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31 thoughts on “Cerebral Narcissists Don’t Dig Women

  1. You are really courageous!

  2. Sam, what would constitute a severe narcissistic injury or a life crisis? Especially for a covert somatic narcissistic?

  3. Sam, are narcissists also usually really cheap and stingy on dates and such? Like giving cheap gifts, like something they took off their shelf and acting like it's a big deal?

  4. Hi Sam, do men, who are cerebral narcissists, know why they disengage sexually from their partners? If they are not self aware narcissists, what do they generally understand to be the reason for them not wanting sexual activity with their partners?

  5. this sounds like the confessional of the men who harass women on online dating sites. are you familiar with this particular phenomenon & have you done any videos on it? the only online dating video I find is one for divorcees. the environment seems to turn upside down some of the usual notions of the narcissist: one would think the cerebral narcissist wouldn't be as concerned about appearance, but it seems to be the most physically repulsive men who seem most nitpicky about the appearance of women & prone to harassing them.

  6. But what do you use as a narcissistic supply? How does happiness look like for a narcissist? Can narcissists feel true happiness?

  7. Throw this compliment in with your many others doctor, Brilliant.

  8. Discarded, much like a used corn husk. 

  9. Hey Sam, I find it interesting that you mention talking about the void, because my situation is eerily similar. In the center of my chest, I feel like there is nothing there, except a gaping chasm that sucks the energy out of every human being around me. I've read online about this phenomena and it's known as a "mother" void. What do you think? Thankzzzzzzzzz.

  10. narcs are devils they are all around me.,Im a magnet and it sucks

  11. Thank you for your personal insight and visceral honesty.  I admire truth and honesty.

  12. Thanks for sharing your insights. I found them useful and interesting to hear.

  13. Holy fuck. I am in therapy for narcissism myself. (Though I'm still finding stuff out about it and about myself and I am not sure how bad my npd is.) This makes me question my empathy and my ability to ever be in a relationship with someone I love. 

  14. Does the narcissist come into the relationship knowing it will not last ? Subconsciously and over time consciously, after emotional tests,prods and pokes, the narcissist gives the relation ship a due date or an estimation of "until this happens" then he sets himself up for a self fulfilling prophecy where any action he takes will lead him to seemingly 'correct' decision.

  15. You are very well spoken and dense with your research. From me to you, maybe you should write on other subjects as well something technical like how to successfully write and publish a book regardless of the topic. Regardless of yourcondition I respect you

  16. Two words: Sheldon Cooper.

  17. Sam do you feel any sadness or feelings of anger that you are different. I ask this as you have the insights and intelligence to recognise your condition that other narcissists may not have.

  18. Didn't I read you are married, Sam?….so, on some level, you must have it after all….

  19. Damn. Thank you for this revelation; ideally I'll no longer find men with this condition attractive. I once thought I could get through those "false barriers, penetrable by real love." But they're real, fierce barriers; if the sickness is at all curable, I don't have what it takes to do it. The sad games our minds conjure up to try to prove ourselves special, thus worthy of love from even a cold stone. Battles within ourselves to stop the insanity. Some people drink or drug themselves into oblivion to numb it all away. I remain un-drugged and aware. Your honesty does help a great deal.

  20. Can't some cerebral narcissists enjoy a relatively healthy sex life?

  21. Thank you for these videos. They give me a new understanding and are opening windows, letting in refreshing, air. The language is also a revelation. Points of reference which I had struggled to find are suddenly within reach. Several friends fall within the orbit of the narcissist and have been enlightened when I shared these communications. I caught a comment in an earlier video, in which you referred to the narcissist as the equivalent of an alien inhabiting a human body. This is interesting for many reasons and I had speculated on this possibility many times in the past. Having successfully stopped all though in my mind for a period of weeks, through a very simple process, it really did seem to me that the majority of people seemed to be possessed by a third party and in myself, there was a definite otherness. A very strange experience which many others seem to have gone through.

  22. I had a relationship with a man who turned out to be gay. He has false relationships with female that are non sexual in order for other people to think he's straight.

  23. good video Sam, maybe the rest of the mental health field will catch up someday.

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