Do’s and Dont’s to Keep a Narcissist

How to make your narcissist dependent on you, if you INSIST on staying with him, and how to avoid the wrath of the narcissist. Visit HealthyPlace for in-depth …




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34 thoughts on “Do’s and Dont’s to Keep a Narcissist

  1. i am in a weird relationship with a narcissist i did live with him for a year on and off, i now only talk on the phone every day i love him but he says i don't love you, it's like he is not capable to love i think he is also a sociopath i feel sometimes that he is satan

  2. If i am a narcissist i love you Sam Vaknin, for what you do helps both 🙂 From the heart. I'm a revolutionary, and even though this and my strength for universal purpose to change the world brings real greatness, and my loss of choice of time. I inhibit 80% of these traits at some moment. But I am always honest and deep down very afraid, of falling through my ability to remain functioning within society. As i like all with their rights. Want to be relaxed and logical. The logic of the rock bottom of pain, creates you a loud teacher of truth. :/ :)

  3. Wow I wish I would have watched this years ago said my ex! Wow I could never understand until now this guy describes exactly what has gone on.

  4. Why would one want to "keep" a narcissist?

  5. Sam, you're absolutely right! Thank you for all of your videos!

  6. After being with an abuser for so long these rules become natural instincts. I had to use a lot of psychology to get myself out of bad situation.

  7. Hey, I want to find someone who will follow these rules. Narricists shouldn't get to have all the fun.

  8. SAM, I LOVE U TO DEATH! Thx 4 ur wisdom, very profound! Do NOT think u r NPD. Ur work, its too philanthropic & filled w empathy..healthy guilt, so, ANYWAY…GOD BLESS U AND YOURS!!!

  9. Pls pray i find a way 2 get better. Im taking care of NPD 94 yr old mom. Im struggling w TREATMENT RESISTANT MAJOR DEPRESSION, chronic pain-EDS, PTSD, OCD! Try like HELL TO B LIKE JESUS, DIDN'T HE tell us 2 turn the other cheek, love those who persecute us, don't criticize others for the spec in their eye when we have a board in our own, NOT focus on our own needs, honor parent?mom is adored by all 3 sibs, they all despise me, wish i knew what part i play in dysfunction, they say i have victim energy-even my BFF-whose been the most loving person I've known, EVER! Still,so hard 2 know how i could b a better person, C I'm NOT REALLY PLAYING W A "FULL DECK" EITHER. No self esteem, ask God 2 take me frequently! & the DSM labels r subjective too! How do i know for sure my pathology isn't worse?One of my 3 sibs hates me so much, wont EVEN b my FB friend. I feel demonized by my whole tribe; often wonder how they could leave their mom w a monster?

  10. Is it better to go live on the streets rather than accept help

  11. You just can't help who you fall in love with.

  12. Sam, your really funny. We sure can be sick in these relationships!

  13. Sam, this is exactly right! My 'partner' is very, very well off and I am very much struggling right now. I am living with him out of not being able to afford my own place. In the two years he has just given me a bed and roof over my head and that is it! If I ask him for money for gas, or $5-10.00, he gets VERY hostile and demands to be paid back ASAP!! I have applied to get my own place and pray every day and night I can escape this horrible, horrible nightmare and not. look. back. Thank you so much for your videos and God bless you!

  14. It is unbelievable how long I kept him. I was perfect. He was lucky.

  15. Who in the hell would want to keep a narcissist?

  16. Youre right. Could a borderline turn narcissist

  17. One step forward, 10 steps back. That's the dance!

  18. Dr. Sam i honestly, trully admire all your infos regarding all about narcs, but sadly even thou i have this knowledge and infos that i got from you which is all true and its like ur telling d story of my life with a narc, its so hard to be free, free from the the narc person even thou shes abusing me in almost evry aspecs i dont know why im feeling this its a battle doc but intime i know i can be over this. Again thank you Dr. Sam

  19. but then again …who could be more accurate in describing the thoughts feelings aof that kind of person than a nark himself?

  20. This made me realize a lot… I am that codependent who was insisting on staying with my narcissist. I'm glad I watched this video because I am starting to realize that I don't need him. not even a little bit.

  21. just bash their brains right the fuck in

  22. Thank you Sam. I wish I had understood this before as I am in hell!

  23. that is sooooo true…. OUCH

  24. motchka…sounds like you are a narcissist smearing him  LOL

  25. I wish I had a class with this guy before EVER getting married…..funny how many people today have so many of these characteristics……and now I really know the reason why my husbands were never satisfied with 'anything', it was a control mechanism of their own CONtroll desease/virus…….and there never 'any' change. They do make great Masons ! LOLOLOL

  26. What about if it's a sister? 

  27. The narcissist video is so great! Its funny how totally correct you are, I want to be free from the suffering those narcissists love to cause you. I wish he would forget my name!!!!

  28. Completely subjugate your own personality and needs and submit to a life as his thrall? Deify him and become his unquestioning devotee? 
    Priceless video!

  29. Sam you would be a great host of Masterpiece Theater! Because the Narcissist gives great theater !You make perfect sense!

  30. THIS is a trap that I fell into and I am very thankful I am no longer involved in!

  31. Excelent elaboration,thank you.

  32. Excellent, yes I lost a lot of myself but as I was raised in a family of narcissists and it's hard to see non narcissists as fun. I am retraining my brain and deathly afraid of being bored in a sane relationship:/

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