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8 thoughts on “#cawfeetawk | Narcissist – An Emotional Vampire

  1. Hit the nail on the head, especially with the last part about the silent narcissist.

  2. Narcissists don't wait until you leave them to wish unhappy things on you, as mentioned in the video. They don't seek pleasure with you and then pain without you. Their plan the whole time is bad. Also, all narcissists have a low self esteem and try to compensate by making themselves seem grand or superior which is the illusion they will endlessly fight to protect at your cost.

  3. Good video. Jealousy actually involves resentment by the way. It is not just "I want that too!". Narcissists are chronically jealous.

  4. KC

    Oh my gosh. So glad I came across this I have been googling for weeks. I have finally left my narc husband of 10 years with 4 children in tow. They pull the wool over your own eyes. Oh he goes out all night until 6am when our 4th baby is 3 weeks old but it is my fault because I am always in a bad mood wtf!! He is on steroids but if I catch him out he will convince me I am seeing things and I am crazy and I need help.
    Run for the hills people. If you are dealing with a narc just fun and don't look back. I have been giving him no attention and I can see he just can't handle it. 1 minute he is being nasty saying he is going to take full custody of the kids and if I don't respond he will send nice texts like I miss you la la laaa and when I ignore him he will go back to being nasty again. Narcs are just mental mind fucks that's it

  5. It takes a qualified person that has gone to school and has specialized in this field to diagnose people..  I would be careful throwing around titles that could harm, maim or cripple someone.  I watched this video and I started to thing that maybe you a an emotional vampire.  I don't really like you as much as I did before I watched this video.  Carry on………

  6. Yeah well said. Narcissists are tough to deal with huh? Understatement of the year.

    Give them nothing.. yes easier said than done. And yes you're absolutely right.

    The hardest part for me is not caring when they're playing the victim.

  7. I was married to a narcissist for 25 years. The big joke in our house was we had to wait until any idea derived from anyone else "became his idea". We all played along bc usually we benefitted from it. But damn playing that game just wipes you out!

  8. I had to deal with an introverted narcissist for a little over a year, and looking back on it I can't believe I managed to deal with them for that long. It took me only a few seconds to decide to cut off the friendship, it was toxic. I've also had to deal with histrionic personalities.

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