A Narcissist’s Threats are Mostly Hot Air, Except When They Become Dangerous

The biggest things a narcissist threatens you with if you don’t do what they say are empty. Check out my book “The 16 Signs of a Narcissist” by clicking below …


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44 thoughts on “A Narcissist’s Threats are Mostly Hot Air, Except When They Become Dangerous

  1. http://www.melanietoniaevans.com – Melanie survived a narcissist who gave her a psychotic breakdown. She has healed and is now thriving and has completely healed from all the wounds he inflicted by working through childhood issues that had left her "open" to narcissists who rely on finding people with those vulnerabilities to function themselves. I've been doing her programme for a few days and the change is fundamental. I know that by the time I've finished her NARP programme I will have completely healed from the damage caused by two narcissists. When you find the right "key" to resolving these things the solution doesn't take long. Her youtube videos are amazing and give instant relief from the pain and anger these people cause. She's changed over 50,000 people's lives from victim to thriver and I am so grateful to have found her on my google searches!

  2. Narc parents, with money -> inheritance is the big gun.
    it is ALWAYS held over our heads – no matter how minuscule the matter… or even a debate (which to the narc is an "argument" and therefore must be "won" at all costs).
    Sick sick people.

  3. Narcissists are dangerous people. We are often in denial. "He would never do that." These people are capable to murder. You are right. A narcissist thinks that their world is ending when they are being left. They often strike out at that point.

  4. I've been told he will hold my head underwater until I can't breathe. or hold a pillow over my face until I can't breathe. because I have a mind of my own. sadface.

  5. …except when they become dangerous.
    My narc ex talked about killing people, and trying to get other people to kill for him because he was pissed off. (police can't do anything until he actually commits the crime)
    He did terrible things to people, (or their pets or property) who refused to continue in whatever capacity he was using them, or walked away from him.
    No limits to what some of them are capable of when they lose control of people. Leaving him was the biggest violation and set me up for that kind of wrath. Obviously I moved very very far away.

  6. I'm been married to a narcissist for 25 yrs. I put on the divorce on him have just two more papers to sign one we both have to do. feel he looking for another supplyer like you say.he was all for the divorce.. now he saying that he doesn't want the divorce. I think he thought he could go back to ex now she had move on with someone else.he wants me to stop the divorce process. I know in my heart that he not going to change.I'm to the point I can't live the way I'm living anymore kind of scary for me mean a new life 47 yrs old don't want to go back in the bubble. But had five children with this man.

  7. nobody has the right to do these things to other people. but sadley they do. mental illness is very unpleasant. theres three things to know and that is you dont know them. your never going to get to know them and they are dangerous. i would say different if they could be cured. they can be helped but sadley not cured. so no matter how painfull we have to move on and learn from the madness we have witnessed. and heal ourselfs. by been around the positives in life. as their is so much more out their. lifes a journey not to be waisted.

  8. yut. yut. :/ Their all cowards. But cowards always feel they have something to prove…

  9. Though I do enjoy some of your videos and you make some good points. You make way too many generalizations about them. Narcissists can definitely follow through on threats. And they can and will hurt you for their own sick pleasure and actually do what they say they're going to do. It's all situational. No narcissist is exactly the same and you kind of make it out to be that they are.

  10. I'm in a situation like this right now. As the sister of a narcissist who is his current take down target. He's had a double whammy. His divorce is now final and our mother died a year ago and I am in the childhood home. He wants me out asap. He is in the process of trying to take me down out of spite and fury coming from these loses. I have to stand my ground, but I'm so afraid for my safety and my daughters, even though it seems crazy. He has threatened me, but not physically, but his behavior has been so shocking this time, I think he is physically dangerous.

  11. Great video!! sooo true, thank you very much.

  12. Scott – you are so right. After discovering the soon to be Xs other life, i told him we are divorcing. Constant threats of taking my beloved dogs. Makes no sense. He wants other relationships – fine – leave and dont come back.

