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46 thoughts on “Dealing With A Narcissist: Emotional Freedom in Action

  1. Great Video and information. Well needed. Many thanks

  2. Thanks, very interesting, I'm hooked.

  3. The only way to deal with narcissist ppl is to cut those mfs off. Those assholes will stab u in the back then play the victim card all u can do is say gtfo lol.

  4. I've cheated on all the narcissists I dated. It really pissed them off!

  5. Dont listen to this stupid feminist woman i read the crap she wrote on the Huffington i guess the moron thinks narscism only applies to men. Old narcisist hagg probly got dumped and blames every thing on men. Eat shit judith whoreloff MD.

  6. On my god, I have friends like this!

  7. Like thousands and thousands of videos on the subject – informative but not transformative.  You can now identify a narcissist and be on to their game, but once you make the decision to get away from them, how do you STAY away from them and begin your own recovery, to return yourself back to you?  There’s precious little of this type of resource on the internet.  Here’s one that’s worked:  Search on youtube, Melanie Tonia Evans.

  8. I'm a daughter of a narcissistic mother and siblings. My late father when he was alive he was the enabler. He never fought for me against my narc mother.  My youngest sister is the golden child who proudly wears that label.  13 or 14 years ago my sisters have cut themselves from my life which really is a blessing in disguise. My narc mother along with my enabling siblings including the golden child have excluded me out of family and holiday events which for a while had hurt me deeply but eventually accepted it and moved on.  For 5 months I have gone no contact with my narcissistic mother and it was the best decision that I ever made.  I even wrote her a letter to her when I broke things off with her.  Writing her that letter I knew that I had a better chance of getting my points across to her rather than in person.  I get flashbacks from time to time but overall I'm a lot smarter and stronger as I recover from the narcissistic abuse that I was subjected to. I even have my own You Tube channel so that I can not just share my story but to expose my narcissistic family for who they are.

  9. The book was very good but let me say this, if you are a child of a narcissist or was married to one or living with one the chances are you are going to need psychiatric help to get away from them.  A narcissist is a lost cause and in some cases can be extremely dangerous.  My mother was a narcissist and extremely toxic.  I recovered only after I went for intensive psychiatric help and only after I went NO CONTACT and I mean NO CONTACT with this woman.  The treatment plan was never to get her into therapy and to go no contact because she was that toxic.  I am free of the narcissist for five years now and the quality of my life is a thousand times better.

  10. Finally a video where they actually get it.

  11. I would be willing to bet that if a narcissist watched this she would start identifying other people as such and be blind to it in herself.

  12. Most narcissists seem to be alcoholics because it accommodates illuminating their relentless egos, karma's a bitch isn't it assholes? hahahahaha 

  13. I have met enough of those narcissists….men as well as women! Boy, your description is amazing! Thank you!

  14. ……you just described my father, he fits all the criterion 🙂 thank you for all the work you do, I´m sure it´s helpful for many people :))

  15. Gee sounds like most men that i known in my life, they are so upset when you mention any truths 
    always kidding them self's i just let them carry on. One day karma comes along, they have to face the most terrifying  event in there life's "old age" and nobody wants to know them
    and their biggest enemy of all  is called  "reality" 
    Narcissistic people not worth knowing keep away     

  16. U mean ~ violetkitty411 or pyrrh314 don't have empathy 2oo ?

  17. I'm struggling dealing with a workmate who manifest this disorder. I want to get rid of him but it's not possible coz we work together. It's really drain ing and sometimes can make you crazy. Anyone advice how to deal with this personality disorder.

  18. I had a narcissistic home room teacher my senior year, I was never gladder to graduate and get out of her class. She was also really mean. 

  19. Shut up u piece of shit I want to slit your wrist and cut into your throught. Bitch 

  20. I'm trying to figure out if someone is a narcissist.  They don't steer the conversation back to themselves but the conversation has to be on a subject they approve of or I quickly get ignored/cold shoulder falling asleep, distraction.  If I show outside interests other than what they approve of I get the cold shoulder.   

  21. and why, is the narcissist male?

