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15 thoughts on “20 Warning Signs That You Are Dating A Narcissist

  1. Thank you for this vid very very accurate. They are masters at deflection like you said. This bastard sat at my ex friend's table and talked about me like a dog right in front of me, to her. Not once did she defend me, but she has an entire host of mental problems, much of which I didn't find out until later.
    But anyway, he took one psychology class and now he runs around diagnosing ppl. So he sat his gun and politic obsessed ass at her table and told her he thought I was bi polar. What the …..!

    Well come to find out later they are both narcs, and that is not even scraping the surface of what is psychologically wrong with both of them. YOU are mentally ill, YOU need professional help, YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU. Be very, very leery of someone constantly looking for flaws in you, imaginary or otherwise. She even pretended she was dying of two types of terminal cancer…but after three yrs baby she had zero symptoms. But she is dyinggggg. Right. And I was called bi polar. Righttttt.

    They are also not very intelligent, many of them have zero common sense. Dumb bitch knew I worked in the medical field so she should have never pretended she was dying when she wasn't. Like one of my REAL friends said…well there is one thing about dying…you have to die. Exactly.

  2. This is a good video, except for #20. I think what he is talking about are the parents who willingly disengage from their children simply because their romantic relationship with the other parent is over. I agree this is not cool, and that parents should make every effort to put their differences with the other parent aside and focus on being good parents. However, what he doesn't address is the real problem of parental alienation. He makes it appear that any parent who does not have a relationship with their child has disengaged by choice and further makes a declaration that every parent has it within their control to be in their child's life. This is not always the case, especially when you're dealing with narcissistic parents who have money and power and use their own children as weapons against an ex partner or ex spouse. It's not fair to hold an alienated parent accountable for the breakdown in their relationship with their child when there are extenuating circumstances. I realize this is outside the scope of this video, but I wish the commentator would have mentioned parental alienation as an exception to warning sign #20.

  3. I can identify with this Totally, Red flags yes, I have tried to deal with it

  4. I disagree about one point Andrew, if a person names there issues and says they aren't healed completely surly that,s a sign of authenticity. What I mean is an alcoholic in recovery is still an alcoholic so no one is totally healed. If they have issues and they are genuinely working on them isn't it worth seeing it as a positive ? family tree do promote the idea that if you like someone narcissistic and you find a slightly healthier version then that's a good thing so if someone says I have anger or alcohol issues and I'm 90% the way there, I learned it from childhood but now I am an adult and its my job to fix it for future generations. Surely that's a healthy sign ? I mean if a person says I've done therapy and now I'm totally healed, personally I would see that as a red flag. Its surely possible for a person to accept responsibility and also be honest ? Its also been said on family tree videos that if the person is honest about there flaws then this is a good thing, I also agree that if a person is saying it in order to justify it in future that's a red fag but surely the skill is in spotting the difference, and this skill comes from our own recovery because the more you recover the more you can spot people authentically in recovery as opposed to talking about it. I don't like to contradict you Andrew I think your videos are very good and I have allot of time for them but I am disagreeing with that single point. Is it possible you could elaborate?

  5. Number 11. My (ex) relationship in a nutshell. Oh my… He warned me about the bad things he does (lie, cheat) but said he was working on it. Then when he lied and cheated he would say I told you this was an issue for me and you agreed to support me in trying to change. I'm being honest with you by telling you about this infidelity so you should be grateful, not angry…arghhh !!

  6. 317.457.8668 Andrew Holzman

  7. Is 18 months separation enough space – four months ago was the grande finale discard…I want to put myself out there but too scared!

  8. Quality video, Andy. Thanks for putting in the effort to make it!

  9. thank you for posting this not only did every one on list fit I have known I need to work on myself but much more work needed than I thought. Not easy to admit…but thank you for sharing!

  10. Spot on!!! Thx for sharing and pls keep up the great work! vbrgds

  11. I gotta get away. I was doing good on my own.

  12. Oh my God. This is my current situation.

  13. Wow, I needed to hear this! This describes me & my ex to a "T". I know we love each other very much but he's a Narcissist & I'm the dependent/needy one. He breaks up with me every few months & who knows what or who he is doing during these times but comes back with a ton of excuses. It's always me that he takes a break from but not from his friend's. Most of his friend's think I'm crazy but they do know he has major issues. I'm having such a hard time letting go this time & it's affecting my health. I'm super depressed all the time especially the last two months since he stopped contacting me. I need to get myself back but I don't even know what that is. I'm in therapy but it's not helping & I refuse to take medicine. Thank you for enlightening me with your video.

  14. A super insightful & comprehensive video, thank you, Martina.

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