  13. I don't agree MY Narc came through with every threat! Remember, they are in it to win it!!!! DANGEROUS !!!

  14. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son about his Father

  15. i believe the cluster b's move around disorders as life situations come up. my overt narc turned anti-social and i ran for my life 5 different times until enough was enough. my covert narc just left the other day. i will not tell his family that he is a basket case because he could turn anti-social if i mess with any of his family supply. never believe a disordered person can not do horrible things. i questioned the first overt narc the other day. he does not remember what he did. scary. they can reframe the past in their mind. completely forget bad behavior. i read a book by ross rosenberg that said 75% of the men in prison are from personality disorders. abused children grown up. he also said many of the alcoholics are personality disordered. a drunk narcissist is a time-bomb. most of your murderers and the domestic violence people are these cluster b's. time to shout this from the roof tops. i don't think the narcs know about NPD or most of the population. something is wrong here. is it not being told on purpose? especially the health profession could be more vocal. teach about child abuse.

  16. My narc ex-boyfriend used to threaten to kill me frequently. And when he was in his rages, where his eyes glazed over and that angry switch flipped in his brain… there's no doubt in my mind he was capable of it. It took months and months of careful planning for me to get away from him. I didn't know how I was going to get out with my life; I knew that one threat of his was very real, because his blinding anger was so uncontrollable. He doesn't know where I live now and my main fear is that he finds out… as he's been trying to, and sending me texts he is going to find me/bury me/etc… I'm away from him but I still don't feel safe. I think someday he will be on the news, for snapping and doing something crazy.

  17. He gave me a bunch of pills that he said would keep my skin looking youthful! I didn't take them and I'm not obsessed with looking youthful, even though I do but only from eating a healthy diet and not smoking or drinking much alcohol! I'm very curious to know what pills he gave me now?