  22. it took me 12 years to realize my ex was Narcissist 

  23. Thank you for making these videos.  I just left a narcissist who was also bipolar.  We were together 3 years before I realized I couldn't make the situation any better.   I wrote a song about the experience-  link here; don't remember me  It helped to heal me. maybe it will do the same for somebody else :)

  24. tyvm for the video and the information, excellent

  25. I have a narsissist friend who thinks they have empathy

  26. You did help. Just convinced me that the past 4 yrs. I've tryed spending on making a life with this guy was all for nothing b/c he's never going to change. Thank you. I needed to hear this. God speed <3

  27. Yeah, I don't think I've ever listened to one from beginning to end. Snippets of him can be enlightening – and probably more than enough lol.

  28. I saw clips. I found him hard to listen to,

  29. wow. I divorced an npd man… been very happy ever since ..

  30. i'm sure there are many reasons and it isn't a universal thing. in other words, different causes for different people.

    a sense of self can be injured either way: distortions of value, distortions of faults. i think it's more a distortion of faults that give rise to self-generated, self-driven over-amplification of a sense of value (to compensate for a crippling fundamental distorted sense of faults and flaws, causing intolerable and unacceptable self-hatred).

  31. I didn't mean any offence, sorry. I just know that spending 7 years under narc abuse leads to psychological injury for even the strongest person. What you do is entirely up to you, of course, but children are simply another tool if a person is truly a narc. Good luck to you too.

  32. Although I appreciate your advice, I don't think u know me well enough to make the call that I have "psychological injuries." I believe I am doing pretty well. I do agree with no contact (from experience with him) but we have a child together…it's harder than that. He puts my 7 year old daughter right in the middle when he needs to. If I go without any contact, I will be keeping my daughter from him…that's what he always falls back on. Thanks and best of luck to u.

  33. I'm familiar with several people who have narcissism problems. Making up for a lack of self achievement seems to be common especially if they once had the convenience of feeling they were special in an environment where they didn't learn the need to consider others. As they grow older the entitlement they always assumed they had is not forthcoming in the world. A grandiose fantasy of self importance is acted out in a kind of pantomime where others are just props for the nurturing of their ego.

  34. Sam's response really made me laugh. I have actually learnt quite a lot about narcissists from his videos. It was just a joke but narcissists don't have much of a sense of humor. I have become skilled at subtly pushing their buttons to the point of bemusement. I logically have to ask myself whether I have much empathy for narcissists and the answer is no I don't after what I have seen of their behavior. I refuse to let selfish manipulative cheats win. I am on a merciless cull.

  35. Please, please go no contact. If you've been involved with him for 7 years, you have psychological injuries of your own to deal with. You sound like an empathic person, but in this case, you can't afford to be kind to him. Let him get help from a professional, and send him on his way with kind thoughts, but please don't involve yourself any further. If you're going for divorce, he'll put on a nice act while setting you up so that he can tell lies about you. Best of luck.

  36. "I thought he was so many wonderful things but it was ME I was seeing in him" You must be pretty wonderful then, just keep reminding yourself of that, and remember anything neg he said to you was designed to break you and completely untrue. Hope he's out of your life now. Good luck!

  37. Lol! Don't take it personally – you DARED to criticise his choice! Who do you think you are, you inferior being. That's what he'll be thinking. His vids are interesting, but I don't think I'd bother commenting because I'd just be pegged as an ant in the universe which revolves around him, like you and anyone else who dares to do anything other than worship at his altar.

  38. Good luck. Don't look back. 🙂

  39. They're not really sure what causes it, still researching. But it seems that the opposite is true – a sense of entitlement is gained by their upbringing by a parent who makes excuses for them, blames other kids for their little darling's misdeeds, tells their child that nobody is as special as they are, and continues to give these messages into teen years. Don't know if they'll ever get to the bottom of it, but the nature/nurture (and which kind of nurture) argument is ongoing.

  40. Ty. My mother was one, and I've spent most of my adult life checking myself constantly to make sure that I never use the tactics she did, which is tricky, because even "normally" functioning humans can be stroppy sometimes lol. You're right though – the only thing we can change is ourselves, and if you get a sniff that you're dealing with a narc, turn round and walk away. Sam Vaknin is an expert on them, because he's a full blown narc himself – he has loads of vids on here if you're interested.

  41. Another perspective. Funny how she laughs to herself intermittently… But yeah the same two who don't like kids employ tracking tactics on me and dismisses me too. 

  42. i think narcissists are people who demonstrate exactly what they've learned by how they've been treated (too much unjust (undeserved) negative, too little genuine positive).

  43. my husband is one. he is a dead monster. im preparing to leave. he is also self centered n lacks love. his family is messed up. so sad a wasted human life

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