defence of the recommendation of prescription drugs -there is a time and a place for these -and if you're struggling(and I mean struggling) to literally get out of bed in the morning a short course, under the supervision of your doctor, can help you to kick start your life again. Your doctor will assess you before prescribing these to you anyway! And we're all adults anyway -so it's up to the individual to weigh up the pros and cons -and to decide if this is what you need. X xx 

  7. do you believe that the more inflated ego one posesses the less inhibitions he or she has in terms of hurting people for instance?

  8. I am 1000% sure my husband of 16 years is a narcissist. I am currently trying to get a divorce. I need help cause everything you experience I am currently going through. I'm scared so I continue to play his game. But we have children And my depression is now becoming an ocd called excoriation. My email is I have no friends few people too help. And I keep going back to him. I've been going through this with him for 17 Years. How do I get through this?

  9. were do I START….went THOUGH some much with my EX….it was hell..HE WAS SEXING EVER ONE….AND ALL WAYS. LIEING…were done….now. he went to jail for his out….I saw his sister she was telling me how good he looks and he has changed….ya…right…thank you jesus….I have moved on….moved out my house….changed my phone number….job….I THOUGHT I NEED HIM AFTER I MOVED ON….WHY??? A NOTHING…..HIS SICK AND EVIL…..

  10. Get on anti depressants?! Wow….what horrible advice. This woman is a nut herself. No wonder shes attracted to crazy men.

  11. what if you have little children involved WE have a 4 year old and 2 year old idk how to handle this.

  12. OMG every single thing you have said describes my ex…I was married to him for 12 years, 3 kids and all of a sudden he had a secret life for a whole year I never knew about. He was living an a secret apartment and another married woman and her he promptly moved 3 states over without me or my kids knowing and is now with the skank he completely abandoned us for. This skank also has 3 kids of her and was married. the strangest thing about this whole situation is he would tell people those kids with her were his….meanwhile his own children he completely neglected to even mention or call….that is something I haven't been able to understand. it was like he replaced his whole family. That anger state you describe is what is exactly what I'm experiencing at the moment. after he had moved away divorced me, took money from me…refused to pay child support and got a new life he keeps coming to me asking to be my friend….he says things like …we were best friends since we were kids…I have always had respect for you and trying to reminisce with me…meanwhile I'm fuming mad and calling him names and just you know absolutely feel like I'm going crazy at the total balls he has to keep trying to talk to me and get me to be friends…the only time he is mean with me is if I start calling him a fat bald man….that completely sets him off….that's when he starts saying I'm a bad mom that he is gonna have the kids "one day" and that I'm an alcoholic. I don't understand why I still cry for him..he literally turned my whole life into a lifetime movie. Just when I think I have no more tears the thought of him being with this skank and trying to bring my kids around her truly drives me insane. and he cant understand why that is.. this sorry excuse for a person has done the most horrid thing you could ever do to another human being and yet for some reason I am left with this crazy pain. I'm learning everyday to try and put those memories and images out of my mind but some days are hard especially when the kids ask where is their dad.  but seriously I have already watched a few of your videos especially the lies a narcissist will tell and I'm not kidding he has said every single one of those lies….especially the military part…I have caught him saying that for years and mind you I'm the one who is in the military. ughhh I really thought he was a good father and a great man and now I'm left alone with my kids while he has completely moved on with his life and telling me every chance he gets how happy he is and how I should rebuild my life…..ughhhhhh the nerve

  13. What's Grey rock? Is it heard of for the abusee to become a bit like the abuser? not still.. but during.. not as bad.. but trying to match him n win. I didn't ofc. but I think if you're like v the majority (non-narc/socio/psychopath) then even if you DO win you don't appreciate it or at least as much ..mostly regret lol once u calm down because you have empathy and morals.. Although! a Narcs ego can screw him/her up at times.. It's funny when you know they're lying.. I know more now about how to handle narcs/narccy ppl than I did before.. aeons more.. It's just a matter of utilizing it :/.. I find that very hard because you basically can't express ANYTHING around them because they'll use that.. n whatever else they can.

  14. Apparently Passive Aggressive's are being linked with Narcissistic Syndrome, my ex- husband is a PA…

  15. A true narc to say the least. She said it all…. I'm considering that type of field of work

  16. Take dance classes, tango, belly dance. Dancing is the best therapy

  17. I'm looking at two studios today.. I'm really nervous.. hard to imagine what I'll be like after this.. already had problems with self care during the relationship..for like a long time before that. wish me luck..