  18. Some do action some don't action. I know 2 of them. One ex used to action when he was younger and now just emotionally abuses he's 36. The other one is 29 yrs and he's very volatile and dangerous. He says he was a neglected child and blames the world for his alcoholic mother passing him around as a child. He snapped in public in a gym once he told me, flew across the room in a crazy fit and clean knocked out another gym member. He said 'everyone else wanted it to happen just no one dared say anything'. So he took it upon himself to be the 'saviour!', which is an interesting point – they need to be needed this is why they emotionally abuse and try to physically overpower. They hate themselves deep down, and they are too unconscious on a spiritual level to begin to try and understand the importance of inner peace which is the only thing that could ever come close to helping them. Instead they fill every waking minute of their lives with noise and action on as many levels as possible to drown out the reality of what they really are, they live in pure ignorance and are arrogant. Some overt some covert but the covert is the scariest of the two without a doubt. They try to be smart by means of EG: getting a puppy dog for example to throw people off their scent: Oh how could you say he's a menace when he has this adorable dog and he's so loving toward it? Ok arm wake up people! This is a 'thing' this person is a danger! That's because the public are largely unconscious too – just not an aggressor like the puppy loving narcissist who's his only hope of being loved (which he craves more than anything in the world but daren't show it as it's seen as a weakness to him). A year later the gym incident he's on a 12 month (still living out this order) suspended sentence for aggravated assault after severely beating up a guy who threatened his friend. He put him in hospital. The only thing that saved him from jail was the very lenient judge and the fact he bluffed his was out by saying he was a quiet lad, just went to he gym daily and kept himself to himself – a classic anti-social presentation right there to the judge! Goodness knows how the judge let that slip – Plus he was on steroids and you can see that, (he admitted it to me) and he openly told me that they made him crazy (even more crazy I thought, but obviously didn't say that! in fear of him flipping out!). He also has a very unhealthy obsession with his car. Cleaning it daily, talking about nothing much else other than the old car, gym and dog to be fair. But I tried to see the good in him as I always try with everyone. Because he also presented with a classic split personality. One side young childish little boy with childish talk and sweet smile , the other wanting to hurt anyone who said or did anything to me or anyone he cared for. And these words would just freely fall out of his mouth for no reason. Crazy! Recently he gave me a lift back to my mothers in the Car! at one point he pressed the brake so hard I had to stop myself flying forward by putting my foot on the bottom of the dash cupboard thing. Well – that was it! I knew his obsession was bad but that was something else. He flipped right there as we were driving along but he tried very hard to hide his rage of me putting my foot on his car! He made a joke but it was weak and he knew I knew he was out of order as he explained to me what he'd have done if that had been one of his male friends (which was smash their head against the passenger window!) He even grabbed hold of the top of my head and pressed his fingers inward to simulate what he'd do! I said 'it's just a car!' And he flipped at that then too and started screaming it's not just a car!! Thats (pointed to every car we then came across) just a car!! I just shut up I was bored of him totally everything – his lack if education, his bad grammar, his bipolar, his being stoned all the time, his inability to converse other than about himself, car, dog, gym.. So I shut up and decided that I'd never see him again.
    So as we pulled up at my mothers house (by the way this was 4 days after my father had passed away) and only 2 weeks ago… He leaned across me I thought he was leaning to kiss me! He leaned across me with a tissue to wipe off a non existent toe print off the bottom of the dash area near the footwell! I was in shock! As he leaned saying 'I'll have to wipe this clean' and I looked at him, he sat back in his seat and I thought this is insane the insensitivity – he'd never asked how things were with my family all he cared about was this car. He'd hardly spoke two words to me the whole hour we met up for! Naturally I'd had enough I just said Ahh I'm going! I'll see you tomorrow (as I had foolishly arranged to see him the next day but I knew I wouldn't go) And he couldn't for the life in him see his insensitivity, his lack of compassion, the real life that was surrounding him – nope just the Car!.. As I walked off he put the window down and shouted 'what you being like that for? ' and I just ignored and shook my head. I got into the house and within minutes I received the most disgusting, appallingly abusive text messages from him as he sat outside my mothers house! C words, F you, F this F that… truly appalling conduct. Told me in classic narc style that I was weird and a syco (his uneducated spelling), I was a f-ing snotty blah blah blah.. yawn. I've come across some idiots in my time but this one is a menace who lives a solitary life (we all know why now), only has his dog, the gym and his car – all of which he obsesses over unhealthily. I fear when he's stoned (which is every night to calm himself down) for his puppy – she's adorable but his bipolar which I believe all narcs are, leaves her loved one minute then being called a stupid bitch the next and being hit.. Hopefully he won't harm her. But he did hit another dog in the local park a few weeks ago who tried to be friendly but he said it was about to attack his dog so he literally battered the dog across it's face and away with a very hard whack of the back of his hand. He's a very strong guy. then he proceeded to abuse the owner! Action is definitely what he loves, he loves to hurt and frighten people and that's purely nothing more than a reflection of what he manifests inside himself – he is FEAR, he lives, was sleeps and breathes FEAR.. These people are dangerous and I can see quite clearly that once in a corner he wouldn't hesitate to kill someone through physical violence. He likes violence, he talks about how he isn't violent and how he just wants a quite life but intelligent people know that people like that who voice that mean the complete opposite. They may well want a quite life, to be non violent but they can't stop attracting violence into their lives – they chose it – because the think that's all they know. And the soul within me says forgive them for they know not what they do.. I do forgive him because forgiveness is about me not carrying his delusional baggage around in my energy field ever again.. and I'll forget because I have to because it's only me abusing my own mind with recollections of the sordid nasty past I was temporarily misguided by. But once thing I will do is never look or speak to him again and I'll avoid him because I know for sure he would – probably even years down the line – be so committed to revenge as he fails daily to wake up. Some people change and thats ok I know that and they're worth noting, but these types they never do in my experience, they keep on spreading fear in the world and as a united front we should do something about them but they're very hard to spot and pin down they're so unconscious and delusional. Needle in a haystack as far as a judicial system is concerned it seems. Just get them out of your life immediately and never look back is my advice.

  19. He was becoming more scary, more dangerous. I should've called the police.

  20. great videos man. you make it simple

  21. My X got the services involved (as her enablers) and gave them her twisted version of events as her reasons for doing so. of course then they gave her an ultimatum or she would loose our kids also cos she was with an apparent abuser. Of course then she could blame them for the eventual conclusion. She of course since blamed the services for making her do it!!!! Talk about high end narcissism!

  22. My narcissist didn't see it coming! He had been abusive to me & my two son's (not his,he has no children) Had called the police in Sept,protective order all that just to let him come back. It was good at first then he had a episode for a week(raging,bullying,crying) the final straw was when i came home & he was drunk berating my 15yr old. I spoke up for him & of course he flew into a rage choked me, headlock with kids present. Called police got another protective order & it's been 2weeks. He's at his brother's house & lost his job Monday. Today hinted to killing himself. I didn't take the bait. But I am worried that his collapse may want him to do harm to me or my kids. Court system is moving slow. I feel like a sitting duck but the peace of him gone is bringing me back to life!!!

