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19 thoughts on “#7 Deviant Sexual Requests Of A Somatic Narcissist

  1. OMG I just notice the handcuffs, rope, and whatnot… LOL! You are too funny Randy. OMG. It's like you dug up and maybe borrowed stuff just to lay out the props…The cuffs look like antique collector material, like what you'd hang on the wall in a country western display.

  2. my narc would always talk in baby talk period and I hated it ..I was like what GROWN man talks in baby talk!!! and I would continue to tell him I didn't like it…aside from that he would have really nasty request …yep like peeing on him..and would tell him as a human being and the title he held ..which was / is a bishop..I told him I could NOT devalue him and degrade him like that!!!

  3. My GOD. Hearing this video. My Ex Narc asked me to pee on him repeatedly. It went against EVERYTHING I knew about "normal" sex play. Yet I did it- to keep him happy. I never understood the level of his "Mommy Issues".
    Thank you for this. It answered so many questions.

  4. yeah my ex was like that. he was constantly wanting weird stuff and making me feel uncomfortable. it got to the point that he would put me down and complain about our sex life in front of our 16 year old daughter to embarrass me. he would be little me in front of my dad. I filed for divorce about 8 weeks ago when he abandoned me and our 3 special need kids. he is just a bastard and I am relieved that he is gone. I used to hide toward the end and pray that he would not want to have sex. God I hated it. I realize that it was him and not me. I am sooooo looking forward to meeting a normal human being in a couple of years. Right now I am in the process of rebuilding my life and going back to school for my masters.

  5. They pull us into the deep depravity and try to sell it as intimacy

  6. Sounds so much like my last narc. He worshipped his mother despite her violent abuse of him as a child, inappropriate sexual exposure and "slavery." He would sit on the floor and watch me put on makeup and talk about how his favorite memories of his mother were of watching HER put on makeup before she would LEAVE HIM and go out to party. Abuse, abandonment and sexualization by his mother were his primary wounds. Yet he denied having any resentment or anger towards her. That is why he claimed to hate any violence or "alpha males" as he called them and always appeared extremely meek and mild (except when the mask slipped.) He would never strike out in anger. Provoke you to madness or slow poisoning would suit him better. Interestingly, they had just begun to finally address his Mother issues in therapy when he started his affair online with my replacement and discarded me in less than a month. His new romance/partner brought instanteous healing of all that, right??

  7. All i can imagine is Mary going to his home and seeing a picture of his dead mother who looks exactly like her!….That would be a real deal breaker right there.

  8. Omg! You just reminded me of his baby voice. I used to get so mad when he used it. And he had some very odd sexual requests, and huge sacks of costumes all with the crotch cut out, that I only discovered when the police made him leave and my friend and I were packing his stuff. He called me frigid, when in reality, I just didn't want sex with a weirdo.

  9. This is sadly very reminiscent of my experience with one of these… My narc demanded that I pee on him, he also wanted to "drink it"…and pestered me about it frequently. My refusal to do this caused the end of that 'relationship' though he claims that I broke the relationship off. I am still being stalked by this person, after one year of no-contact, and am still in the 'smear campaign' stage. My narc also made claims that his mother sexually abused him when he was a child. He also had a porn addiction and a bizarre obsession with S&M….

  10. No no no… There's no way I can see this experience as not being unsettling.

  11. I always want these videos to last longer so I can hear more of the story…. It's a bummer when they end because they are really good.

  12. Yes indeed no matter what you do or do not do, no matter how much you comply, in the end the "relationship" with be moved from idealization to devaluation and then discarding unless the spousal victim flees first…… I love this video btw — awesome wake-up call for other victims for certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This predator is really nuts…. Wow. I bet he won't have much luck keeping any reasonably decent spousal victim at this point since he seems to have decompensated to the point of OMG the gloves are off and he can't put them back on…

  14. Ha ha ha … I love ur props!

  15. I'm also reminded of something I read from Anais Nin years ago, about the maintenance of healthy sexual boundaries. I think it went along the lines of , be careful what methods you use to engage in pleasure because abnormal pleasures can easily take the place of normal ones and once deeply entrenched there's no going back. I thought it was an insightful and prescient sort of understanding about the limits of neuroplasticity, before the age of neuroscience. We have malleable propensities for mind and body modification but they are not infinite and there are tipping points of no return that all complex dynamic systems exhibit once they fall into disorder(chaos, entropy)

  16. Yay! Mary is back!!! Lovin this little series you have going

  17. Wow. Talk about enmeshment and regression. Yikes! Definitely sounds like the subsuming fantasies of serial killers.
    This is why we have to be really clear and confident about what our boundaries are , esp . sexual.
    Beware fetishizers. They are such absolute objectifiers , people really don't exist in their mentality and its consistent with the poor individuation and object permanence issues of disordered personalities. Huge developmental stunting.
    Mary sounds like she felt sorry for him. Compassion is okay but you still need to keep your distance for self-protection.

  18. Jeffrey Dahmer wanted his victims in him as well.
    So sorry Mary went thru such cruelty.
    Fiona Apple had a song First Kiss abt being consumed by a guy.
    Intense passion is really a trap. The Hindu bible the Gita says ."all passion leads to anger."
    Weird he said he hated mommy in last vid and in this vid he likes the incest porn.

  19. totally get this video, thanks for telling this side of things, I cringe now to think of the memories my ex has taken away, his didnt have the mother theme it was he was the daddy, the oh powerful dominant one, until it just got to odd like you say I totally get that he stared into your eyes the intensity, thanks again for sharing a whole OTHER side of the story of life with this type of person.

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