  18. Thank you I needed to hear this… I recently went through this both physically and mentally. February 27th 2016 had my nose broken. I left and never will go back but your definitely right In this video.

  19. Thank you for making these vids, thank you to YOUTUBE communittee for educatong us. Now I'm in the discard phase of my abuser. It is a very hard thing to experience. What I find interesting is that my abuser admits that she is a narcopath (to me) and that she wants to change herself. (I don't believe her.) But that she didn't explose when I told her about our toxic relashionship, and that I was codependent and she the covert narcopath. I expected insult and denial, but she understood the facts, and accepted her role.

  20. working on no contact not "writing"

  21. i just broke up and was writing on no contact and I was doing well… then he text… he wanted to let me know that because I hadn't apologized he was letting me go?!? I had already told him I was DONE. He is one of the worst. He's a compulsive liar. he's a cheater. He denied everything after I see, saw, read everything. it's always me. i knew he was just messing with me. i shouldn't have responded but i do feel some closure in knowing I'm doing the right thing. He told me I need help and to forgive people so I can be happy. HA! WHATEVER. i posted allot of information on my Facebook about narcopaths and of course he saw it through all of his monkeys or his fake profiles. EVERYDAY I'm getting stronger. it's very hard but I'm trusting everybody's advice that has been through THIS madness. I'm trying to not let him back in my life. He even uses my faith to try to trick me.

  22. I just got out of a relationship like this, luckily it wasn't very long but the discard phase was so abrupt and crazy that no one could clarify what just happened and the lack of clarity was driving me crazy, I really appreciate these videos I feel like they truly helped me understand what I went through and that I'm not the only one who's going through this

  23. I'm worried about my friend she was dating a narc and has left him 4 months ago, I thought at one point she was going to have a nervous break down she totally shut away from the world and was blaming herself for ruining his life the guilt she carried was horrific, my question is he has gotten back in touch with her, and I can see his tactics have changed he has become more clever, im afraid he will wear her down, he degraded her, he was greedy, lazy, a liar, used sex to control her, hated her friends, now all of a sudden he has changed, I don't know exactly what I'm asking maybe is he a narc and if so how can I help her now he is back

  24. This was very helpful. Thank you! And thank you for posting a video with good sound quality and a well-modulated voice. My nerves have been jangled by other post-narc videos, even though they are well-intentioned; I couldn't bring myself to listen to them.

  25. my ex is doing the smear campaign right now. a day after we broke up he had a new gf. he has pictures of her all over his social media and keeps posting things about how happy he is and how amazing his life is. like you said he's just trying to convince everyone he's this great person and I know he's talking about me behind my back saying I'm crazy

  26. this helped me what to expect at the discard stage, i could manage it better than I would if i didn't have this info. Thank you!

  27. please help..I think I've been in a trap with one for 8years…he gets worse and worse..he was "calling" each night and last night someone strange he seemed very rushy very cocky so in result I naturally got upset and he pushed my buttons more and more until we had a full blown fight. so I said what's yr issue? questioned him and said is there something or someone else or anything going on?? just let me know I'll leave ya be and that's all it took and bam I'm block and being ignored. he done this so many times I'm so stupid to keep falling into it..he pushes me to get an and once iam he has a reason to block me?! I swear I was minding my business and bam he has to make drama..this is like the millionth she says u think they are a best friend and bam! also the thing about feeling drugged and such the food thing same here! always tired after a meal! always him insisting on getting the one understands what I'm going thru I'm total alone..he knows this.. 🙁 need support ..can't trust anyone or anything. he is currently ignoring me..I sent a few texts trying to reconfigure the relationship but he is full blown ignoring..I hate him and wish I didn't care. he totally put my life to shit

  28. I wish I knew more how a narccist is made. what caused it.

  29. I'm going through it right now, broke up with my ex fiance…. it's difficult and the bad thing is i was already depressed and have extreme anxiety. When i left him i felt like i made a mistake.

  30. how can you go no contact if you share a kid? or you are still in the same home to save enough money to get out.

  31. mine tried to swindle my business when I already was doing him a huuuuge favor. mine made sure he had sex before breaking up just so he could say that he felt nothing. my narc simply smiled while we had to live with each other and now that I am recovering, he's no longer smiling. now he's depending on me and I'm realizing how much he needs me. I don't want him anymore. he's not for me….especially now that I see what he really is. name calling, neglect, gaslighting, etc. This isn't someone i want anymore.