  23. this channel should be called understanding narcissism not understanding narcissists, you're a fag.with a flat voice that wants to complain about your parents or room mates, go kill your self

  24. They do a lot of harm with talk, true or not they will bully you and try to put U down. Those people are very sick, stay away from them. Very sad

  25. I have actually had a narc tell me he wanted to win. And would do the most outlandish things to "top" me for no reason. Because I wasn't trying to win; I was trying to communicate and resolve. That is where his crazy making was very evident. The things he'd say or do to "win" was laughable to the point of being pathetic. (By that time in my narc awareness, my eyes were open.)

    My eyes were open because , because prior to encountering the "winning" narc, I had met and gotten briefly entangled with the most dangerous person I have ever met. A pathological narc for sure. This one was scary. I am very strong willed, so once I caught onto this guy, I was confronting. At this time, I was really unaware of the issue of narcissism, even though I had a lot of counseling and therapy from growing up with an alcoholic/schizoid effective mother. He was dangerous because he was pathological – his brother disowned him, his ex wife with whom he had 2 kids wouldn't speak to him (only perfunctory email) and has a restraining order against him, he lost his right to teach college (by dating a student), and he was on the verge of losing his house because he can't keep a job. So by many accounts, he had lost everything. Most of all, he was losing his "image" of a very educated professor, with a loving family and a nice home. This is important to recognize, because a narc at this point may be feeling very desperate. Once I saw all the devastation, I could tell he had been spinning plates furiously to draw me into the charade. When I figured it out (within a month) and the plates were crashing down, it got dangerous. I had to temporarily leave town only to have him follow me and get me in the position where I thought I might lose my life one day due to poor judgement on my part. Never again. I will take what I learned with that guy and let it be the cure and antidote for safeguarding my life from any future narcs. I will say, he taught me that, inadvertently. Now when they show up, my "narcdar" is on and I can more quickly ID them and avoid them. Since this situation, I have gone on to have several conversations with my 4 sisters about the narcs we have attracted into our lives. We have come to realize that our mom was most likely a narc. She has been deceased for 11 years, but as we all recount her behavior, it's pretty classic NPD. And the devastation in our lives is evident. But knowledge is power. A tremendous awakening has happened because of this dangerous narc and I'm allowing it to change my behavior, set strong boundaries, and most of all take care to heal the wounds I have from a childhood with an abuser. I am now grateful to be aware so that I can stop the pattern. Because prior to him, and upon reflection, most of the narcs were low level on the spectrum. They could get under the radar enough to just keep me entangled but not progressing. Now I won't tolerate any of that nonsense.

    Thanks for all your videos – they are really great!

  26. Which narcissists are more dangerous in your opinion? overts or coverts?
    Id guess coverts, cuz they use much more energy to cover their image and would be way more frustrated if a person would be able to reveal his play. Id think its really distressing/ exhausting to withold your true feelings and "believes", simply how you are inside until you are alone in a room, all by yourself. I guess overts can at least to a higher amount of time be "themselves" when others are around. At least when "known" ppl are around.

    Its like getting hit by gravity. The higher up you are, the more dmg ull get from falling. So the energy the narcissist has used to cover up, will strike right back at you, along with his stressed up self, for not being able to have some kind of "safeplace", where he can just lay down a part of his illusion for a while.

  27. Yes, they will do it IF they find another source of supply, they drive you to the place where you can't take it anymore, and you tell them, "No."  Once they are set on leaving, you can't stop it.  They are done with you.  I absolutely believe that by his leaving I was saved from destruction.  They are very calculating.  Evil.

  28. They would hide who they really are at any cost. That is why they refrain themselves from killing, not because they do not want to.
    They need to kill all the time, but they learned ways to do it subtly.
    My father a narc, and then I married another narc. I remember my ex husband's eyes with injected blood when I decided to confront him. It was this deep thing really really scary in his eyes.
    Here is one of the latest things he did when I was still with him. He started to poison himself. I started worrying about his health but then one day… he subtly mdntioned that I might be poisoning him WHAT THE F.. I was so in shock and I was not even sure I actually heard something like that… I read a book I ordered on the internet and read it in 2 days with almost no sleep. The conclusion was clear: you can't change him and he is THAT bad.
    So I told him to leave. So, he planned to accuse me and I would have probably gone to JAIL. So, yes, they are fucking dangerous. And Yes, they want to kill you, they are just waiting the right way to do it so they won't get caught.
    So I ran away as fast as fuck!!!

  29. i never feel safe-im on guard all the time-we are old-and he is so bad-he's almost killed me 12 times -sneaking drugs into my food or drink and gave me too much and i have gone thru puking and potty at same time till i couldnt stand up-and puked for 3 days once-of course he always lies and says he never did anything.

  30. would you class a troll as a narcissist?

  31. i think there is a fine line between getting angry because something isn't right and being a narcissist

    for instance does it make x a narcissist if y narcissist does something and x gets angry ?

  32. Ok. So, when my ex narc wife felt like she had everything lined out (and some other people prodding her from behind) I believe she poisoned me for insurance money $500k. Problem is, I didn't die. So I actually suffered for several more years with her. Strange thing happened during the divorce……………….her boyfriend (39 y/o) died……of pneumonia (classically poisoning can look like pneumonia). I went to the police but they declined to open an investigation because it was years prior (it took time for me to figure it out) and obviously I am still alive.

  33. I have been separated from mine for a year, I regret to say I have not filed for divorce I think I am not ready to cut the cord yet. But my narc husband hasn't filed either, he recently sent me a text message telling me he was going to get rid of me in January and file for divorce. I am going to be curious to see if he follows through with it, he could have filed months ago because we have no kids together. Despite everything he put me through I am dreading having to face the reality of it truly being over, that it was all for nothing. I wish there was an easy way to get them out of your head and heart.

  34. They "do it" once they realize you aren't helping them, or buying their B.S., or letting them control you. Once they know they can't control you or manipulate you -they "do it" (whatever it is).

  35. The 'Except when they become dangerous' is a big deal. I want to share that I have a parent left that I am dealing with. She is akin to a stalker/predator/ and is a Narc-psychopath. I have pretty much stopped leaving comments on any related issues because I find I am am exception to the rule and within the community I rarely hear back from anyone who has survived what I have lived through and still am living with. I have never heard any video that truly deals with the severity of this. another time when I came up against these parents I paid dearly. One day a bit late in the day they took me for an innocent swim out of the blue in the Ocean…yes for anyone wondering why did I go…because ones mind becomes scrambled when being a captor of these wicked types. You never really get what they are up to as they use fake niceness along with horrific acts that can change up in a split second…however with deductive reasoning skills this was premeditated as was many other near death events at their hands. Before it sunk in that something was terribly wrong and I felt it in my bones they had me swim abnormally far out…because they were going to proceed to drown me..when an extremely huge rogue 20 foot wave came and crashed down upon all of us. I went under and barely made it up as I was blacking out. within a few more seconds I was to lose consciousness but just made it up ( I had been pushed under and was swimming downward thinking it was upward) I realised I was going downward and turned to hopefully get up to the surface. I made it with labored breathing and found they were almost to the shore…hoping I had drowned. These people live above the law. It is exactly like in the type of movies where the victim has no known way out. I know because I was tracked down and thrown into a car and 'taken away' 9 times (as in missing for up to 6 months at a time…)as another punnishment for calling them out for the evil people they were/are. I had left home to hide and disapear and get away from them also butt was tracked down. When a person such as this one is very wealthy and gets away with anything because they have back up (dangerous relatives/paid off doctors/seedy lawyers who protect them that they are happy to pay) there is little hope and confrontations easily end up deadly…(fractured neck and other severe injuries to count in my case)my brother murdered…my father dead and within 12 hours of him being at the morgue she walks into the bedroom I am in waking me up to let me know…(with a smirk/smile on her face) that she is taking the $12,000 away he pays for my medical care every year..because it is extensive…(yes he was a Narc-Psychopath too but for god only knows he had the $ for me every year…the thought is that it was image management because his financial advisor was an old church friend and image management as they were responsible for all my injuries) ..yup as usual these types go to church to throw people off the track…anyhow she waited until the second he was dead…which is partially her fault..his death…and had the speech rehearsed. She had her vindictive triumph (read Karen Horney whom speaks of what that means in detail) She hated me since recall (I have recall from 3 years old) and she also falls under the covetous psychopath (read The Sociopath Next Door) these types have overwhelming jealously and want you ruined and they dream of killing you. It is an extreme urge that is very difficult for them to control. If you are killed they get the jackpot of supply….everyone says how sorry they are as they fake cry AND they never ever let that die EVER. My brother has been dead for 3 years…she let him die choking on blood on the floor. He said 2 months before he died that if he needed an ambulance that she would never call one…why? did he state this…because we were both locked in the house whenever we were seriously injured…even bleeding badly begging for medical help)…his fatal mistake was that he said that in front of me and my fiance and enraged her…Narcissistic injury at it's finest right…well when we left the house where they lived I hugged my brother once and walked a few feet away then had an overwhelming urge to turn back and tell him I love him forever….I held him sooo tight. I told my fiance it was the last time I would ever see my brother who was my best friend again. I just felt it. And it was the last time. He was dead within 45 days. The parent's statement when we arrived to her house after hearing he was dead was 'The carpet cleaners are coming in the morning. I hope your brother's blood has not stained and ruined my new carpet'…So let me tell you that the threats of things are very real. She has made good on too many to even state here.
    I know this is the longest commentary ever by me…but I say this with a stern warning because it is what I have to give and offer for serious thought to this community. I know others that make up endless excuses for their parents. 'Oh my mom is really nice.. she just has real bad days…Oh my father loves me…he just acts this way sometimes' (and because I have spent 38 years studying every aspect of this issue I can see through what is happening) and right now I know someone in danger…however they just cannot totally believe that they are…so it is hard to watch and pushing myself on them will not help. I have tried to warn them…just like I did my brother…I told him get away while you can…He did not. lastly I am not stating that everyone will end up dead by the hands of a Narc or Narc- psychopath but you will be in for a very unpleasant ride and you may think it cannot escalate to this level…but it can….stealthly and suddenly these types can do and get away with horrific atrocities. They are soooo excellent at it too. They make everyone feel sorry for the tragedy they themselves cause. They are rarely even candidates to look into. Their image management skills are vert precise and contrived to near perfection.
    I really like your video alot. It is very smart to have a lengthy disclaimer and warning that indeed these people can kill…well I know they are dangerous at all times…it dwells within them whether or not they end up acting on it to the degree in my case. I think much dedication to the subject is imperative for anyone finding themselves in bizarre and uncomfortably consuming soul stealing situations. When I say soul stealing…
    I am referring to that sick inner feeling of being chipped away at bit by bit by bit until you realise you are being Siphoned step by step by step.