  32. Wow. You completely nailed my breakup with my ex that just recently happened. Thanks for posting this. He was a recovering alcoholic when we started dating who seemed like the world's best boyfriend, super sweet and thoughtful, gave great gifts, planned amazing trips, had tons of friends. Recently, he relapsed and started drinking again. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a little while but broke up with him after he went off on me while blacked out one night. I had already felt a bit put off after his initial relapse because some of his friends started acting pretty coldly towards me for no apparent reason, which was another reason for me dumping him, the friends got involved in his relapse and accused me of "abandoning" my boyfriend at a bar and other ridiculous claims which weren't even true. When I defended myself, it was like the hole just was dug deeper. We had an amicable actual breakup, but soon after, he went on a trip that we were supposed to take together and I found out (2 weeks after our breakup) he had taken another woman on the trip.

    Meanwhile, while he was out there, I'd sent a long, heartfelt e-mail explaining why things happened the way they did when he blacked out and letting him know that I still loved him and would be willing to see a counselor with him if he was able to stop drinking. He replied, said he was so sad I wasn't out there with him, that all of our current interactions had left him emotionally distraught and that he still loved me dearly. Then I find out about this other woman. I lost it. When I called him out on it, he said she was just a friend and then turned everything around on me…said I was never supportive enough, never affectionate enough, that I never tried hard enough with his friends, that many of them never liked me, that I drank to much and he had started drinking to try to fit in with me. He flip flopped between apologizing for his actions to deflecting blame right back on me. Then a few weeks later, he's got another girl who he know I never cared for, all over his social media.

    His friends all think I'm crazy, that I was a selfish, unsupportive girlfriend, etc. etc. Meanwhile, I'm wracked with guilt and shame and wondering what I could have done better, but they are all so deceived by his nice guy act and he has tons of friends and is successful with his business contacts. It's such a huge mind fuck, it's not even funny and I now see what happened with his ex-girlfriend (which was also a dramatic ending). He actually claimed that she was the narcissist in the relationship and even has his current counselor supporting and believing this theories. It's completely baffling to me that someone who seemed so genuine and so in love with me could be so deceitful and it makes me completely distrust my ability to judge character or make sound relationship decisions.

    So thank you, from the bottom of my heart for clarifying so much for me. This is the first step to owning my tendency towards co-dependency and loving myself fully so that I can move forward and eventually have a truly healthy romantic relationship.

  33. I just broke up with a narcissist. it was the most horrifying experience.

    Would you please contact me.

    odinson11203@yahoo. Andrew

  34. where is the hoovering tricks link?

  35. I am trying to divorce mine! SHAME, FRUSTRATION, AND RAGE!

  36. Am sorry, I can't believe your comment endorsing use of anti-depressants and your wish that you had discovered them years ago.. SSRI medications create more significant issues than they resolve.

  37. wow!, to everything you said. I wish I had known this years ago. you described my situation. thank you! I needed this, you speak all around truth especially the no support part from others even family, the slandering, the trying to make you jealous, the hovering. the effects of ptsd similarities. its like you know my exact story.

  38. Just listen to my YouTube my 2 videos. He's a blood sucker!

  39. I do want the isolation after all this. He was sleeping with many woman and promptly jumped into a new relationship after telling me he loved me. Two days later, he's in a relationship on FB. I had journaled soon many times that I would never go back to him but I let him in. What a mistake. I am paranoid. and I know he'll come after me again when the "new gal" finds out who he is. The married gal he was involved with knew something was wrong in less than 2 months, but she stated: "I just want to see what he's all about." I warned her and it all came true for her. I typing this as you're talking and what you're saying is all true. I know I'm not the problem. He's the freak. Yes, it's intentional. He already has smeared me and I have deleted my true FB. He even had a bandmate bite his finger off and he plays guitar. He & his brother are known as the Pillow bad boys. They both lie, cheat and are disliked but since they're talented, they keep in the loop of the music world in my city. But we had "chemistry." And he played on that. We did have sexual chemistry but now when I think of it, I want to puke!

  40. Those drugs anti anxiety meds are sooo bad dangerous…and withdrawal is will make actions to be unable to work et c. Benzo's are very dangerous and addictive

  41. felt more relaxed and started my own life. looking forward to my future. there was so much proof he could not lie his way out. plus his previous felony for another relationship and a death of an ex.

  42. Crying because of how true this is. Thank you so much for making videos about this

  43. what i cant even put my feelings here … there is only one way to make them pay

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