  36. Why isnn't there education in our schools, teaching the warning signs? And if it' s proven that someone is this way, because the brain looks different with sociopaths, they should at least get their d.n.a. They do bad things everyday, it's who they are.

  37. "they're never gonna do it." What about orchestrated proxy abuse? They can have their flying monkeys do it for them,

  38. my ex did every dirty narc thing in the book…just short of murder, not that the suggestion wasn't there. The kids even changed their names to hers. There is not one thing that would surprise me from the manure pile..Even against legal agreements…and the ongoing crimes. Hopefully judgement day will be soon, but takes lots of work to get to that point with illnes and finances if in fact justice can be achieved even though generations are now effected by the psycho Beethoven doesn;t need to move over, but Adolf should. ZEIG HEIL…OR ELSE

  39. I understand completely where you're coming from when you talk about murder. You may be right, you may be wrong but it doesn't matter. The main takeaway here is that narcissists depend so badly on "the illusion" that when you take it away (for real), they might as well be threatened with death- and when that happens, all bets are off. THAT is the vibe that is dangling over your head, all day, every day.

  40. I saw very little of my narc mom (even less than usual) for about a month after I announced that I had lined up another place to live for my second year of college, almost had all the money I would need, and would be leaving soon. I'm taking my final trip to get the very last of my things when I see her standing in the middle of the living room, which I would have to go through to get to my room. It was the creepiest, silent observance, and I wondered why she ventured out of her lair now of all times. I moved past her with a box and started to take down all my academic trophies/medals, etc. to take with me. She. Lost. Her. Mind. I used to think 'out of nowhere', but now I know better. She didn't want me to take my awards, insisting that things like that belong at the parents' house. I continued to try to take them, and she became more and more enraged. There is a very real moment when you sense that these people are getting ready to do something violent. It's in their eyes. I looked at her, and her eyes looked nearly black– glazed, animalistic. Imagine the horror movie moment when a character realizes that the person they're talking to is really possessed/a demon. There was NOTHING human in her eyes. I don't remember what all was screamed after that- just spittle flying and dead eyes, but my dad got between us and told me to go. I did. Years later, she still has the broken pieces of 12 years of academic awards ON DISPLAY in her bedroom. It doesn't have to be a big issue.  I believe she could have killed me that day, just for daring to move out of that house and for having the gall to say no to her confiscating something I cherished.

  41. I can attest from personal experience, they CAN be deadly.

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